
美 [slaɪs]英 [slaɪs]
  • n.片;〈非正式〉部分;份额;【体】削球
  • v.切成片;削球;被切成片;(很容易地)切开
  • 网络切片;薄片;剖切

过去式:sliced 现在分词:slicing 第三人称单数:slices

slice meat


n. v.

1.(切下的食物)薄片,片a thin flat piece of food that has been cut off a larger piece

2.(informal)部分;份额a part or share of sth

3.锅铲;(餐桌用)小铲a kitchen utensil (= tool) that you use to lift and serve pieces of food


a slice of life

反映现实生活的电影(或戏剧、书)a film/movie, play or book that gives a very realistic view of ordinary life


切片(Slice)就是将一幅大图像分割为一些小的图像切片(Slice)就是将一幅大图像分割为一些小的图像隐藏>>你可能喜欢 文档信 …


薄_百度百科 ... 薄膜〖 thinfilm;film〗 薄片slice〗 薄纱〖 peekaboo〗 ...


CAD快捷命令大全 ... SHA,*SHADEMODE 着色 SL,*SLICE 剖切(用平面剖切一组实体) SEC,*SECTION 切割(用平面和实 …


切割:覆盖方法和子类数据丢失的现象生成切割(slice)。因此,我们得出结论,在向上强制转换过程中,使用指针和引用不会造 …


P开头的单词记忆中国记忆力训练网 ... slender a.细长的;微薄的 slice n.薄片,切片;部分 slice 冰做的薄片 ...


P开头的单词记忆中国记忆力训练网 ... slender a.细长的;微薄的 slice n.薄片,切片;部分 slice 冰做的薄片 ...

But, as it turns out, the company is getting a slice of the action, as these devices run on its servers and use its components. 而该公司正在心想事成,因为这些设备都运行在它的服务器上面并使用它的部件。
With spectral data from a whole axial slice, we have been able to identify NAA abnormalities in regions remote to any T2 visible lesions. 与光谱数据从一个整体轴向片,我们已经能够确定的NAA异常偏远地区的任何时刻可见病变。
The 2. 4 scheduler divided time into epochs, and within each epoch, every task was allowed to execute up to its time slice. 调度器将时间分割成epoch,每个epoch中,每个任务允许执行到其时间切片用完。
"Either way you slice it, the Canadian economy is beginning to feel the weakness of the global economic slowdown, " he said. “不管怎麽看,加拿大经济正在开始感受到全球经济放缓的影响。”他说。
As if that wasn't ambitious enough, they also wanted to slice up the traffic on this network. 如果这个设想看起来还不是足够的野心勃勃的话,他们还要求把这个网络上的通讯分割开来。
And, for that, we'll have to figure out a way to slice this region nicely. We could do it dx dy. 为了计算二重积分,我们必须想出一个办法,来适当地划分这个区域,我们可以按dx,dy来划分。
We got him on the move, where he could slice in or post up. It gives him opportunities to handle the ball a little bit. It's easier. 我们让他跑起来,可以切入,也可以单打,也有机会处理球,这样打更简单。
Of course, r goes all around the z axis, but I'm just doing a slice through one of these vertical half planes, fixing the value of theta. 当然,r可以围绕z轴转圈,但我只做了一个垂直的半平面,对于一个确定的θ来说。
Samson went back to bed, not much hair left on his head. He ate a slice of wonder bread, and went right back to bed. 大力士又回到床上,没有太多的头发留在他的人头。他吃了一块奇怪的面包,然后又转身回去睡觉。
The dough will keep in freezer for a few months, so you can slice off just a few cookies to bake at a time. 生面团可以在冰箱中保存好几个月,所以你可以一次只切几片烘烤。
The Belgian government met twice on Friday to see how it could extricate its slice of Dexia with a minimal impact on the public purse. 比利时政府周五两次开会,研究如何以最小的公共财政负担,解救德克夏在比利时的业务。
Close eye, and feeling goes to universe, spin , body is light to float have to leave only a slice of than the soul with thin paper. 闭上眼,又感觉到天地的旋转,身体轻飘得只剩一片比纸薄的灵魂。
She adds coins to the box in his lap, then goes into a taverna and brings out a slice of pizza. 她把硬币放进他大腿上的盒子里,然后走进酒馆,出来时拿着一块比萨饼。
The company asked the FCC to give it a national 25 megahertz slice of spectrum to offer free wireless-Internet services. 该公司要求FCC为其开辟一段25兆赫兹的波道,以此为网民提供免费无线上网服务。
Shake with ice and strain over ice into a highball glass. Top with soda and garnish with an orange slice lime wedge and a cherry. 摇后入海波杯,上加苏打,饰橙片莱姆楔片及樱桃。
With a Facebook IPO at least a year off, many investors are keen for a slice of "the Facebook of China" . 鉴于Facebook至少还有一年才会启动IPO,许多投资者渴望从“中国版Facebook”的增长中分得一杯羹。
One day, perhaps, an educated middle class may emerge to call for more accountability and a bigger slice of the wealth. 也许某天,受过高等教育的中产阶级会站出来要求承担更多的责任,分割更多的财富。
The word instantly signaled friendliness and simplicity. It managed to be both slightly off-beat and as normal as a slice of pie. 苹果这个词听上去友好,简单,有点特别,又如同一块皮萨一样寻常。
The remainder, people said, would come as the bank records a tax gain from holding a smaller slice of BlackRock, the money manager. 知情人士表示,剩余资金将来自因减持资产管理公司贝莱德所产生的税务收益。
That may not sound like a lot, but multiply it by a slice a week, and that's more than a whole cup of fat you won't eat or wear this year. 这可能听起来不很多,但每星期从一片比萨饼中增加一茶匙脂肪,这比今年你不会吃的一整杯比萨含的脂肪还要多。
Face before walk, slice unwilling nature of the bread machine to ask why the microwave oven doesn't smile. 临走前,切面包机不甘心地问微波炉为什么不笑。
It is expected that, for any new European deals this year, the equity slice is likely to be farmed out to a parent company or bigger group. 对于今年欧洲任何可能出现的新交易而言,这部分股份都可能会被转给母公司或规模较大的公司。
Ideally, portions of each slice of a 3-D scene should show up in at least three photos, with 50% overlap between them. 理想状况下,一个三维场景中的每个局部都应该在至少三张照片中有所体现,而且相互之间要有50%的重叠。
Then he would pour me a bowl of Grape Nuts or Cheerios, and slice a banana, half on my cereal and half on his own. 然后他就会给我倒一碗麦粉或者麦片,然后包一个香蕉,一半给我一半给他自己。
said the dairyman, who held in his left hand a wooden slice on which a lump of butter was stuck. 'Yes - taste for yourself! 老板说,左手拿着一块木片,木片上沾了一块黄油。“是有一股怪味儿——不信你们自己尝尝吧!”
But he said the examination of the relationship was only "a slice" of the investigation. 但是他表示,对两者关系的审查只是此次调查的“一部分”。
His first completed work--a slice of bread, a slice of bread on top of that, and a slice of turkey on top of both--fails miserably. 他完成的首件作品——一片面包,上面再放一块,然后在两片面包之上放片火鸡肉——惨遭失败。
Slice a small hole in the side of a carrier bag and stretch it over the lens hood, fastening with a rubber band to keep it in place. 在一面切个小洞,绷在镜头的那个圈圈上,再用胶带粘牢。
First she gave her a slice of fresh brown bread and butter, but the child said that she did not want it like that. 一开始她给了自己的女儿一片新鲜的涂黄油的棕色面包,但是那个孩子说她不想要这样的。
The slice of fruit is ready to go straight through the stomach into the intestines, but it is prevented from doing so. 容易消化的切片水果欲从胃部直行进入肠道,但是却办不到。