
美 [sʌb]英 [sʌb]
  • n.替补队员;(向俱乐部等定期交纳的)会员费;助理编辑;审校人
  • v.(在比赛中)替换(队员);暂代(某人)工作;替班;代用
  • adj.补充的
  • prep.…的下面的
  • 网络子过程(subprocess);子程序(subroutine);辅助

复数:subs 过去式:subbed 现在分词:subbing



n. v.

1.替补队员a substitute who replaces another player in a team

好文共欣赏(转载)(第4页)_英语杂谈_天涯论坛 ... [re- 后, [sub- , 100、sid=sit 坐 ...


那么随着子过程(Sub)的结束,变量会不会自动释放?即是否需要在每个用到Set的子过程,在最后再(End前)写上Set 变量=nothi…




专业音频术语中英文对照 ... STU Studio 演播室效果 SUB 副,辅助,附加,低音 Sub octave 次八度 ...


研究性学习结题报告 - 免费文档下载 ... XX 支行 (中国银行) sub:n. 潜水艇, 低能者 subbranch:v. 分成小分支 ...


解剖学术语 --- 解剖 --- CSEC--- 中华脊柱网 ... semi- 半 sub- 之下,在…之下 supra- 之上 ...


The array, used to locate underwater sounds, was damaged in the incident, but the military official said the sub and ship did not collide. 这个用来定位水下声源的装置在这次意外中被损坏,这位军事官员说,但是潜艇和军舰没有碰撞。
The characteristic of the sub jade is that each is relatively small, is often ovoid, the surface is smooth. 子玉的特点是块度较小,常为卵形,表面光滑。
Made a few flowers, choose the person to the small, leaving only 12, referred to as stripping to fight, afraid of its sub-clock also. 一本发数朵者,择其小者去之,只留一二朵,谓之打剥,惧分其脉也。
Their opinion may come as a bit of a surprise for some of the sub-continent's authors here at Global Voices. 他们的意见让在全球之声的其它洲的作者感到有些惊讶。
Then with only simulation of these several sub basins, the time used for parameters auto calibration will be greatly reduced. 这样一来,参数自动率定需要的时间就会大大减少。
Several of these flow into a branch sewer, which joins first a sub-main and then a main sewer taking it to the treatment plant. 这些街道污水管又相结一条污水支管。此支管与次干管连接,然后经主干管将污水送至污水处理厂。
As you define more test variables for a test, you can add sub-containers to help organize them. 在您为测试定义更多的测试变量时,您可以添加子容器以帮助您组织它们。
Yet, more than any of these, it was the seemingly inexorable rise of sub-prime credit that should have triggered the alarm. 然而,不仅如此,早该触发警报的次贷似乎一直在稳步上升。
In principle, sub-national states should sometimes be able to secede, but South Ossetia and Abkhazia clearly do not qualify. 原则上说,自治共和国有时候可以独立,但南奥塞梯和阿布哈兹明显没有这个资格。
There was a rattle through the deck below him as the ship automatically maneuvered for the transfer to sub-light speed. 飞船自动调整到亚光速时,他下面的甲板发出了格格的响声。
Next week is going to be VERY different - hauling sledges for months in sub-zero temperatures for 12 hours a day. 下周将开始完全不同的生活——接下来的几个月里,我们每天12小时都要拉着雪橇跑在冰天雪地里。
Although he made seven more sub appearances and scored the final league goal of last season, he did not start a game in 2008. 虽然上赛季他此后还7次替补上场并取得他最后的一个联赛进球,但是在2008年,他没有参加过一场比赛。
If you were sending a U-boat in to pick up a fugitive spy, what would you think was the nearest sub could safely come to the coast? 如果让你派潜水艇接应一个逃亡间谍,你认为哪是最近最安全的接应点?
The following example uses the Sub statement to define the name, parameters, and code that form the body of a Sub procedure. 下面的示例使用Sub语句定义组成Sub过程体的名称、参数和代码。
Sub-editors often find it useful to start by asking how much people read of any given article. 先弄清楚一篇文章会有多少人来读对助理编辑很有用。
Solution: Make your page easy to read by breaking the text into smaller, more manageable pieces. Also, use sub-headings and bullet points. 方法:可以把文章分成几小部分,还可以利用副标题和点式列表,这样方便用户浏览。
Despite of the break out of US sub-prime crisis at August 2007, global commodities price continued to rise after a temporary decrease. 2007年8月美国“次贷危机”全面爆发以后,全球大宗商品价格上涨趋势在短暂的回调后重拾升势,通货膨胀压力依旧在全球蔓延。
This would be a much better policy idea than trying to fix the interest on sub-prime mortgages via legislation. 与试图通过立法确定次级抵押贷款的利率相比,这将是一个更好的政策主张。
It should be able to create a new mind map, set the name of the map, and then create branches and sub-branches with text. 它应该能够创建一个新的心智图,设置地图的名称,然后创建分支和文字支行。
Procedures to be in place at both the central and sub-central levels of government, subject to any transitional measures of course. 在中央和次中央政府层面都要设立程序,当然也受任何过渡性措施的约束。
What I see as a sub-context in the latest project is how much power the stripper has. 最近这个选题,我觉得还有一个亚文本,内容就是脱衣舞娘的魅力有多强大。
His sub, equipped with wings, is expected to "fly" to the deepest parts of every ocean basin. 他的潜水器,装有桨,用于“飞向”每个海洋盆地的最深处。
With the sub's lights switched off, it is possible to see their bioluminescence -- the light produced when they collide with the mesh. 随着潜艇的灯光关闭,我们就有可能看到那些生物发光体--当它们撞网的时候光被激发出来。
The next key ambition of a sub-editor is to make an article readable, which is not the same thing as making it comprehensible. 助理编辑的第二个关键目标是使文章琅琅上口。琅琅上口同通俗易懂不是一个概念。
He's injured. Plus he would have been used only sparingly, as a sub, anyway. 他受伤了。而且他反正是替补,上场的机会也不多。
The company reserves the right to sub-contract the fulfilment of any order or contract or any part thereof. 公司保留分包任何订单执行或合约或任何一部分合约的权利。
Make it a sub-conscious habit to save money in things that you do every day, even if it is a few dollars. 在每天的生活中你都要有一个省钱的潜意识,即使那只是几美元。
The Bank is not liable for errors, neglects, or defaults of any correspondents, sub-agents, or other agencies. 对于委托解付汇款的代理行或同业银行之一切错误、疏忽或过失,本行不承担责任。
Most of sub-Saharan Africa seems to be sunk in a perpetual drought that has fed a numbing series of civil wars. 撒哈拉沙漠以南的非洲国家似乎陷入永久的干旱,而干旱引发了一系列司空见惯的内战。
With the WebSphere Commerce infrastructure, your site is ready to scale to millions of customers, serving them in sub-second response time. 借助WebSphereCommerce的基础设施,您正准备将站点规模扩展到容纳数百万名顾客的水平,并同时以亚秒级的响应时间为顾客提供服务。