
美 [kætʃ]英 [kætʃ]
  • v.抓住;捕捉;捕获;接住
  • n.接(球等);总捕获量;扣拴物;扣件
  • adj.有趣味的;设有圈套的
  • 网络赶上;捉住

过去式:caught 第三人称单数:catches 现在分词:catching

catch bus,catch train,catch fish,catch plane,catch fire


v. n.


1.[t]~ sth接住;截住;拦住to stop and hold a moving object, especially in your hands

2.[t]~ sth接(落下的液体)to hold a liquid when it falls

3.[t]~ sb/sth (+ adv./prep.)抓住;握住to take hold of sb/sth


4.[t]~ sb/sth逮住;捕捉;捕获to capture a person or an animal that tries or would try to escape

某人正做某事sb doing sth

5.[t]当场发现(或发觉)to find or discover sb doing sth, especially sth wrong


6.[t]~ sth赶上(公共汽车、火车、飞机等)to be in time for a bus, train, plane, etc. and get on it

及时be in time

7.[t]~ sb/sth及时做(或谈等)to be in time to do sth, talk to sb, etc.


8.[t](informal)~ sth看见;听到;出席;参加to see or hear sth; to attend sth

意外地发生happen unexpectedly

9.[t]~ sb突然遭受to happen unexpectedly and put sb in a difficult situation


10.[t]得病;染疾to get an illness

被缠住become stuck

11.[i][t](被)钩住,夹住,绊住to become stuck in or on sth; to make sth become stuck


12.[t]击中;打to hit sb/sth


13.[t]~ sth察觉;瞥见to notice sth only for a moment


14.[t]~ sth听清楚;领会to hear or understand sth

逼真地显示show accurately

16.[t]~ sth逼真再现;准确描绘to show or describe sth accurately


17.[t]~ sth(光)照射;受到(光的)照射if sthcatches the light or the lightcatches it, the light shines on it and makes it shine too


19.[t][i]~ (fire)烧着;着(火)to begin to burn


catch your breath

(由于恐惧、震惊等)屏息,屏气to stop breathing for a moment because of fear, shock, etc.

catch your death (of cold)

患重感冒to catch a very bad cold

catch sbs eye

引起某人注意;惹人注目to attract sb's attention

catch it

受罚;受斥责to be punished or spoken to angrily about sth

catch sb napping

使人措手不及;乘其不备to get an advantage over sb by doing sth when they are not expecting it and not ready for it

catch sb on the hop

使某人措手不及to surprise sb by doing sth when they are not expecting it and not ready for it

catch sb red-handed

当场抓住;现场捕获to catch sb in the act of doing sth wrong or committing a crime

catch sb with their pants down

使突陷窘境;乘人措手不及;出其不意;冷不防to arrive or do sth when sb is not expecting it and not ready, especially when they are in an embarrassing situation


人教版九年级上册英语单词表 ... creature 生物 catch 抓住 unhappy 不快乐的 ...


字典中 拏 字的解释 ... (3) 搏斗[ fight] (5) 同“拿”。捉拿;捕捉[ catch] (7) 牵连;连结[ draw;connect] ...


字典中 得 字的解释 ... (5) 得知[ hear of;learn about] (6) 捕获[ catch] (8) 成功;完成[ succeed] ...


人教版九年级英语单词表_百度文库 ... creature 生物 catch 赶上;捕获 unhappy 不快乐的 ...


仁爱版七年级(下)英语单词词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... bird n. 鸟 catch v. 捉住;接住;赶上;染上(疾病) worm n. 软体虫,蠕虫( …


C开头的单词_百度文库 ... catalog n. 目录,目录册 catch vt. 捉住;赶上;领会 cathedral n. 总教堂;大教堂 ...

But if God really is multi-purpose, and he then has satisfied my desire in a little while, then, I bring first he to catch the wind. 不过假如上帝真是万能的,并且他顷刻间便满足了我的愿望,那么,我将第一个带他去兜风。
Struggling to catch up with him, but the whereabouts of the red block and can only stay at cars off, do nothing. 他奋力追赶,却被红灯阻挡去向,只能呆望着车扬长而去,无可奈何。
Once I was in a hurry trying to catch the train to Shanghai. I packed up and put all the things I would need into a suitcase and locked it. 有一次,我忙着赶去上海的火车,收拾好行李,把所需要的东西放进箱子,上了锁。
She did not get up too late to catch the early bus. 她起得早,赶上了早班车。
For himself, his own catch had been made, and he would have to wrestle with it for the rest of his life. 对他自己而言,他已经被钓上钩了,他得用自己余生与之抗衡。
``Society has changed, '' Stillman says, ``but the ovaries will take another million years or two to catch up to that. '' 斯蒂尔曼说:“社会在变,但是女性卵巢可能需要百万年才能赶上这样的变化。”
However, I would catch Marguerite looking sad, and sometimes there were tears in her eyes. 但是,有时候玛格丽特显得很忧愁,有几次甚至还流着眼泪,这使我感到奇怪。
He seems to be one of those rare people who find that age and injuries don't catch up with them. 他似乎是一个少有的人,很少有人能在他这个年龄,还几乎没什么伤病的。
They are not agile or fast ships. If the enemy decides to make a run for it, ship-of-the-line would have hard time to catch up. 他们并不是快速轻巧的船只,如果敌舰决定脱离海战,轻型战列舰很难在第一时间追上。
At the river-side I also did a bit of prose writing, not on any definite subject or plan, but in the spirit that boys catch butterflies. 我在河畔的时候也写了一些散文,但都没有什么明确的题目和计划,只是在一种小孩捕捉蝴蝶的心情下写的。
If you believe that nothing but what you say and do is the truth, you are not a good catch. And that is an unbeatable truth. 如果你觉得只有你自己的所言所行正确,你就不是一个抢手货——这是一个不争的事实。
But computer division head Kunimasa Suzuki said the company had ambitions to catch up quickly. 但索尼电脑部主管KunimasaSuzuki称,该公司有信心能很快地迎头赶上。
In this state, he made his way back to the devastated city to try to do what he had meant to do that day: catch the train. 在这样的情形下,他依然设法回到了被摧毁的城市,然后设法完成他那天原定的计划:赶火车。
If I ever catch any of y'all spray-paintin' on anybody's wall, I'll stick my foot so far up your behind that you'll have toes for teeth! 如果让我抓住你们任何一个人用喷漆在别人的墙上乱画,我就会从你们背后远远地伸出脚方在你们嘴里。
To be able to go home, I got up early to catch the train. 为了能早点回家,我早早就起来赶火车。
He was too excited to catch what his wife said, for that afternoon he would meet his high school sweetheart. 他太兴奋以至于没听清他妻子在说什么,因为那天下午他将与他的高中女友见面。
They had followed him with difficulty, for his mind darted from subject to subject with a connection they did not always catch. 他们听他的话很费解,他的思路从一个题目跳到另一个题目,他们把握不住其中的联系。
After being in the hospital for a year, she had a lot of living to catch up on. 住院一年之签,她必须尽力维持生计。
August might catch your attention, if it did not already, yet remain flexible, use common sense while being vigilant. 八月可能会引起你的注意,如果没有,但保持灵活性,使用常识,同时。
She ran on and on, down the hill, up the next, trying to catch up with her daughter. 她跑啊跑。跑下一个山坡,又跑上另一个山坡,努力地想追上女儿。
I had to look at what was underneath for a long time. My eyes saw it, but it took a while for my mind to catch up. 我看着石头下的东西许久、许久,我的眼睛早就看到了,但是我的脑子得花一点时间,才能真正意识到是怎么回事。
But before he could catch hold of it a shot rang out. 但在他能抓住它,镜头带点。
Today Andy wobbles down the main street of Malong, searching to remember how to walk. A few paces behind, Ed walks ready to catch him. 今天,马普安在马龙的大街上摇摇晃晃地走着,努力想记起该怎么走路,李爱德在他身后几步跟着,准备随时扶住他。
Catch clause can be used without arguments, in which case it catches any type of exception, and referred to as the general catch clause. 子句使用时可以不带任何参数,这种情况下它捕获任何类型的异常,并被称为一般catch子句。
Evolution did not narrowly require that insects fly or swim, only that they somehow move quick enough to escape predators or catch prey. 若非为了逃避捕食者或捕获猎物而需要它们设法跑得足够快,进化不会强求昆虫飞行或游泳。
If you are not sure whether the method is right or not, you would catch the wind with a net. 如果你不能确定方法的对错,你可能只是徒劳无益。
They provided an early spark, but it looks like the spark did not catch. 他们提供了一个早期火花,但看上去并没有赶上的火花。
The new study shows that happiness spreads through social networks like an emotional virus -- a virus people would be happy to catch. 这个新研究显示了快乐通过社交网络的传染就像情绪病毒--一种很容易被人们感染的病毒。
And when he does catch criminals, the result is often a plea-bargain and a reduced sentence, to save time. 即使他抓到了犯罪人,结局总是犯罪人进行轻罪承认答辩以减刑争取时间。
If she wants to go out with him, but doesn't want to appear too easy to catch, she has achieved that with her reply. 如果她想同他出去,但不希望出现太容易赶上,她已经达到了与她的答复。