up to now

  • na.到现在为止
  • 网络直到现在;到目前为止;迄今

up to nowup to now

up to now


高中英语必修4单词_百度文库 ... lead to 导致 up to now 直到现在 feel/be content with 对……满足 ...


急求外研版高中英语必修一单词表_百度知道 ... so far 到目前为止 up to now 到目前为止 till now 到目前为止 ...


带up的词组以及例句_百度知道 ... up to 直到,达到…;由…决定;从事,搞 up to now 到现在为止,直到现在,迄今 use up v.用完,耗尽 ...


课改区高中英语必修1-4短语总结 - 豆丁网 ... up to 直到, 取决于… up to now 迄今 19. in exchange for 交换 20. ...


up to的意思_百度知道 ... owing to 因为 up to now 至今 Chambers of commerce in foreign countries 在外国的商会 ... ...


职称英语同义词词库 - 职称英语考试 大家论坛 ... unwilling 不愿意的 up to now 迄今为止 upgrade 提高,升级,改进 ...


专八翻译练习... ... *神兵神将: divine troops from heaven *至此: up to now;so far;by now *人间: human world;mortal world ...

Up to now, grammar has been used by our language educators to anesthetizes us against progress. 一直以来,语言教育用语法来麻痹我们、阻止进步。
In the first section of his speech, Wen said that up to now, the motto "I love my teacher but more love the truth" still inspire me. 温家宝在演讲的前部分中提到,“‘吾爱吾师但更爱真理’至今仍激励着我”。
Up to now, few critics have done it from the point of ecofeminism. 然而从生态女性主义角度对《呼啸山庄》进行的解读很少。
I should be grateful to it because it has helped me keep alive up to now and clear away the shadow left on me by me old family. 我应该感谢它。因为靠了它我才能够活到现在;而且把旧家庭给我留下的阴影扫除了的也正是它。
Natural violet cabbage pigment is one of anthocyanins in centaurea cyanus, mainly used for coloring food up to now. 天然紫甘蓝色素是矢车菊类花色苷,目前主要用于食品着色。
However, the mechanism for the formation and transition of these structures has remained unclear up to now. 然而,这些结构的形成和转变的机理目前还不十分清楚。
Up to now the traceability system has been used in a variety of fields and end up with satisfying results. 可追踪系统在产品的质量控制和监管方面,有很好的效果,已在许多领域得到了广泛的应用。
Up to now, new school students of compulsory education in 90 percent of the counties in the country began to use the new curriculum. 目前,全国90%以上的县(区)义务教育阶段起始年级,已经开始使用新课程。
Up to now, Swedish readers have been able to log on to the newspapers' comment pages using pseudonyms or nicknames. 到目前为止,瑞典的读者们还能够通过匿名或昵称登录这些报纸的评论页面。
Up to now, we have been entering one of two basic types of data into each cell that we have been using, Numbers and Text. 到目前为止,我们已经进入人的两种基本类型的单元,我们一直在使用、数字和文字。
Tunnel-type anchorage is not widely used in practice, and not enough attentions have been paid to its stability up to now. 隧道锚在实际工程中应用不多,目前对其稳定性的研究相对较少。
However, up to now, it can take a few minutes for an image to be produced, and this had to be done in a hospital or specialist care centre. 然而,直到现在,它能够花几分钟来产生影像,并且这必须在医院或专科护理中心进行。
However, up to now, so much controversy exists for the origin of five elements & philosophy connotation of five elements. 但是关于五行学说的起源及哲学内涵至今还存在许多争论。
Up to now, the company has 285 satellites into space, the total number of global active 50% of commercial satellites. 截至目前,公司已将285颗卫星送入太空,占全球现役商用卫星总数的50%。
From new period up to now, "forbidden area" problem in children literature has always been very big focus disputed problem. 从新时期至今,儿童文学中的“禁区”问题,一直是争议非常大的焦点问题。
Juventus, that up to now has shown to be competitive, and going on with matches, we'll see what is going to happen. 我想,尤文图斯才是现在,她到目前为止已经证明了自己的竞争力,随着比赛的进行,我们会看到发生什么。
retrofitting old elevator, the issue in Guangzhou yell for more than two years, up to now is still "a long battle out, partly-veiled" . 旧楼加装电梯,这个问题在广州嚷嚷两年多了,到现在依然“千呼万唤始出来,犹抱琵琶半遮面”。
Take the case of Peter Stump for example, up to now, there was no evidence to show that he had anyone of such diseases. 拿彼得·施通普的例子来说,到目前为止还没有证据可以表明他当时患有上述病症之一。
Up to now, the concept of spacetime travel by way of black hole can only be regarded as subjects of sci-fi and not a serious science. 所以到目前为止,利用黑洞时空穿梭等概念只可以被视为科幻作品的题材,而不属于认真科学研究的范畴。
Up to now, they have acquired a great deal of experience that play an important role of our civil servant system. 这些创新实践取得了不少宝贵经验,为我国公务员制度创新提供了重要的参考价值。
'The yuan has held quite steady till up to now. . . and in the long term, it will be stronger. We have to be ready for that, ' Mr. 他说,到目前为止,人民币汇率一直很稳定…从长远看,人民币将会走强,我们必须为此做好准备。
Up to now, no specific reports of casualties, but local media said the crash caused by fear of casualties. 截至目前,尚未有具体的人员伤亡报告,不过,当地媒体称此次坠机恐造成多人伤亡。
Classifier measure word is one of the characters of Chinese. Up to now, we know not enough about its history. 量词是汉语的特点之一,关于它的历史情况,我们现在知道的还很不够。
Despite intensive efforts, up to now, none of them have managed to determine the molecular architecture of these proteins. 尽管足够的努力,直到现在仍然没有给出这些蛋白的分子结构。
Up to now the experimental platform has been used for 4 times. 目前,已有4届学生在该平台上进行过教学试验。
As you said in the United States at the time of sync solution, up to now I still have not found the reason. 至于你在说于美国时间不同步的解决方案,到现在我还是没有查到原因。
Up to now, many Americans have been waiting to see if their current economic problems are temporary, or something more. 迄今为止,许多美国人正在观望看他们的当下的经济问题是暂时性的,还是继续恶化。
Up to now, dolphins have shown themselves to be adept at responding to human prompts, with food as a reward for performing a task. 迄今为止,海豚表现出她们擅长在人类的食物奖励下回应刺激以完成任务。
This outlay has continued up to now. The Olympic Park, lying at the north end of this central line, has become a new landmark of Beijing. 奥林匹克公园则建在这条中轴线的北端,成为北京的新地标。
Up to now I found self-reliance is a very difficult thing and sometimes I see it too easy to think. 直至现在我才发现自立是一件很困难的事情而有那么些时候我却把它想的太过简单。