opt for

  • na.选取;赞成
  • 网络选择;就是选择;选择了

opt foropt for

opt for


两高中男生课堂打架 被罚当众手牵手_优学网 ... get wind of: 听闻 opt for选择 anti-gay: 反同性恋的 ...


20110128 ... earn Oscar nods as…… contender 争夺者,竞争者 opt for 就是选择 monarch 君主 ...


[原创]英语科技文选词汇总集[旺旺英语论坛] ... In relation to 就…而论 Opt for 选取 Out of phase 不同 ...


CNN互动英语学习报 -五月十二日 ... Weekly Test 每周小测验 opt for 选择了……;择定 weigh in on 提出建言;作出评论 ...


Travel Europe on a penny-经典译文-考试大 ... cramped 狭窄的 opt for 选择来 portable 便携式的 ...


商务英语词汇学习 ... undercut 降价 opt for sth. 倾向于选择 farewell party 告别聚会 ...


Travel Europe on a penny ... cramped 狭窄的 opt for 选择来源: portable 便携式的 ...


沪江博客 - sooner or later... ... 2、up someone's sleeve 是指某人的秘密。 5、opt for 意思是选择 6、to use restraint 加以克制 ...

Instead of accepting an invitation to a fun social event, you may be smarter to opt for a bit of relaxing time at home. 你可以精明的选择轻松的在家时间,代替可笑的社交活动。
Should the company ultimately opt for an IPO then the proceeds would also be used to fund new acquisitions, he said. 他说,如果公司最终选择IPO,那么其收益也会为新的并购提供资金。
We decided to opt for English as a common language and it was the only decision which could have held Singapore together. 我们决定选择英语作为通用语,这是唯一可以把新加坡团结起来的决策。
Unless you opt for a prepaid plan or a pricey unlimited plan, there's no way of telling how much a phone will really cost you. 除非你选择预付款或是不限价,那么你是绝不可能知道一部手机到底会花掉你多少钱。
But since the city has yet to spend its stimulus allocation, it could opt for a year-round effort to target the most isolated teenagers. 不过,既然该市还有经济刺激计划拨款可供使用,它还是可以采取措施,专门为那些最受孤立的青少年群体投入一年精力。
And yet the sales figures seem to challenge the notion that we all opt for "integration" above "open. " 而销售数字看起来好像在挑战他的这个观点:我们都接受“综合”大于“开放”。
At least one of the parties to a future dispute would be afraid to submit to this judge's ruling, and so would opt for a competitor. 至少其中的一方在未来的争端中不敢再请这个法官来审理,也就为竞争者提供了机会。
And, For those customers who opt for a "platinum" service, an agent will show up in person, perhaps with a small gift to ease the pain. 还有,对于那些选择“白金服务”的客户,代理将亲自出马,有时还会带上小礼物“哄人”哦。
Some would opt for gold, although it pays no yield and its nominal value is highly volatile. China has no asset that seems appropriate. 一些人可能会选择黄金,尽管它并没有固定的收益率而且其名义价格也极度不稳定。
Don't try to be fancy with your meal; opt for a delicious, juicy and succulent chicken dish versus a more expensive veal, beef or lamb. 饭菜不用太昂贵。可选用美味多汁的鸡肉代替更贵的牛肉或羊肉。
I would love to see some genetic research on those who choose to be a Blue and those who opt for the Reds in Liverpool. 我很想看在这个城市谁选择去当埃弗顿的支持者和谁选择支持利物浦俱乐部这样的一个基因调查。
So it's easy to understand why consumers might opt for the lower-cost counterfeit. 这就是消费者为何选择低成本的仿冒品的原因了。
Designer Mikhail Belyaev said he may opt for an alternative button operated system as it is currently in its concept stage. 设计师MikhailBelyaev他可能会选择一个备用按钮驱动的方案。因为这项设计还处于概念状态。
Most people opt for a "squoval" shape, but this summer is all about round shapes for short nails or almond shapes for long nails. 许多人喜欢由方形过渡到椭圆的指甲形状,但是今夏的潮流是:短指磨成甲圆形,长指甲磨成杏仁形。
And as this special report has argued, it is far from clear what sort of future Arabs would opt for if they had a free choice. 同时正如本期特别报道所指出的那样,阿拉伯人在拥有自由抉择的机会时究竟会选取怎样的未来也远未明晰。
Most gay men opt for an IVF procedure using an egg from a donor placed in the body of a different woman, who carries the embryo to term. 大多数男同志选择走试管婴儿的程序——从捐助者那儿得到卵子,再把受精卵植入另一名妇女的体内,而后者则怀胎至足月,分娩婴儿。
You can opt for the translation services of a human being to act as a mediator between you and those with whom you interact. 可以选择翻译服务人员做为您和您的交流对象间的中介。
If it is not possible for you, try and make sure that you opt for barefoot walking at least when you are at home. 如果你没办法做到的话,要尽力保证至少在家的时候,你能选择光着脚走路。
Therefore, before zipping a Rational Project, you can opt for not considering this folder (if it's not important for your new environment). 因此,在压缩Rational项目之前,您可以选择不考虑该文件夹(如果它对您的新环境不重要的话)。
Those from the minority communities, as they do not feel strong enough, may opt for ways that are more drastic and extreme. 属于少数社群的艺术家,因为力量特别微弱,所以采取的方法可能更激烈、更极端。
Even easier: Opt for extended-wear contacts, which can be left in for up to seven days and nights in a pinch. 更简便的方法是:选择那种可抛型隐形眼镜,它们每次最多可以使用七昼夜。
And they tended to opt for immediate rewards, like getting a small cash payment right away rather than waiting a week for a larger sum. 同时,他们倾向于选择即时的奖励,比如立即获得一笔小的现金,而不是等一周后获得一笔更多的钱。
Admittedly, the bank does also fund coal-fired projects, but it insists that wherever possible, it will opt for greener forms of power. 当然,世行也为燃煤项目拨款,但是它坚持,在可能的情况下,会选择更为环保的能源形式。
Firms on a tighter budget can opt for a bare bones system with a camcorder and off-the-shelf software. 公司缩紧的预算可以藉由摄录像机和现成的软体而选择一个贫乏的系统。
Despite some calls for a march on the nearby state television building, most people appeared to opt for home. 尽管有人呼吁到附近的国家电视台大楼外示威,但多数人还是选择回家。
Tip: Opt for a colored pair of hosiery that adds some pizazz to an otherwise neutral palette. 评点:选择一双彩色的袜子,为一身中性的色彩注入活力:
What sort of external financing options can businesses opt for to support their venture ? 点样既金融服务可以帮助中小型企业家扩展业务?。
If you opt for this route, you'll want the line of credit to be big -- big enough to rebuild your house. 如果你选择了房屋抵押贷款,你会希望自己的信贷额度提高--要足够你重建家园。
Whether you opt for a physical date book or calendar or go for an online app, take advantage of the ready-made tools available. 无论你是用笔记本,日历还是在线应用程序,好好利用现成可用的工具。
If you're baking homemade pie, opt for whole wheat pie crusts and substitute low-fat or skim milk for evaporated milk, she said. “如果你在烤自制派,选择全麦派面包皮和用低脂或脱脂牛奶替代炼乳”,她说。