
美 [ɑ:t]英 [ɑ:t]
  • abbr.(=article)(=artist)
  • 网络项目;是安特;艺术美学


n. v.

1.[u]艺术,美术(尤指绘画、雕刻、雕塑)the use of the imagination to express ideas or feelings, particularly in painting, drawing or sculpture

2.[u]艺术作品;美术作品examples of objects such as paintings, drawings or sculptures

3.[u]艺术技巧the skill of creating objects such as paintings and drawings, especially when you study it

4.[pl](统称)艺术art, music, theatre, literature, etc. when you think of them as a group

5.[c]表演艺术a type of visual or performing art

6.[c][usupl]人文科学,文科(如语言、历史、文学)the subjects you can study at school or university that are not scientific, such as languages, history or literature

7.[c][u]技能;技术;技巧an ability or a skill that you can develop with training and practice


石油英语词汇(A5)_专业词汇_专业英语_食品伙伴网 ... ART 自适应共振理论 Art. 项目 ARTEP 石油开采技术研究协会 ...


听电影学英语-这个男人来自地球... ... [03:59.66]真漂亮 Edith:well,it’s beautiful. [04:04.33]是安特 Art. [04:07.73]啊 Ah. ...


摩登家庭ModernHome LifeDesign -... ... 建筑住宅 Build. 艺术美学 Art. 设计创意 Des. ...


绘画艺术PPT幻灯片 -... ... 艺术家画 Artist-PAINTINGS 艺术画作 ART.... 人体彩绘艺术节 Body Painting Festival ...


曼切斯特城市大学 Manchester Metropolitan... ... 英语语言学院 Engli.. 艺术与媒体学院 Art.. 心理学院 Psychol.. ...


BenQMP3报价_京昊永成数码店BenQMP3价格... ... 熊猫( Panda...(0) 雅美达( Art...(0) 亚迅( ASION...(0) ...


龚柏华_新浪博客 ... 《牛津字典》( Oxford Dictionary) 内在因素Art. 31 外在因素: Art. 31 ...


国际法的研究方法 国际条约的解释规则... ... 内在因素: Art. 31 外在因素Art. 31 declaration 宣言: ...

It was a time that produced some of the greatest thought and art that the world has ever known. 这段时期中,希腊产生了人类历史上最伟大的思想和艺术瑰宝。
Ah you say art, art of what you know, the hair from a non-slip coated with a yellow autumn you artists you, you have to feather friends. 你丫说艺术,懂艺术么你,把自个头发涂个黄不溜秋的你就艺术家啦,就得瑟啦。
It is followed by the fifth part which deals with how the concept of regional features can be utilized in modern environment art design. 第五部分结合部分实例分析了现代环境艺术如何利用地域特征进行设计的概念与方法。
After only a few day's instruction, she got typing off to a fine art. 仅仅经过几天的训练,她的打字技术就达到极其出色的程度。
The forth part of this paper is conclusion part, I give a simple summary on experimental nature of Chinese contemporary art . 第四部分是结论部分,本人对中国当代艺术的实验性进行了简单的总结。
The telephone has almost killed the ancient art of letter writing , which used to be the only method of long distance communication . 写信过去一向是长途通讯的惟一方式,可电话几乎扼杀了这个古代的写信艺术。
She said the show seems customized for her and offers her opportunities to meet some interesting people in the movie and art circles. 她说,这个节目好像专为她量身定作,并让她有机会接触到影艺界一些有趣的人。
Then said the Virgin Mary, "Thou hast not obeyed me, and besides that thou hast lied, thou art no longer worthy to be in heaven. " 圣母玛利亚说:“你没有听我的话,而且你还撒谎。你不配再在天堂住下去了。”
Mrs Kan has turned the Japanese tradition of publicly downplaying the achievements of loved ones into something of an art form. 菅伸子已经把公开无视所爱之人获得的成就这一日本传统变成了一种艺术形式。
And basically to ask the questions, What if art was aware that we were looking at it? 作品的概念基本上是提出这样的问题,如果艺术品本身可以意识到我们在看它,又会怎样?
The robotic systems put a surgeon's hands at the controls of a state-of-the-art robot with multiple arms and unparalleled precision. 机械系统将外科医生的双手置于一个拥有多条机械手臂和极高精密度的先进机器人的控制之下。
The concept of pop art refers not as much to the art itself as to the attitudes that led to it. 流行艺术的概念,是指不一样的艺术本身的态度,导致了它。
An advance showing, as of a movie or an art exhibition, to which a selected audience is invited before public presentation begins. 预审,预看在公映或公开展览之前的预先放映或开放,如电影或艺术展览,只有少数经过挑选的观众被邀请。
Some are trying to turn it from an art into a science. 一些公司正尝试将销售从一门艺术转变为一种科学。
But his temperament undermined his talent; he never understood that politics was more art than engineering. 然而气质问题埋没了他的才智;他不明白政治不是技术,而是艺术。
As long as the study of Chinese art history, history will not be able to bypass the three thousand years of historical documents. 只要研究中国美术史,就无法绕开三千年沿革的历史文献。
Perhaps one could argue it was no coincidence that Concrete Art should have appeared in a country which appreciates practicality and order. “具体艺术”出现在瑞士也许并非巧合,瑞士正是一个崇尚实用性和秩序的国家。
"Great art in the right place gives citizens a sense of relief and relaxation, " he said. “伟大的艺术如果放在正确的地方会让市民们感到心情放松,”他说。
An act like this is prepared within the silence of the heart, as is a great work of art. 同伟大的艺术作品一样,如此的行为酝酿于心中的沉寂。
The only surgeon was one who combined the occasional exercise of that noble art with the daily and habitual flourish of a razor. 唯一的外科医生则是一位每日惯于操刀为人忙于理发的人,只是偶尔才实践一下这种高贵的技艺。
Learn the art of being an observer and you will be surprised how much you see that you didn't see before. 学习做观察者的巧妙和你会为你见到之前你见不到的东西而感到惊讶。
In that sense, Hewlett's role might be likened to that of a fine art dealer, sourcing choice European masters for discerning collectors. 从此意义上讲,休利特更像是一位艺术商人,将精选的欧洲大师推荐给好眼力的收藏家。
Art copy: All original copy, whether prepared by an artist, camera, or other means. Loosely speaking, any copy to be reproduced. 美术稿:指一切由艺术家、相机或其他方法制造的原作艺术品。一般来说,指任何将被复制的稿件。
If it's been a while, get out the art supplies and help him or her "write" something simple, like a few letters. 如果是很久以前的事情了,那么请您拿出画笔,和他一起做一些工作,比如说写几个简单的字母。
JEFF KOONS is one of the greatest sculptors of all time, say contemporary-art-market insiders, undeterred by the volatility of his prices. 当代艺术市场业内人士丝毫没有被杰夫昆斯(JEFFKOONS)作品价格的大幅波动吓倒,反而说他是有史以来最伟大的一位雕塑家。
But for the moment at least it is hard to think of a large company that better epitomises the art of innovation than Apple. 但至少在目前,要想出一家比苹果更能体现创新风格的大公司并非易事。
AMANPOUR: So you're clearly really sort of working against that with your art, with your -- with your activism. 阿曼普尔:所以你实际上是在用你的艺术对抗那些事,用你的行动。
But if it happens in such wise as thou art not formed by nature to bear it, do not complain, for it will perish after it has consumed thee. 但如果它是以后一种方式发生,也不要抱怨,因为在它消耗完你之前自己就要消失。
The first light shows performed in the United States were developed as a fine art at San Francisco State College in the early fifties. 美国本土的光影演出,最早是在50年代早起在旧金山州立大学(SanFranciscoStateCollege)作为一个美术门类发展起来的。
Being death knights my comrade an I should be able to get close enough to art has to destroy him with the ASHBRINGER's power. 成为死亡骑士,这样我和我的战友可以足够接近阿尔萨斯,并利用灰烬使者的力量干掉他。