be engaged in

  • na.正做着
  • 网络从事于;忙于;从事……职业

be engaged inbe engaged in

be engaged in


MBA英语常考的各类短语及习惯搭配 ... be eager for 渴望 be engaged in 忙于,从事于 be equal to 等于 ...


高中英语常用短语 - 豆丁网 ... be curious about 对。。好奇 be engaged in 忙于。。 be glad to 乐意。。。 ...


engage_互动百科 ... be engaged by 为...所吸引 be engaged in 正做着, 正忙着 be engage oneself in 正做着, 正忙着 ...


中英对... ... 个人史[ personal history] •从事……职业[ be engaged in] •卫生习惯和嗜好[ health habit and special addiction] ...


英语阅读理解中常见单词_百度知道 ... end up sth with sth 用…结束… be engaged in 参与,从事 elementary school 小学 ...


重要片语汇整 ... end with 以…结束 be engaged in 从事於 be engaged to 与…订婚 ...


高中英语短语。_百度知道 ... be blind to … 对…视而不见 be engaged in 忙于;致力于 be favourable to 有助于;有力于 ...

He will not be engaged in the superficial pursuits of tourists but in the difficult task of trying to make sense of an alien culture. 他不会去关注一般游客所追求的那类浮于表面的东西,而是去完成一个艰难的使命——诠释异域文化的内涵。
A career of endless repetition would be very dull; better by far to be engaged in at least an attempt at regular renewal. 一种不断重复的职业会非常乏味;至少去尝试经常改变要好得多。
as a future professional, why would it be important for you to be engaged in political discussions related to social issues? 作为未来的职业,为什么会是重要的,你要在有关社会问题的政治参与讨论?
And own profession the engineer in numerous realms , own the ability that be engaged in the designer of every kind of a view design. 而且在众多领域中拥有自己的专业工程师,拥有从事各种场景设计的能力的设计师。
However, that does not mean U. S. forces will be engaged in Afghanistan and Iraq for decades or in large numbers indefinitely, he said. 不过他同时表示,这并不意味着美国军队将在阿富汗和伊拉克驻扎几十年,或无限期地大规模驻军。
Looked at from without, they might be said to be engaged in "imitating" one another. 从外部看,他们可以说在彼此从事“模仿”。
To be engaged in more areas? Yes, I want to see the world. Is'nt it a luxury to enjoy the most beautiful landscapes in the world. 能够涉及更多的领域?是的,我想要周游世界。难道享受世界上最美的景色不是一种奢侈吗?
Mentions, at least some two year above diving experience can start to be engaged in the submarine photography. 般说来,至少有两年以上的潜水经验才能开始从事水下拍摄。
Sure, the political system seems to be engaged in big debates about the budget, pensions and the nation's future. 确实,政治系统好像在忙于预算、退休金和国家前途的争论。
Who helps me introduce a doctor in the heart on the net, be to be engaged in alleviating depressed disease and jumpy? 有谁帮我介绍个网上心里医生,是从事缓解抑郁症和神经质的?
Adept at deflecting criticism with humour though also capable of tantrums he sometimes seemed to be engaged in self parody. 他善于通过幽默来转移批评(尽管他也很会发脾气),有时候他好像在做自嘲式的模仿。
To be engaged in the legal aid is the out of class educational form of legal clinic. 从事法律援助是法律诊所课堂外的教学形式。
The Delegation said that the Government of Japan continued to be engaged in cooperation activities. 该代表团说,日本政府继续参与合作活动。
I hope to be engaged in a financial institution , which would help me to gain some experience for later pioneering. 我希望毕业以后可以从事与金融有关的机构,获得些经验然后自己创业。
Multiple Zune devices can be engaged in networking play, but cannot be internetworked with PC or Xbox platforms for a game. 多个Zune设备能通过网络对战,但是不能和PC或Xbox平台进行联网游戏。
The company surmounts it to organize stand rule and be engaged in it conducts scope outside of activity, its behavior is more a power. 公司超越其组织章程,从事其经营范围以外的活动,其行为为越权。
Labourers to be engaged in specialized operations must receive specialized training and acquire qualifications for such special operations. 第五十五条从事特种作业的劳动者必须经过专门培训并取得特种作业资格。
Hope can be engaged in an aircraft to your company keeping the wait relevance direction job mission in repair. 希望能到贵公司从事飞机维修等相关方向的工作任务。
or to be engaged in teaching as to improve the cultural level of Chinese students. 也可以选择当老师帮助提高中国学生的文化水平
That afternoon the grandfather did nothing but be engaged in makking a slingshot for the grandson. 那个下午祖父一直在忙着为自己的孙子做弹弓。
Accountants rendering accounting services on a fee basis and staff accountants employed by them are said to be engaged in public accounting. 凡在按规定标准收费提供会计服务的会计师事务所里工作的会计人员,被称为公共会计师。
A few hundred commenters appear to be engaged in a competition to reach the outer limits of stupidity. 有那么几百个评论者似乎总要竞争一下愚蠢的底线。
They strengthened me to be engaged in the research correspondingly the faith and the manner. 相应地,它们坚定了我从事研究的信念和态度。
If Party B is to be engaged in work with occupational hazards, a regular medical check should be provided. 如安排乙方从事职业危害的作业,需对乙方定期进行健康检查。
Also can be engaged in advertising management, insurance management and marketing, market research and information consulting work. 也可从事广告经营管理、保险管理与营销、市场调查及信息咨询等工作。
The unannounced design institutes cannot be engaged in design for relevant water project construction. 未经公告的设计单位不得从事相应等级的水利工程设计。
In other words, men who eventually got married were less likely to be engaged in antisocial behaviors to begin with. 换句话说,最后结了婚的男人从前参与反社会活动的可能性较低。
Lvchuang of Tai Zhou electromechanical Ltd. Is to be engaged in vacuum pump research and development, special field enterprise making. 台州绿创机电有限公司是从事真空泵研究、开发,制造的专业企业。
To ensure the use of ships for his special envoys, Emperor Yongle also ordered all ship manufacturers to be engaged in ship building. 为保证出使诏谕海外诸国海船的供应,明成祖即位初期,就命各大造船厂建造大批海船。
There are time the better part of in Confucius lifetime, be to be engaged in educational work. 孔子一生中有一大半的时间,是从事教育工作。