at best

  • na.充其量也不过
  • 网络至多;最多;最好也只是

at bestat best

at best


大学英语四级常用词组 ... as best one can 尽最大努力 at best 充其量,至多 best of all 最(好),首先 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... at any rate 无论如何,至少 at best 充其量,至多 at first 最初,起先 ...


英语新词汇与常用词汇的翻译(A) ... at bat 轮到击球 at best 最多 at bottom 实际上 ...


新概念英语第一册(MP3版)美音版 - 豆丁网 ... at any rate 无论如何;至少 26、 at best 充其量,至多 27、 at first 起先,最初 2…


英语介词用法 - Mainz - 博客园 ... at any cost 不惜一切代价, at best 最好也只是, at first 起初, ...


邮件存档查阅 ... 1. immunise 使免疫,使免除 4. at best 最好的情况下 7. while away the time 消磨/打发时间 ...


顶这个字_ 新浪房产论坛 ... 15. 顶峰[ peak] 12. 顶多[ at (the)most;at best] [quarrel] 争辩;抬杠子;拌嘴 ...


英语常用词组表_百度文库 ... at any rate 无论如何,至少 64. at best 最多,充其量 65. at ease 舒适 66. ...

Do not know whether it into the semi-finals at best come, first I would like to thank Bo faithful encouraged me. 不知道能否进半决赛呢到时精彩来了,先谢谢博友们鼓励我。
The current diplomatic gridlock means that the Copenhagen summit is likely to produce a skeleton agreement at best. 当前的外交僵局意味着哥本哈根高峰会谈可能顶多产生一个框架协议。
To be able to live, a woman has to agree to serve, honor, and obey a man and what she gets in exchange is at best a shadow life. 为了能生活,女人必须同意为男人服务、尊敬男人、服从男人,而她作为交换所获得的最多只是一个影子般的生活。
Once upon a time, the outcomes of European Union summits were, at best, of purely local interest. 曾经有一段时间,欧盟(EU)峰会的结果最多只涉及局部利益。
With a data format as rich and capable of Atom, serializing to a format as simple and basic as JSON can be problematic at best. 将Atom这样丰富和强大的数据格式序列化为JSON这类简单的基本格式,一定会面临许多问题。
Poor Lydia's situation must, at best, be bad enough; but that it was no worse, she had need to be thankful. 可怜的丽迪雅,她的处境再好也好不到哪里去,可是总算没有糟到不可收拾的地步,因此她还要谢天谢地。
Crown had been seen as an underdog at best but had been encouraged by Ford if it could find the necessary funding, the paper added. 报导称,皇冠财团一直不被看好,但通用鼓励其坚持竞购,若其能获得必要融资的话。
Each dealer seems to have his own opaque pricing scheme, consumers have to endure endless haggling and the financing is murky at best. 每个经销商看上去都有自己的暗箱定价策略,消费者只能忍受无休止的讨价还价而且最好不要让销售者知道他们的筹资渠道。
And a piece of steak was such a little thing, a few pennies at best; yet it meant thirty quid to him. 区区一块牛排,最多不过值几个便士,然而对他来说,却等于三十金镑。
At best, EU bureaucrats can be naive about how much integration ordinary voters will bear. 从最好的方面看,欧盟官员天真地幻想着普通选民们能承受多高的整合度。
New Zealand is at best a second or third choice among South Asians seeking a new home, he said. 他说,在寻找新家的南非人之中,纽西兰顶多只是第二或第三选择。
A computer, in contrast, "could at best be programmed to try out a series of hypotheses to see which best fit the fixed data. " 相反的,一台电脑“最多也只能通过程序设计来尝试一系列假设,找出哪一种最符合固定的数据”。
It is not easy to deal with a country whose leader is, at best, only sane on alternate days. 在一个领导人最多隔天才神智正常的国家,做生意并不容易。
But most seem to think the senator is inept at best and a liar at worst. 但是大多数人认为这位议员太过笨拙,还是最差的说谎者。
Don't expect much of him; he is at best a student. 不要对他期望过高;他只不过是个学生。
At best, we're trying to find clarity about a place that, in the best of times, can only be described as opaque. 我们这么做的一切原因以及目的都是,我们都想要在最佳的时间里,竭尽所能的在一个被认为是不透明的地方找到光明的所在。
The personal training industry as a whole was still in its infancy at this point, so this idea seemed ridiculously far-fetched, at best. 在这一点上,私人培训业作为一个整体还处在起步阶段,所以这个想法充其量很是荒谬牵强。
There has been no third world war, but how much credit the UN can take for this is, at best, debatable. 第三次世界大战并未爆发,但联合匿究竟在这方面起到了多少作用,从最乐观的角度来看也是一个有争议问题。
Yet that alone is not enough for transparency. Cartilage has no melanins or blood supply and is colorless, but it is at best translucent. 不过单是如此还不足以达成透明,就像软骨,既没有黑色素亦无血液供应,同时也没有颜色,但它顶多只是半透明。
If you think of a programming problem as terrain that you have to traverse, a design pattern is at best a partial map. 如果您将编程问题想象成一个必须穿过的地区,那么设计模式最多只是一张局部地图。
A majority of the scientists believe that news coverage is at best fair and that the media does poorly at educating the general public. 大多数的科学家认为新闻报道是比较公正的,而媒体对于教育公众这方面做得很不好。
Did not insiders certainly think I was that students, at best, be regarded as a Shimei. 不知情者,肯定以为我就是那个学校的学生,充其量也算是一个师妹。
In today's English, the word "Oriental" , when used to refer to a person, sounds old-fashioned at best and derogatory at worst. 在今天的英语中,用“东方人”一词来指某人时,往好了说,听起来没有时代感,往坏了说,则有贬义。
The extended romp of 2006 to 2007 was an anomaly; historically, festivities have lasted two or three quarters at best. 2006年至2007年的超长繁荣景象,是一个例外的反常现象;传统上,节日气氛最多持续两到三个季度。
But, at best, it is only the beginning of a liberation of minds and people. 不过,它充其量只是一场思想和人民解放运动的开端。
Another option would be for emerging markets themselves to pool reserves. The politics of that would be messy at best. 另一个做法是新兴市场自己囤积储备,这样的做法最多也是一团糟而已。
At best, agency and information problems in financial markets make it hard for ants or grasshoppers to understand what is going on. 在最好的情况下,金融市场中的机构和信息问题让蚂蚁或蚱蜢难以理解发生的一切。
Such a single point figure permits at best a detection range estimate for a known radar operating at the specified wavelength and aspect. 这种单个点阵图所表示的最大范围只是一个已知雷达在规定波长和位面的探测距离。
The sound that squawked out of the little speaker that you attached to your car window was tinny at best. 贴在车窗上的小音箱播出的声音也并不响亮。
Gaming tends to be regarded as a harmless diversion at best, a vile corruptor of youth at worst. 这对线上游戏来说不失为一个从只会危害年轻人一个正面的形象转移。