
美 [vju]英 [vjuː]
  • v.查看;观看;把…视为;以…看待
  • n.看;视野;观看;风景
  • 网络视图;观点;检视

复数:views 现在分词:viewing 过去式:viewed

take view,change view,share view,give view,hold view
different view,general view,beautiful view,panoramic view,same view


n. v.


1.[c](个人的)看法,意见,见解;态度a personal opinion about sth; an attitude towards sth

理解方式way of understanding

2.[sing]~ (of sth)(理解或思维的)方法,方式a way of understanding or thinking about sth

可看到的东西what you can see

3.[u][sing]观看;看;视野;视域;视线used when you are talking about whether you can see sth or whether sth can be seen in a particular situation

4.[c](从某处看到的)景色,风景;(尤指)乡间美景what you can see from a particular place or position, especially beautiful countryside


5.[c]风景照;风景画a photograph or picture that shows an interesting place or scene

观看的机会chance to see sth

6.[c](一次)观看;一睹;一览a special chance to see or admire sth


have, etc. sth in view

心中有…目的(或打算等)to have a particular aim, plan, etc. in your mind

in full view (of sb/sth)

完全看得见;在眼皮底下completely visible, directly in front of sb/sth

in view of sth

鉴于;考虑到;由于considering sth

on view

在展出;陈列着;展览着being shown in a public place so that people can look at it

with a view to sth/to doing sth

为了;指望with the intention or hope of doing sth


视图组装器(View Composers)本质上就是一段代码,这段代码在视图View)加载时会自动执行。最好的例子就是博客中的 …


舞台英文术语 ... Grand master 基本控 View 查看 submaster 集控 ...


蓝之象企划机构-北京蓝之象企划机构-首页 ... Case/ 案例 View/ 观点 Services/ 服务 ...


检视View)包含模型(Model)一起回传。产品介绍及维护 - 实作(二) WebImage Helper 产品介绍及维护 - 实作(三) …


见崎鸣_百度百科 ... U - unconditional( 无条件的) V - view风景) W - warm( 温暖) ...


外研版英语九年级上册单词表_百度文库 ... lift n. 电梯 view n. 景色 attract vt. 吸引 ...


人教版2010高中英语必修一单词表 - 豆丁网 ... reliable adj. 可信赖的;可靠的 view n. 风景;视野;观点;见解 yak n. 牦牛 ...


当今来看(View),爵士(Jazz)和排名第八的灰熊只差一个胜场,加入季后赛并非没有机缘。爱情不过是生活的奢侈品,有更好, …

And the point of the article was that we have gotten reductionist in our view of biology, in our view of cancer. 这篇文章的核心是用简化论者的眼光来看待生物学、看待癌症。
This book is an attempt to look with a scientist's eye at a few things that are usually kept out of scientific view. 本书就是力图从一个科学家的视角,去审视通常被排除在科学研究范畴以外的几样事物。
Part 1 of this series introduces the concept of business entities as a means of representing the business view of data. 本系列的第1部分介绍业务实体的概念,业务实体是一种表示数据的业务视图的方法。
Bush himself has said he does not view the Olympics as a political event. "I view it as a sporting event, " he said earlier this year. 布什自己说他不把奥运会政治化,他今年早些时候说,我仅仅将他看成一个体育盛事。
This point of view is prominently reflected in historical conception, historiography objective, research areas, and research methods. 这在历史观、治史旨趣、研究领域和研究方法等方面都有突出的反映。
The Extender is always on and running, ready for you to turn on your TV, watch a show, or view some pictures. 扩展器始终处于打开和运行状态,以备您随时打开电视、观看节目或查看一些图片。
European stocks have dropped more than U. S. markets this year, creating something of an opportunity, in my view. 今年截至目前,欧洲股市的累计跌幅大于美国股市,在我看来,这不失为一个投资机会。
"I view this initiative as a model of what can be achieved through integrated service delivery, " she said. 我考虑通过整合服务,使这种已经取得效果主动预防的模式推广。
Our relationship should be strong enough to address not only those issues on which we agree, but those on which we take a different view. 英中两国的关系应该异常坚固,不仅足以解决双方一致赞成的问题,还能够应对我们意见相左的问题。
I cannot pretend to know how writing ought to be done, or what a wise critic would advise me to do with a view to improving my own writing. 我不能装作深谙成文之道,或是尽悉一个来自于某个智慧的评论家能够改进我写作的建议。
But, medium-sized and small enterprises board is only a transitional form of GEM market, OTC market also is only in the na? ve view. 但是,现在的中小企业板块只是创业板的一个过渡形式,并不能算是资本市场的一个单独层次,同时,场外交易市场也还处于幼稚期。
Do they distort the record of the past to produce a dramatic story or to promote a political point of view? 电影导演是否为了戏剧效果或为了强调某种政治观点而扭曲了历史记录?
A brave and nature soul, he could view in his own eyes, to love in his heart, to judge by his own wisdom, be man instead of shadow. 一个勇敢而率真灵魂,能用自己的眼睛观照,用自己的心去爱,用自己的理智去判断;不做影子,而做人。
It's the difference between tickets to the World Cup where you're sitting in the front row and a five-second view of it on TV. 和亚轨道飞行相比,就像是坐在前排现场看世界杯和在电视上看5分钟集锦的区别。
Starting today, you will be able to see the names of local businesses as you move through a town in Street View. 从现在开始,当你在浏览Google街景时,可以看到本地商家的名称。
But a review of the scientific research does not confirm this point of view. 但是一个科学的研究审查不认可这种看法。
But the Snake, proud of his ancient eminence in Scriptural history, was strictly orthodox, and did not accept the scientific view. 但是,蛇,他在圣经历史的古隆起骄傲,是严格正统的,不接受科学的观点。
If such a view were to prevail, Singapore would eventually become a monolingual society and the bilingual policy would exist only in name. 如果让这种主张占主导,到头来,新加坡必成为单语社会,双语政策名存实亡。
Then, after gradually breaking through the tight encirclement, it came into full view and even dyed the dark clouds purple and scarlet. 后来太阳才慢慢地冲出重围,出现在天空,甚至把黑云也染成了紫色或者红色。
If you were to look straight into the front of the box and trace what you saw with a wax pencil, you would have sketched the front view. 假如你直视盒子的正前方,然后用铅笔跟踪你所看到的工具,你就绘出了物体的前视图。
The Government wants the public to understand long-term view of the dialectical nature of the adjustment and high-rise block of blasting. 而政府则希望市民理解,立足长远辩证地看待地块性质调整和高楼的爆破。
The transition to "liberalism" takes place in an imperceptible manner, like continental drift, thus hiding its effects from view. 对“自由主义”的过渡是以一种潜移默化的方式进行的,如大陆漂移,从而从视图中隐藏的影响。
In Shanghai, dark clouds left the sky overcast, dampening the mood for those all prepared to view the eclipse. 在上海,乌云将整个天空遮蔽了,抑制了所有准备好看日蚀的人们的情绪。
Hence vegetarianism tends to be a good idea from an environmental point of view. 因此,从环保的角度来看,素食主义往往是个好主意。
Someone was able to find a few blank view-foils and a solitary black marker pen, and off we went into uncharted waters. 有人能找到一些空白视图箔和孤独黑色记号笔和越野我们进入了未知的水域。
According to this view, faith would not have persisted over thousands of generations if it had not helped the human race to survive. 根据这种观点,倘若信仰没有帮助人们的生存竞争的话,它是无法持续千万代的。
"Then we will take a really different view of it, since it will become more of a GNOME package than it is now, " he said. “然后,我们将用真正不同的眼光来看待它,因为它将比现在更象是GNOME包的一部分”,他说。
But from beginning to end, Mishima Yukio's view of death was controversially, nobody can make a final conclusion of him. 而三岛由纪夫的死亡观则从始至终受到争议,谁也没有办法给他一个稳固的正身。
This is, obviously, that famous view now of the Arctic, which is likely to be gone at this point in the next three or four or five years. 显然,这是我们所熟悉的北极美景,而这将很快消失不见,可能只是三、四或五年之后。
Noah had said something about missing the view when he started to paddle, but she'd shaken her head, saying she was fine the way she was. 诺亚开始摇浆时说这样可能有一些景色看不到,她却摇摇头,说她这样很好。