
  • na.支持;堵塞;【棒球】抢救后方;【计算机】把(文件等备份)
  • 网络备用;后备;备份的

第三人称单数:backs up 现在分词:backing up 过去式:backed up




英语新词汇与常用词汇的翻译(B) ... back-to-back 紧接的 back-up 备份 backache 背痛 ...


热能与动力工程专业英语词汇_百度文库 ... motor-operated 电动操纵的 back-up 备用 moving blades/ blading 动叶片 ...


英语环境专业词汇3_小小白兔_新浪博客 ... backscattering 后向散射 back-up 支持;支持物;备分 BACT 可得的最佳控制污染 …


热控英语词汇_百度文库 ... Interrupt 中断 Back-up 后备 Base 基本 ...


新东方考研高频词汇_百度文库 ... background 背景 back-up 替补的,备份的 bacteria 细菌的 ...


燃机电厂常用英语单词 ... back-up protection system 后备保护系统 back-up 后背,后援,备份 bag filter 滤袋 ...


考研隐性大纲之一_Frank说词解意_新浪博客 ... best-selling novel 最畅销的小说 back-up a. 后备的; n.备份 ill,well 专题 ...


BEC 高级教材词汇 备用_deer_新浪博客 ... Goal-oriented 目标导向的 Back-up 备份;支援 Sufficiently 十分地, 充 …

CNN has not been able to independently verify the information, but snapshots of the Web pages appear to back up the claim. CNN至今无法证明该信息的真实性,然而网页截图似乎支持了这一说法。
One of the practical limits to the number of users supported on a single server is the time it takes to back up the mail storage . 对单个服务器上支持的用户数的一个实际限制是备份邮件存储所花费的时间。
Ser Barristan will have summoned a pair of sedan chairs to carry us back up to the banquet, but the climb can still be wearisome. 巴利斯坦爵士会叫来一对轿椅把我们带回宴席,但攀爬依旧累人。
When he did win the gold medal, the Greeks gave him a statue of Athena, and, presumably to fatten him back up , a lamb. 当他是终获得金牌时,希腊人赠予他一尊“雅典娜”塑像,而且还送给他一只羊,可能想让他重新长胖。
But after I stood back up, my dad's footsteps slowly became more confident. Only at that moment, I realized how much he cared for me. 可是我重新站起来时,他的脚步变得更有自信。只有在那一时刻我才意识到他又多么的爱我。
If you do not back up the log frequently enough, the transaction log can expand until it runs out of disk space. 如果不经常备份日志,则事务日志可能会展开直到占满磁盘空间。
After jumping back up to nearly 500, 000 in late April, weekly jobless claim figures have been trending back down in recent weeks. 在4月底失业人数重新回到500,000左右以后,最近几周每周的失业申请数都是逐渐减少的。
Ulysses' main transmitter no longer works and its back-up systems are also beginning to fail. 尤里西斯的主传送机已经坏了,后备系统也开始出问题。
When you are happy, deselect your marching ants by going back up to your Select menu at the top of your screen and choosing Deselect. 如果觉得满意,通过顶部的选择菜单的“取消选择”来取消行军蚂蚁线。
He just fluttered down from the perch, poked a seed in Baby's open mouth and went back up for his share and the next seed for Baby. 它只是舞动着翅膀飞离杆子,然后将一粒种子送进小鸟张开的嘴中,然后飞回去继续进食,接着又给小鸟喂食。
I feel like everything slows to a crawl. And when I shift back up to a higher level perspective, it's like I'm back in the flow again. 我感觉到一切慢得像爬行,然后我又转回高层次视角,就像我回到了那股流中一样了。
The Home Office is now exploring how the craft can be used to give back-up to police, ambulance and fire services. 现在,英国内政部正在研究如何把这种飞机归还给警方、救护和消防系统使用。
Bush dribbled the ball expecting it to bounce back up but it died on the carpet, eliciting a roar of laughter from the Heat players. 其间,布什总统还在地板上玩起了运球,但由于球落在地毯上,没能弹起来。这把热火队的球员们逗得哈哈大笑。
"There is room, there is a cushion, " he said. "The question is, how long before everyone can get back up to 100 percent? " “目前还有一定的缓冲馀地,”他表示,“问题在于所有企业恢复全面生产会需要多长时间?”
Our debt market, although more developed than those of many others in the region, is by no means an effective back-up for the banks. 香港的债券市场在亚洲区算是较为成熟,但仍未能对银行体系发挥有效的支援作用。
On top of this mess, some sand was deposited, buried, lithified into rock, and brought back up to the surface yet again. 在这堆岩层的上面,一些沙子沉积、掩埋、固化成岩,然后又被带回到表面上。
Assuming you can back up the active log after a disaster occurs, you can restore the database up to the point of failure without data loss. 假定可以在发生严重故障后备份活动日志,则可将数据库一直还原到没有发生数据丢失的故障点处。
They get surrounded by soap molecules and, because air is lighter than water, the bubbles want to get back up to the surface. 这样它们就会被肥皂分子包围,由于空气比水轻,所以肥皂泡还是会回到表面。
Sales are back up, the head count is now up to 130, and Acme reckons it will hire 20 more people this year to handle the growing order book. 而如今销售额涨势再起,员工数已达130人,Acme公司考虑今年再扩招20人处理不断增多的订单量。
On the plus side, eXist does make it quite easy to back up the database. 从正面来说,eXist使得备份数据库非常容易。
As he regained his strength and was patched back up by the denizens of the plane, he prepared for his assault on Azeroth. 而今他取回了自己的力量并重新被地元素位面的居民打满了全身补丁,他为对艾泽拉斯发动新一轮攻击做好了准备。
HAND IN a brief analysis of your conclusions with appropriate but concise back-up to support your recommendations. 缴交一个简短的结论分析,包含了适当但简明的文件以支援你的建议。
MobileMe, a $99-a-year personal e-mail, calendar and back-up service, was "not our finest hour" , he said. MobileMe——一项每年收费99美元的集个人电子邮件、日历和备份于一体的服务——“没有成为我们最好的时刻”,他说。
But it seemed just as likely that they were other routes in and out of the chamber. To retreat back up the tunnel seemed foolish. . . 可看起来,似乎是这洞窟的另一些可出入的道路。再撤回他来的那条隧道看上去太傻了……
As they slowly hoisted him back up to the roadside, numerous bystanders remarked at how amazingly lucky he was to not have been killed. 当他们慢慢地把他抬回到路边的时候,许多围观者都惊呼他真是太幸运了,居然没死。
Investigators spent more than a year trying to back up the confession, and arrested both men in March 2010. 调查人员用了一年多的时间试图证明汉普顿供词的真实性,并在2010年3月将两人逮捕。
Be prepared to understand and accept that this is a part of the process, and commit to getting right back up and starting over. 准备好理解,接受这是过程中的一部分,并努力重新站起来,重新来过。
Jonas, who had already been stretched out on the bed when the question came to his mind, sat back up. 乔纳斯问这个问题的时候已经趴在床上,马上就坐了起来。
Then as you grow your eyes move smoothly down the line like a lawn mower, then you stop a split second on a word, then start back up again. 长大后,当你阅读时你会像割草机一样顺畅地移动眼睛,在某个单词上只有刹那的停留,然后突然再次缩回去。
Well, said the Software Engineer, Before we do anything, I think we should push the car back up the road and see if it happens again. 软件工程师说,“我认为我们首先应把车沿路推上去,看看是不是还会发生同样的事情。”