sure enough

  • na.果然;果真
  • 网络确实;毫无疑问;果然不出所料

sure enoughsure enough

sure enough


新概念第三册精解 ... go back on one's word 食言 sure enough 果然,无疑 The comma 逗号的用法 ...


enough ... fair enough 还公道 sure enough 果真;确实 He said he would come,and sure enough he come. 他说要来,果然来 …


enough ... fair enough 还公道 sure enough 果真;确实 He said he would come,and sure enough he come. 他说要来,果然来 …


enough - 英汉词典 ... often enough 经常,频繁 sure enough 肯定,毫无疑问 well enough 还不错,还可 …


2010辽宁高考英语完型吴... ... 406 support for 对......的支持 407 sure enough 果然,果然不出所料; 408 take away 拿走,夺走…


Shrek 2 怪物史莱克2... ... B:Enough is enough( 够了). C:Sure enough千真万确)! A:That's easy enough to say( 说得容易)…


cry... ... not enough to swear by 仅仅一点点 sure enough 果然不错, 确实 well enough 还不错, 还可以; 相当, 很, 极 ...

Sure enough, a few days later when I stopped by his shack, he presented me with a cicada and a little packet of cicada food. 果然,几天后,当我来到小店门口时,他给了我一只知了和一小袋知了食。
A few minutes passed and sure enough, the blonde came out of her house again, checked her mail box, stamped her foot and went back inside. 几分钟过去了,金发美女又走出了房门,检查邮箱,跺跺脚又回去。
They went through the gate, and sure enough, there was an old-fashioned faucet with a bowl beside it. 他们进了门,果然发现一个旧式的水龙头,旁边放着一个碗。
As soon as he got to the small, rural airport, sure enough, a plane was warming up near the runway. 他一赶到这个很小的乡村机场,确实看到一架飞机在跑道旁等候待命。
Sure enough, this was all Twain needed to hear, and he immediately volunteered to be a test subject. 无疑这就是一切吐温需要知道的,他听后立即表示愿意成为这项发明的实验对象。
And sure enough she kept her word. When I met him the next day his face and hands were all scratched up. 果然她没有食言,第二天早上我碰到菲尔莫,他的脸和双手全被抓破了。
Sure enough, an hour later a man came up to the counter and asked if anyone had found a wallet. 果然,一小时后一个人来到柜台并询问是否有人捡到一个钱包。
And sure enough, when I got back to my office and pulled one of my books off the shelf, there the pages were, practically word for word. 很肯定的,我回到办公室,从书架上拿下一本自己写的书,翻到那几页,发现一字不差。
Sure enough, a pickup with an extended cab was stuck, its front wheels caught as if in a ditch. 没错,一辆带有驾驶室的敞篷车困在那里,它的前轮好像卡进了沟里。
At last his wife told him that they could again expect a child and, sure enough, when it was born it was a baby girl. 最后,他的妻子告诉他,他们可以再次期待一个孩子,果然,当它诞生那是一个女婴。
Sure enough, one evening Rich received a phone call saying there had been a death at the elderly couple's house. 果然不出所料,一天晚上Rich接到电话通知老夫妇中的一位在家里去世了。
I thought I must be imagining things, so I rubbed my eyes and looked again, and sure enough, two ladies it was! 我想这可能是我的幻觉,但是我揉揉眼睛再看,果真是两位妇人!
Obliging, the man removed the bags, and sure enough, each one of them contained nothing but dirt. Reluctantly, the guard let him go. 那人顺从地把口袋搬了出来。确实,口袋里除了土以外,别无他特。哨兵很不情愿地让他通过了。
Sure enough, in a demonstration room after the announcement, attendees at Apple's event found a feast of test units in both colors. 果然,在发布会后的演示厅内,出席此次活动的人们看到了样机的盛宴,两种颜色都有。
But when I checked to see how much room she had in her toebox, sure enough, her toes were jammed right up to the front of her shoe. 而当我查看鞋的前衬时发现脚趾的空间其实是足够的,但跑步时她的脚趾顶在跑鞋的前部了。
I decided to check the info, and sure enough. . . the title of the filthy establishment was right there for all to see! 我决定看一下上面的信息,然后足够的确信了…那个肮脏的机构就在那里让所有人看!
Sure enough, the people of Wei with the help of the State of Chen overthrew Zhou Xu and killed him in less than a year. 果然,不到一年,卫国人民就在陈国的帮助下推翻了州吁的统治,并处死了他。
He said he would come with his wife, and sure enough he did. 他说他会带着妻子一起来的,果然他们来了。
Sure enough, once we'd got to his place we wasted no time in pulling each other's clothes off and getting down to it. 一进门,我们就把对方扒了个干净,着手干起了正事,一分钟都没有浪费。
Sure enough, the trees registered a steady voltage of up to a few hundred millivolts. 果然,这些树提供的电压达到了几百毫伏。
Sure enough, only a few students would like to attend the lecture on such a topic. 我敢肯定,只有一部分学生会去听这种内容的讲座。
"He'll learn his lesson one of these days , " said Molly Monkey , and sure enough , that was just what happened . . . “他会了解他的教训之一,这些天来,说:”摩莉猴,并确定是否有足够的,这是刚刚发生了什么…
Three hours later the police officer returned to the same area and, sure enough, the blonde is still waiting at the same bus stop. 三个小时之后警察巡逻回到这片区域,却发现那位女郎依然在等。
That gave the state a majority share and, sure enough, a few months later, Mengniu's founder was replaced by a state-appointed executive. 这笔交易使政府获得了多数股股权。不出所料,几个月后,蒙牛创始人的职务便由一名政府任命的高管接替。
Sure enough, the horseman quickly jumped onto his horse and rode as fast as possible to cover as much land area as he could. 那位马夫果真很快就跳上马背,尽快骑起来,以便尽可能多地跑过一些地方。
Sure enough, by six we were struggling and Andrew very nearly went down a steep cliff, dragging Mohammed and me along with him. 果然,由六个我们奋斗,安德鲁几乎就下一个陡峭的悬崖上,拖着穆罕默德和我一同去。
But I persisted and, sure enough, not only did people stare at me and laugh but some actually pointed me out to their friends. 可我坚持使用我那“马褡子”,的确,一路上不仅有人盯着我发笑,还有人指着我让他们的朋友看。
Sure enough, the mould slowed down and sped up in time with the temperature changes. 果然,黏菌即时地随温度改变而减慢和加快移动速度。
Sure enough, as she came down to land the somersault that opens her routine, her right foot slipped off the edge of the 4-inch beam. 果然,当她翻上平衡木开始比赛时,右脚滑落了仅4英寸的平衡木。
There was a backup to the backup in the form of on-site diesel generators. And, sure enough, they kicked in. 还有为备用电力准备的备用柴油发电机,并且柴油发电机确实启动了。