
英 [ˌpi:si:'bi:]
  • abbr.印制电路板
  • 网络印刷电路板(Printed Circuit Board);印刷线路板;多氯联苯(PCBs)



印刷电路板(Printed Circuit Board)

印刷电路板环形或鞭状天线是指在印刷电路板(PCB)上制作的圆形、椭圆、方形或矩形引线。如果设计采用双层PCB,天线所在 …


印制电路板设计系统由印制电路板PCB)编辑器、元件封装(PCBLib)编辑器和板层管理器组成等。该系统的主要功能是: …


印刷线路板(PCB)经典介绍资料印刷线路板(PCB)经典介绍资料隐藏>>你可能喜欢 文档信息 chuajun贡献于2011-05-10 贡献者 …


多氯联苯(pcb)亦是一例,它是常被用在电子塑料制品或黏着剂的一项原料,虽然现在已不用,但在环境中仍易残存,因此在鱼 …


印制线路板(PCB)材料(覆铜板,CCL)、工艺、检测资料集印制线路板(PCB)材料(覆铜板,CCL)、工艺、检测资料集隐藏>>你可能 …

You should now be able to lift the lower end of the PCB and pull it out in a flat angle. 您现在应该可以解除低端的PCB拉在一个平面的角度出来。
It still, however, seems to work as a transcription factor. The result is fish that are more or less immune to PCB poisoning. 这仍然跟转录因子的作用有关,结果表明,是这些鱼或多或少具备了PCB免疫力。
It has been designed as single layer PCB, and therefore it is really easy to be produced at home. 它被设计为单层PCB,因此非常容易在家自制。
The surface topography of PCB manifests self similarity, which shows that the material fracture possesses fractal characteristics. 电路板外观形貌具有自相似性,表现出分形的特征。
But the protein does not seem to mind. It appears to work equally well, whether or not it has PCB passengers on board. 且蛋白质似乎并不介意,因为作用是相同的,无论PCB有没有在其中。
The shortened version of AHR does not bind nearly so easily to PCBs. It still, however, seems to work as a transcription factor. 这个缩减版本的AHR难以和PCB结合,不过看来依然能发挥转录因子的作用。
Printed-circuit boards used to be works of art, and the PCB designer was an artist as well as a technician. 在过去,一块印刷电路板就是一份艺术品,印刷电路板的设计人员不仅仅是一名技术人员还是一位艺术家。
"We believe that at least 95percent of the PCBs in the dredge area will be removed, " she said in atelephone call with reporters. 她在接受媒体电话采访时说:“我们相信挖掘区至少将有95%的PCB可以被清除掉。这一数字让我们深以为傲。”
And that's the difference between a PCB and, say, something natural like an omega-3, something we want out of the marine food chain. 这与PCB分子是不同的,可以说,就像ω-3脂肪酸一样天然,我们希望海洋食物链里有这些东西。
Use the straight-slot screwdriver to pierce between the PCB and upstanding part of the front cover. 使用直槽螺丝刀刺穿之间的PCB和正直的前盖部分。
PCB Designer is a cost effective, easy to use electronic printed circuit board PCB layout application. 印刷电路板的设计是一个符合成本效益,易于使用的电子印刷电路板PCB布局的应用。
However, if it is to improve defect containment, the focus should be at the end of the PCB assembly manufacturing process. 不过,如果目的在于改善缺陷数量,测试方案就应集中在PCB组件制造工艺的末尾。
The precise sources of the PCB plume should be pinned down and used to complete the pollutant inventories of African countries, she says. 她说,这些氯联苯的污染源必须被清除掉,以完善非洲国家污染物清单。
LCD glass connected to a PCB with drivers on board. It may also have controllers, temperature compensation circuits, or other features. 使PCB与司机连接在上的LCD玻璃板。它可能也有控制人员,温度补偿电路或者其他特徵。
Beehive bottom board, thimbles move support board, agile orientate PCB, easy to print dual sides PCB. 万能蜂窝底板,活动顶针活动支撑块,灵活定位PCB,方便印刷双面PCB。
The PCB is designed in a way that the power ground is separated from the signal ground , as you can see from the below layout. PCB的设计是这样一种方式的权力,地面是脱离地面的信号,正如你可以看到从下面的布局。
When fish oil capsules were tested from a variety of manufacturers, most were found to be very low in mercury and PCB's. 从众多厂家中测试鱼油胶囊时,大多数的汞和PCB类物质含量还是很低的。
Juniper was established in 1998, was one company of Canada. started as a PCB consultant firm, provide advices to PCB manufacturer. 海迅成立于1998年,是加拿大的一家线路板顾问公司,为各线路板厂提供专业意见。
Component Side: The Side of a PCB on which most of components are mounted. 安装大多数元件的一面。
This study was to determine the fundamental resonant frequency and damping of the PCB supported by different types of retainers. 本实验将印刷电路板以不同商用夹具支撑并量测其第一共振频率及阻尼。
From the point of fractionize product, rigid circuitry board order grows considerably, the order that drove whole PCB industry grows. 从细分产物来看,刚性线路板订单大幅增添,带动了整个PCB行业的订单增添。
Electromagnetic simulation software FEKO was applied to calculate the shielding effectiveness of a small enclosure which loaded with PCBs. 运用仿真软件FEKO对装载PCB板的小屏蔽体屏蔽效能进行了仿真计算。
the metal terminal is used for being electrically connected with a PCB and a flexible cable. 本发明提供的柔性电连接器,可以应用在一些有折弯需求的电子产品上。
I didn't lay out the computer PCB, but I did lay out a PCB for a floppy disk controller that I had designed. 我没有列出的计算机电路板,但我并奠定了印刷电路板的软盘控制器,我已设计。
Failure of blind via is one of the main causes of an open circuit in printed circuit board(PCB). 盲孔开裂是导致印制电路板(PCB)电气断路的主要原因之一。
A normal process has a number of data structures associated with it in the kernel, including a stack and process control block (PCB). 在内核中,普通进程有若干数据结构与之关联,包括一个堆栈,进程控制块(PCB)。
Of the drug Chemicals (Wuxi) products mainly used for PCB inks, UV-curable coatings and UV-curable Varnish. 化药化工(无锡)的产品主要用于PCB油墨,紫外光固化涂料和紫外光固化光油。
The defective component was damaged when it was removed from the PCB by the customer such that we are unable to analyse it. 顾客试图将不良品从线路板上拆下来时,不小心将不良品损坏了,以致于我们没有办法分析。
At least 2-year related work experience in PCB factories, and familiar with PCB manufacturing process, technology and quality requirement. PCB工厂至少2年以上相关工作经验,熟悉线路板制造工艺、规程和产品质量要求有深刻的了解;
Ground Plane: A conductive plane as a common ground reference in a multilayer PCB for current returns of the circuit elements and shielding. 中的公共接地参照的导电层,用做电流回路和屏蔽。