
美 [mɪd]英 [mɪd]
  • n.移动互联网装置(全写为 mobile Internet device,大小介于智能手机和平板电脑之间的掌上电脑,主要为个人提供互联网服务)
  • 网络移动互联网设备(Mobile Internet Device);中;中间


mid morning,mid century



移动互联网设备(Mobile Internet Device)

根据移动互联网设备MID)便携性、随时上网、无线网络、蓝牙、gps、gsensor等功能和特点,开发适合在MID设备上运行的 …


平板电脑(MID)测试作业指导书平板电脑(MID)测试作业指导书隐藏>>你可能喜欢 文档信息 幻影留痕贡献于2012-05-08 贡献者 …

哪里有英文单词的前缀,词根,后缀表?_百度知道 ... micro 微 mid ,中间 mini 小 ...


哪里有英文单词的前缀,词根,后缀表?_百度知道 ... micro 微 mid 中,中间 mini 小 ...


您对移动互联网终端MID)了解多少?MID 是什么?


又称中间细胞(MID)是嗜酸、 嗜碱及单核细胞之和。嗜酸粒细胞增高的临床意义 1. 反应性增高:见于过敏性疾患、寄生虫病、 …

The sun continued to languish until mid-December, when the largest group of sunspots to emerge for several years appeared. 太阳的了无生气一直延续下来,直到12月中旬,一组最大的可持续数年的太阳黑子出现了。
The Sonata mid-size sedan was up a modest 3. 9%, but remained the company's best-seller. The redesigned Elantra compact was a strong second. 索纳塔中型轿车的销量勉强达到3.9%,但却是公司产品中销量最好的。重新设计的伊兰特小型客车销量第二。
Over the summer, she dropped from five sessions a week to three; by mid-September, she said, "it turned into one day for one hour. " 整个夏天,她将每周5节训练课削减为3节;9月,计划“变成了每周只有1小时”。
With all good wishes for a brilliant and happy Mid-Autumn Festival. Hope things are going all right with you. 在这辉煌快乐的中秋节,献上一切美好的祝福!祝一切顺心如意!
He stops in mid-swing, takes off his golf cap, closes his eyes, and bows down in prayer. 他的手刚摆到一半,立刻停下来,脱下他的高尔夫球帽,闭上眼睛,深深的鞠躬并默默祈祷。
Paths enrich landscape access, turning a simple yard into a special place to which you can take a latte for a perfect mid-morning break. 访问路径丰富景观,使其成为一个特殊的位置,以一个简单的院子里,你可以采取一个完美的上午10时左右休息一杯咖啡。
She writes, "The seasons were so regular that you could almost predict that the long, monsoon rains would start falling in mid-March. " 她写道:“季节非常有规律,你几乎可以肯定地预期三月中旬季风将带来雨水。”
The scenes of him banging the lady's head on the floor mid-passion were neither romantic nor erotic. 高潮之际,他抓住女方的头往地板上撞,既不浪漫也非色情。
You will find that the distribution of bullet in sight to the mid-point above the center of the front sight of that range. 你会发现弹痕分布都在以准星中间点为中心的上面那个准星范围之内。
and then his hand stopped in mid-air, my tears to his face, I still did not say enjoy, due to a lifetime of regret! 然后他的手停在半空,我的泪流到他的脸,我还是没有说出喜欢,欠下了一生的遗憾!
With time running out before attention turns to mid-term elections in November, Mr Dodd's place in history is still in the balance. 随着11月份的中期选举的日益临近,多德的历史地位还是在天平上左右摇摆。
The visitor who talked to the Guardian turned up mid-afternoon and waited 45 minutes before giving up on an attempt to see it. 和卫报记者交谈的参观者,从中午开始等了45分钟后放弃。
Boasting full-sized features in a mid-sized machine, the 2007 Polaris Hawkeye 4X4 ATV is ready to help you conquer the rugged outdoors. 拥有全尺寸的特点在一个中型机,2007年北极星鹰眼4x4亚视是随时为您提供帮助征服崎岖的户外活动。
In the mid-20th century, governments began to get out of the business of deciding which couples were "fit" to marry. 20世纪中期,对于决定什么样的人‘适合’结婚这一问题,政府开始不再干涉。
To sum it up: The Citroen C5 is an elegantly designed mid-range car that impresses with its appearance and thorough workmanship. 总体说来,雪铁龙C5以优雅的外观和精湛的工艺给我留下了很深的印象。
If you could push Africa and south America together, they would meet at the Mid - Atlantic Ridge and close up the ocean between them. 如果你能把非洲和南美洲放在一起,他们一定会在中大西洋海岭处吻合,并封死它们之间的海域。
Falling foul of vicious political factionalism, Dante was sent into exile from his beloved Florence in his mid-30s. He never returned. 最终,但丁由于身陷政治派系斗争,30多岁被逐出心爱的佛罗伦萨,再也没能回归。
One hero dives headfirst into a group of soldiers unarmed, seizes a spear in mid-trajectory and kills the enemy with it. 一个英雄赤手空拳的冲入一群士兵中,夺下一个长矛并用它杀敌人。
The bank expects the company's annual production to grow by a percentage in the mid-single digits for years to come. 该公司预计,未来几年Petrobras的产量将以每年4%至7%的速度增长。
It arrives at mid month, moving each of you to a higher vibration and state of awareness. 它在月中时抵达,让每个人移动到更高的振动与觉知状态。
"A bright ring around the sun at mid-eclipse is still pretty cool, " Geoff Chester of the U. S. Naval Observatory said in an email. “日环食中太阳周围的光环依然是很美的。”美国海军天文台的杰夫·切斯特在一封邮件中说。
Yesterday tested both the bottom and top of the current sideway trading range, failing to break out either direction and closed mid-range. 昨日市场分别测试了上方和下方的阻力,但是都没有突破产生,现在还在前期我们陈述的平行区域中整理。
Whilst luring both players to Eastlands, mid-way through the season. may represent something of a challenge. 虽然是打算在赛季中途引进球员,这也可能代表了一种挑战。
Until mid-March, Ed Ou was on assignment for The Times in Benghazi, shooting primarily feature photographs in and around the eastern city. 直到三月中旬,摄影师Ed·Ou受《时代》杂志委派仍坚守在班加西,在这座利比亚东部城市的内部以及周围地区拍摄重要特写。
During the mid game, or even in the late game at stages, losing a small chunk of your army to the enemy is no small loss. 年代中期场,甚至是在游戏后期,失去在阶段中的一小块敌人部队是不小的损失。
The country is in the sort of unhappy and scratchy mood that voters in mid-terms habitually take out on the president's party. 整个国家都处在某种烦闷和抓狂的心态中,而选民习惯性地把这种心态归咎于总统所属的政党。
In much the same way, one does not wish to be reminded that the next US mid-term elections are just two years and one recession away. 同样,人们也不希望想到,距离美国下一次中期选举只有两年的时间,其间还要经历一轮经济衰退。
Villager Li Dengfeng, 30, told Xinhua his wife was buried as she bought meat for the Mid-Autumn Festival at the market. 现年30岁的村民李登辉,对新华社记者说他的妻子在市场上为过中秋买肉时被泥流埋了。
It was as if I'd told him how much girls liked Barry Manilow in the mid 80s. 就像是我在跟他讲一九八零年代中期女孩子们多喜欢巴里·曼尼罗一样。
Yet no celebration in Berlin can hide the fact that the EU is in something of a mid-life crisis. 但不论柏林怎么欢呼庆祝,也无法掩盖欧盟已处于“中年危机”这一事实。