used up

  • na.“use up”的过去式和过去分词;疲劳不堪的;用完了的
  • 网络用完的;耗尽;耗尽的

used upused up

used up


done - 英汉词典 ... (exhausted) 筋疲力尽的,累坏了的 (used up) 用完的,耗尽的 (proper) 合适的,得体 …


许多... ... 做====谋生 make a living / earn a living /do for a living 用完;耗尽 used up 与谁相处融洽 get along with whom ...


词汇十天··... ... 481. exhausted=tried 筋疲力尽的 482. exhausted=used up 耗尽的,用完的 483. exhibit=demonstrate 展示, …


all 和 all of... ... Pennsylvania 【宾夕法尼亚州】 Finished;used up: 耗尽的,用完的: The apples are all. 苹果全吃完了 ...


选修7 第一单元导学案_老霍_新浪博客 ... use up 用光,用尽 used up 筋疲力尽 too 后接 ...


B级字大字版_英文单字达人 ... report card. 成绩单 used up 用完了 glue stick. 胶水 ...


一道英语题_百度知道 ... take up 开始从事,占据 A.used up( 被用了) B.set up( 准备好了) ...


什么意思... ... be used with 与…一起使用 used up 用完了的;筋疲力尽;被杀死的 used to do 过去常常,过去曾经;过去常常 …

Within months, the whole budget that had been set aside for the year had been used up. 几个月后,当初留做一年用的预算就已经消耗殆尽了。
Not replaced by any other energy, oil is likely to be used up in the nearest future. 由于还没其他任何能源可代替,石油很可能在不久的将来被使用殆尽。
By the afternoon I had used up all my shot, and, being hungry I sat down and opened a small portable hamper that I carried with me. 到下午的时候,我已经用尽了所有的子弹,并且饥饿难当,我坐下来,打开自带的一个小型的便携野餐篮。
A little math tells us that more than half the quota must therefore have been used up in October alone. 简单算一下就能知道,仅在10月就用掉了大半配额。
Load the data file bmw-training. arff (see Download) into WEKA using the same steps we've used up to this point. 使用我们之前使用过的相同步骤来将数据文件bmw-training.arff(参见下载)载入WEKA。
Yuan Shu rule tear storms, and a waste of very poor, the people scraping money, make people have been used up, the soldiers lack food. 袁术统治暴泪,穷极而又浪费,大刮民财,弄得民穷财尽,军人乏粮。
Out there, he's nothing but a used-up old con with arthritis in both hands. Couldn't even get a library card if he applied. 在外面,他只是个双手患着关节炎的老囚徒!甚至都申请不到一张借书证,你知道我的意思么?
Cash reserves can be used up in the blink of an eye when in the company of lawyers. 和律师呆在一起,钱眨眼就没了。
North Korea's coal-fired power equipment only 27% was in 1980, after the construction of other equipment have been used up to 35 years. 朝鲜的火力发电设备只有27%是1980年往后配备布置设备摆设的,其它设备都已施用达35年以上。
I used up my eyesight to search and would like to see one's silhouette who set free the boat, yet I was disappointed. 我用尽我的视力搜索,想从小舟上看见放舟人的身影。
As the fire was always going out on me I soon used up my allotment of wood. 炉子总灭,所以我很快便用完了配给的木柴。
But now that Libya is convulsed by revolution, Gadaffi seems to have used up all his nine lives. 然而,利比亚现在革命中颤抖,卡扎菲似乎已经用完了他的9次生命。
When he began to work, his money were used up at the end of every month. 他刚工作的时候,每到月底钱就花光了。
Catalyst A substance that increases the rate of a chemical reaction without being used up in the reaction. 一种可以加快化学反应速率但本身在反应中却没有消耗的物质。
The global carbon budget that will lie at the heart of any future global deal on climate change is being used up a little more each day. 全球碳预算作为未来任何一个全球气候变化协议的核心问题正在一天天的耗尽。
The web will continue to work, but future growth would be stymied. It is just like when we used up the phone numbers in London. 互联网会依旧工作,但是未来的发展会受到限制。这就好比是当年伦敦电话号码的数量不能满足用户的增长一样。
When all his money had been used up, Peter had to turn to a friend for help. 当他的钱全都用光时,彼得只好转而求助于一个朋友。
A year later, a large youth as drug addiction, will house all of the money is used up, the final desperation into the drug. 一年后,某一青年由于毒瘾过大,将家中的所有钱财用尽,最后无奈之下进入禁毒所。
E-tickets will be issued once the current batch of paper tickets has been used up. The change currently only applies to domestic flights. 代理商手中的剩馀纸质机票销售完后,电子机票将开始全面普及,但目前只适用于国内航班。
Since consumption tends to grow more slowly than GDP, excess capacity can only be used up via yet more investment or exports. 由于消费的增长速度往往低于GDP增速,过剩产能只能通过更多的投资或出口得到利用。
The bad news: by the time colleges get to their waiting lists, financial aid is often used up. 坏消息:当大学敲定候选人名单之时,他们的财政资助常常已被用光。
Our money will have been used up by the end of this month. 我们的钱将到这个月底花完。
Based on our analysis, the Company should be start paying EIT in 2004 since all tax losses carried forward were used up in that year. 椐我们分析,该企业应自2004年起交纳企业所得税,因为那一年转入的失税指标已经用完。
"This was our third game in a week and we used up so much energy against Inter, " said Prandelli. “这是我们一周内的第三场比赛,我们对阵国际时消耗了太多,”普兰德利说道。
We ran on the auxiliary till we used up all the gasoline aboard, and then when there was no wind we just drifted. 我们靠着这个辅助前进直到用尽了船上的所有的汽油,而以后没有风的时候,我们只是漂浮着。
During the death of the cancer cells, TRAIL is not depleted or used up in any way, and in fact, it stays active for many weeks or months. 癌细胞死亡后,TRAIL分子并不废弃或以其它方式耗尽,事实上,TRAIL分子能够保持数周或数月的活性。
They gambled to drive the car to the garage for repair before their gasoline had been used up. 在汽油用光之前他们冒险驾驶着汽车到修车厂修理。
The amount of footage in a clip that's used up by a transition equals about half the length of the transition. 过渡所使用的剪辑中的素材量约等于过渡长度的一半。
The oil of the world will have been used up, and man will be using the more convenient power obtained fro the splitting of the atom. 全世界的石油将会用尽人们将使用从原子分裂获将会用尽,裂获得的这种更为方便的将会用尽裂获动力。
The oil of the world will have been used up, and man will be using the more convenient power obtained from the splitting of the atom. 全世界的石油将会耗尽,人们将使用从原子分裂获得的这种更为方便的动力。