dwell on

  • na.细想详述仔细研究强调;拖长(发音)仔细打量;减慢
  • 网络详细讲述;凝思;老是想着

第三人称单数:dwells on 现在分词:dwelling on 过去式:dwelled on 过去式:dwelt on

dwell ondwell on

dwell on


大学英语四级常用词组 ... on duty 值班;上班 dwell on 细想;详细讲述 be all ears 全神贯注地倾听着 ...


英语短语大全 - 豆丁网 ... drop out 退出,离队 70. dwell on 详述;凝思 71. figure out 推测,算出,估计 72. ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... on duty 值班;上班 dwell on 细想;详细讲述 be all ears 全神贯注地倾听着 ...


词语的固定搭配_百度文库 ... dispose for 布置,安排 第五十八组 dwell on 凝思;详述 hinder from 阻止,妨碍 ...


english_天涯博客_有见识的人都在此_天涯社区 ... dwell vi. 居住; dwell on 老是想着… beside the question 离题,与题无关; ...


生活大爆炸口语吐血整理 ... 178.make a habit of it: 形成习惯 179.dwell on: 总想着 180.go off: 走火 ...


求帮忙翻译_百度知道 ... precipitate vt. 加速 dwell on 详论,详述 sweeping a. 有广泛影响的 ...


1406 :: 痞客邦 PIXNET :: ... reflect on 细想 dwell on 老是想著 make the most of sth= 善加利用 ...

"It's nice to hear the manager say nice things about you but I can't dwell on that now, " he said. “很高兴听到教练对我有好的评价,但我不会就此而沾沾自喜,”他表示。
Start scanning through the body: when you notice a pleasant feeling, (e. g. the warmth of the body, etc. ) dwell on that for a while. 开始扫描身体:当你体会到愉快的感觉(例如身体的温暖),给点时间体会它。
She did not dwell on the details of the matter. 她没有多讲事情的细节。
Instead of allowing yourself to dwell on things you did not do well, focus on the moments where you were happy and content. 不要让自己对那些你没有做好的事情念念不忘,关注于你曾快乐、满足的时候。
Just for today, when I leave work, I will not dwell on how much I. 就在今天,当我离开工作的时候,我不会对我做完了多少事和。
Or perhaps one of your investments fall in value, and you dwell on the time when you could've sold it while in the money. 或者,你的某支股票不断贬值,你就会不断回想那个你能脱手赚到钱的时机。
Once the negativity is out there, it's up to you to tell your brain not to dwell on it. 一旦出现否定,您就要告诉大脑不要停留在这里。
Do not dwell on the concluding statement, and try not even to think of it except during the practice periods. 不要在那句结语上逗留太久,除了练习时刻以外,根本不必去想它的意义。
It's easy to dwell on what I can't do, and from there I can surely blame autism or anything else for my failure. 停留在我不能做的事上很简单,这样我就可以把失败归咎给孤独症或其他原因。
But will God really dwell on earth ? The heavens , even the highest heaven, cannot contain you. How much less this temple I have built! 上帝果真住在地上吗?看哪,天和天上的天尚且不足你居住的,何况我所建的这殿呢?。
The best way to leave things unsaid is to leave them unthought, or if I've thought them, not to dwell on them. 让一些事情不说出来最好的方法就是不去想,或者如果我已经想到,那么就不做停留。
He said: "It's very disappointing to lose Emile, but these things happen. We can't dwell on it, we've got to move on. " 他说“失去埃米尔让人失望,但是事情已经发生了,耿耿于怀是无济于事的,我们必须想办法应对。”
but he was beginning to fear his tendency to dwell on the things he disliked in her. 不过他开始害怕去细想她身上那些令他反感的东西。
And if it doesn't work out, you can arrange to see friends at the weekend and not dwell on your disaster. 如果不顺利的话,你还可以安排周末去见见朋友,而不用一个人顾影自怜。
Don't dwell on the reasons that are out of your control, because this job doesn't entirely suit you and your chances are slim. 不要多想那些你无法控制的原因,因为这份工作并不完全适合你,而且你的机会也很小。
Don't dwell on the matter too much, but dismiss it from your mind. 不要老去想这件事,从你的头脑它抛开。
The sight disgusted Hurstwood, but he did not dwell on it, choosing to gaze into the stove and think of something else. 看到这个情景,赫斯渥感到恶心,但他不去想它,而是盯着炉子,想着别的事情。
Acknowledge what you did to hurt this other person, but do not dwell on the problem for too long. You have to let it go. 承认自己曾经伤害过这个人,但是不要对这个问题考虑得太久。这件事过去就让它过去。
I didn't dwell on how if I had gotten into blogging earlier I would be so much further ahead then I am now. 我也不谈论如果我早点开始写博客的话,那么现在我的情况就会比我现在实际上的要好。
You should not dwell on trying to find out the exact meaning of particular clinical signs, symptoms or lab results. 你不需执着定要找出特定的临床指标、症状或是实验结果。
"I don't try to dwell on it, " he said, "but I don't choose tobury the memory either. " 他说:“我并没有要求自己停留在记忆中,但我也不会刻意把过去埋葬。”
my thoughts as I sit there and puff it, dwell on a picture sad and gray that teaches me that very like am I myself unto my pipe. 我坐在那喷吐,我的思绪停留在哀伤而灰暗景象中,发现自己跟烟斗很相似。
The memorial, he said, is not an attempt to dwell on the past. 沃尔夫大使说,纪念碑不是在缅怀过去。
Based upon the classic literature of Liao Zai, Painted Skin is an adaptation of one of the stories that dwell on fox spirits. 根据古典文学聊斋,画皮改编自一个存在于狐狸精神的故事。
Sometimes I think back to the confession scene and say to myself, "Am I going to dwell on things I can't control or just deal with it? " 有时候我回想着阿纳金坦白的那场戏,对我自己说:“对于我无法控制的事,我是该踌躇不前,还是设法处理好它?”
We tend to dwell on negative events from our past in an effort to understand why they happened. 我们常常会细想我们过去的那些消极事件,努力去理解它们发生的原委。
Officials in Shanghai, where the 2010 World Expo will run from May until October, understandably do not dwell on the historical precedent. 2010年世博会将从5月持续至10月,可想而知,上海官员并不会对这一历史先例念念不忘。
When it comes to green tech, it's easy to dwell on the bad news. 谈及绿色技术,我们很容易对一些坏消息耿耿于怀。
In short, they gave the world a fine hand in almost any game of international bragging rights, not that they like to dwell on the past. 简而言之,但凡是在世界上有吹嘘资本的,他们差不多都有那么一手。这倒不是说他们喜欢陈耽往事。
The Mole knew well that it is quite against animal-etiquette to dwell on possible trouble ahead, or even to allude to it. 鼹鼠深知,一味谈论以后可能遇到的麻烦,哪怕只是间接地提一下,也是违反动物的戒律的。