
美 [soʊl]英 [sɒl]
  • n.索尔;太阳;【化】溶胶;【罗神】太阳神
  • 网络技术移民职业清单(Skilled Occupation List);局域网串联(Serial Over LAN);溶液(solution)




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全世界有多少种币种?_爱问知识人 ... shilling 先令(坦桑尼亚等) sol 索尔(秘鲁) South African rand 南非兰特(纳米比亚) ...


英语词根词缀记忆大全 ... obsolete 过时的 sol 太阳+ obsolete 钝的;愚蠢的 ...


铸造焊接英语词汇大全(14)_中国百科网 ... 溶混性 miscibility 溶胶 sol 溶解度 solubility ...

技术移民职业清单(Skilled Occupation List)

  新的技术移民职业清单SOL)的职业数从402种大幅减少到181种,减少了55%。最终的SOL清单将于2010年7月1日实行,但 …

局域网串联(Serial Over LAN)

serial over lan policy: serial over lan(SOL) requirementsipmi policy: 远程管理设置 scrub policy: 取消关联时的并行动作 总 …


处方_百度百科 ... Inj. : 注射剂 Sol. : 溶液 Emp. : 贴膏剂 ...


太字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 太阳年〖 year〗 太阳神〖 Helios;Apollo;Sol〗 太阳时〖 solartime〗 ...

Their father, Sol, was a Jew, the son of a rabbi, but sufficiently assimilated that he made his living importing both cheese and ham. 他们的父亲扫罗是一个犹太拉比的儿子。但他已经充分世俗化,以进口奶酪和火腿为生。
There was one way to bridge the chasm, to bring Sol back to life, but I would wait to try it until the most magical of moments. 只有一种方法可以在生死界的深渊上建起桥梁,把Sol带回人世,但是我不会尝试,直到最奇迹的一刻的到来。
It is an endless calf strain and so we need Sol Campbell and Mikael Silvestre to be highly ready to help us out. 这是一次无休止的小腿拉伤,所以我们需要坎贝尔和西尔维斯特做好充足准备来帮助我们度过这个难关。
Check to see if this section = N_SOL, if it does then extract the source file name and go back to Start. 检查该部分是否为=N_SOL,如果是,则提取源文件名并返回到初始部分。
Buck heard them go and raised his head to see. Pike was leading, Sol- leks was at the wheel, and between were Joe and Teek. 巴克听见他们离开,便抬起头看,派克领队,索勒克斯压阵,中间是乔和狄克。
He hated to see another dog doing his work, so he ran along beside the sledge, trying to push Sol-leks out ofhis place. 看到别的狗做他的工作他恨极了。所以他沿着雪撬边缘奔跑,试图把索拉克斯从他的位子上推开。
He glanced at the screen, typed "vitesse au sol" into The French king, and held it up for me to see the Chinese: "Groundspeed. " 他扫了一眼,将“vitesseausol”输入了法语王,然后将它递给我看中文:“地速。”
He took Buck by the scruff of the neck, and though the dog growled threateningly, dragged him to one side and replaced Sol- leks . 他抓住巴克脖子上的松皮,不顾他威胁似的咆哮,把他拽到一边,换上索勒克斯。
But if he told his family that he intended to be an author, he did not convince Papa Sol. 但是,如果他打算跟他家人说他想当个作家,那么他是不会说服自己的爸爸索尔的。
RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: The surface modification methods include plasma spraying, micro-arc oxidation, sol-gel and biomimetic methods. 结果与结论:在表面生物活性改性的方法中,主要有等离子体喷涂法、微弧氧化法、溶胶-凝胶法及生物仿生法等。
It was very difficult. I think Song has all the attributes to play centre back and was a bit concerned about Sol's muscular problems. 这是非常非常困难的选择。我认为宋有担任中后卫的所有特质,另外,我还有一点担忧坎贝尔的肌肉问题。
I wanted to keep my mind blank, like death must be, but father and Sol gusted in and out in confusing pictures. 我想保持意识一片空白,就像死亡时那样,但在一幅幅混乱的画面中爸爸和索尔如狂风刮过。
Finally Sol pointedly asked if he could COME to our house. I had to say yes. I knew nothing would make Mama happier. 索尔终于明明白白地问我他是否可以到我们家来。我只能说可以。我知道没有什么能比这个更令妈妈高兴的了。
But I was in a state of anxiety. Eating with my family would turn Sol Off completely, I believed. 但是我却忧心如焚。我相信和我们一家人共进晚餐一定会使索尔非常厌烦的。
If she were trying today to get the loan of 1, 200 sol for a new kiln that she secured a few years ago, she would be disappointed. 如果换成是今天,她想获得1200索尔的贷款、启动几年前买下的一个新窑区,结果可能会让人失望。
Thus, there is no concrete reason, of a social or security nature, for the indigenous land of Raposa Serra do Sol to be deposed. 从而,并没有任何社会或国防上的具体原因,足以支持这些RaposadoSol的原住民土地被撤销。
Sol Gel method is a new method with which desired chemical compounds can be obtained at lower temperature. 溶胶—凝胶法是一种在较低温度下即可得到希望的化合物的新方法。
The solvent used for the extraction was tetrahydrofuran and sol-fractions of the samples were calculated. 并对该弹性体及其抽提后的试样进行了扫描电镜表征。
The Scotch half-breed called a halt and took him out of the team, making the next dog, Sol- leks , fast to the sled. 那个苏格兰混血儿便招呼着停下来,将他从队里弄出来,并把他后面的索勒克斯系到雪橇上。
To cause transformation of(a liquid or sol, for example) into or as if into a soft, semisolid, or solid mass. 使凝固引起(液体或溶胶)转为或似转为软的、半固体的或固体的物质。
The sol phase is probably in a state of active equilibrium with the underlying epithelium regarding water content. 溶胶相的会和量可能与其下面的表皮细胞会和量处于动平衡状态。
Pure lithium zinc ferrites were synthesized by means of a combination of sol-gel method and subsequent calcination. 结合溶胶凝胶法与后期煅烧制备了纯锂锌铁氧体。
Sol-gel hydrophobic protective coatings have been widely used due to its easy preparation and excellent properties. 溶胶-凝胶疏水防护涂料具有制备简便和性能卓越而得到广泛的应用。
By the afternoon, news of the police action had spread, and hundreds of protesters began to converge on Sol. 到了下午,警方的行动的消息已蔓延,数百名示威者开始收敛溶胶。
nor did he attempt to charge in when Sol- leks was once more brought forward. 当索勒克斯再次被带上前时,他也没企图抢上支。
Worship of the sun ( Sol ) did exist within the indigenous Roman pantheon, as a minor part, and always as a pairing with the moon. 太阳神(索尔)崇拜存在于罗马本土的万神殿里面,作为一个较小的部分,经常与月亮成对。
Police twice tried to break up the protests in the Puerta del Sol, but by Wednesday were allowing groups to camp there. 警方两度试图驱散太阳门广场上的示威人群,但到周三时已经允许人们在广场上支起帐篷。
Sol Campbell must also be a contender after three outstanding years in a Red shirt following his controversial move from Spurs. 坎贝尔也是一个有力的竞争者,在他离开热刺的富有争议的转会之后,他在阿森纳度过了三个出色的赛季。
This time, when Sol-leks was harnessed as lead-dog, Buck did not try to move in. 这一次,当索拉克斯被套上头犬的位置时,巴克没有动。
I cringed, convinced that this would be the last time I would ever see my friend Sol. 我心里直犯怵,坚信这可能会是我最后一次看见我的朋友索尔了。