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  地点: 第六街(6th)和阿瓦拉多路(Alvarado)的十字路口  37. 纸袋过多Paper Sack Holdup   时间: 19:00-7:00   地点: 主街(Main Str...

The modified question will be: How much bubble wrap do you need to survive jumping out of the 6th floor of a building? 修改之后的问题如下:你需要包裹多少汽泡纸才能从6楼窗口跳下去并安然无恙?
There was a note of spice, especially that of cinnamon. Until the 6th infusion, the tea was still quite blunt in mouth. . . (茶汤)中有香料,特别是桂皮的的味道。直到第六泡,这茶在口中仍感粗钝。
On September 6th news leaked via AllThingsD, a technology-news website, that she had been ousted in a surprise coup by Yahoo! 's board. 一家科技网站---AllthingsD在其9月6日的新闻中透露巴尔茨突遭雅虎董事会解雇。
The next day, January 6th, Democrats were stunned when Mr Ritter announced that he would not stand for re-election this year after all. 次日即1月6日,黎特尔当即宣布自己最后不会支持今年的改选,这让民主党人大跌眼镜。
Iran has been a state since the creation of the Persian Empire in the 6th century BC. 伊拉克自公元前6世纪建立波斯帝国以来就一直是一个政权。
The 6th edition sports easy-to-follow color graphics, crystal-clear explanations, and guidance on the most useful things your iPod can do. 第六届运动版易于遵循的最有用的东西你的iPod可以做彩色图像,清晰的解释和指导。
It was released on April 6th, after a week of negotiations between scientists and governments over the wording. 科学家和政府官员花了一周时间就文字表述进行谈判后,于4月6日发表该报告。
We are soon entering our 6th year online, and I want to take a moment to ask you for your help in continuing our mission. 维基百科上线即将迈入第6个年头,我希望花一些时间请求您帮助我们的任务继续走下去。
Available at the stairs of my house, he anxious, so how can we go up to me and my family --- Dunong bike on the 6th floor of the place? 可到了我家的楼梯口,他又犯愁了,怎么才能把我和自行车都弄上去我家---在6楼的地方呢?
An escalation of rhetoric can be expected in the next few days as China's legislature holds its annual meeting, starting on March 6th. 在接下来的几天里,随着3月6日中国立法机关年会的召开,北京在措辞方面将进一步严厉。
INDIA'S place in the world will also be under discussion when Tim Geitner, America's Treasury secretary, visits Delhi on Tuesday 6th April. 美国财长盖特纳将于4月6日(星期二)访问德里,届时也会讨论印度在世界上的地位这一问题。
On September 6th Oracle announced it had hired Mr Hurd and given him a seat on the software behemoth's board. 9月6日甲骨文公司宣布聘请赫德先生,并授予其巨兽软件公司董事会一席。
Having volunteered in my community since the 6th grade, I continued to do so in high school by working at our local soup kitchen [1]. 从六年级起我就开始在我们社区志愿服务,高中的时候我仍然坚持这样做,当时是在我们当地的救济厨房工作,每个月一到两次。
It would be very nice if you and your wife could com and spend the weekend 5-6th May with us. 如您和您的夫人能来这里与我们共度周末(5月5日到6日),那就太好了。
Until the election on May 6th only one post-war contest, in February 1974, had failed to produce a clear winner. 直到5月6号,才出现1974年后的第一次无明确胜利者的的选举。
Childhood, the body likes to toss people, always troublesome parents, three on the 6th to take me a trip to the hospital. 小时候,身体老爱折腾人,总要麻烦父母三头六日带我往医院里跑一趟。
They waited for the opening of Parliament on November 6th when the king and all his advisers would be there for the meeting. 他们等待议会开幕式在十一月六日当国王和他的顾问将在那里开会。
His trip up the Mall officially kicked off an election campaign that will end with the general election on May 6th. 布朗此次拜访的目的是正式宣布开始竞选,大选将会在今年5月6日举行。
In a moment of recklessness, Gervase Tregarth, 6th Earl of Crowhurst, swears he'll marry the next eligible lady to cross his path. 在一个鲁莽的时刻,杰瓦斯特雷加斯,第6克劳赫斯特伯爵,发誓他会在未来结婚资格夫人跨越他的路径。
On December 6th prices rose to a two-year high as Britain recorded one of its highest-ever levels of electricity demand. 12月6日的用电量与英国有记录以来的最高水平持平,物价随之升至两年来的最高值。
Fiery Mars moved into fellow Earth sign, Taurus, at the end of May, and Venus joins him on June 6th. 五月底炙热火星搬进土星伙伴-金牛座,而金星在6月6日也搬了过去。
responding to the gloom, the Bank of England announced a fresh round of quantitative easing on October 6th. 对此黯淡的状况,10月6号英格兰银行宣布了新一轮的货币量化宽松政策。
the Greek lyric poet of Lesbos; much admired although only fragments of her poetry have been preserved (6th century BC). 莱斯博斯岛的腊抒情诗人;尽管她的诗仅保留下来不多却受到许多的赞美。
Shwedagon Pagoda, the country's most sacred and well-known monument, has stood like a father overlooking Rangoon since the 6th century AD. 大金塔是缅甸最神圣最有名的纪念碑,自从公元6世纪就像父亲一样俯瞰着仰光。
Proposed changes to family migration, out for consultation until October 6th, are likely to prove even more controversial. 力图要在10月6号之前磋商解决的关于家庭移民问题的拟议修正案,有可能引起更多的争议。
A single spark from the Chinese revolution is here to bear the new drums Lane 6th was one of the cradles of the CPC. 中国革命的星星之火就是从这里开始蕴育起来的,新渔阳里6号曾是中国共产党的摇篮之一。
The country which Mr Obama will visit on July 6th to "press the reset button" , as he puts it, no longer seeks integration with the West. 7月6日奥巴马先生将出访俄罗斯,用他的话说是“去按下重启键”,而俄罗斯已不再寻求与西方的融合。
The Bank of China has been awarded the Best Bank for Foreign Exchange Transactions in 2011 by Global Finance for the 6th consecutive year. 中国银行近日荣获《环球金融》杂志“2011年最佳外汇交易银行奖”。这是中行连续第6年获此殊荣。
The last naturally born Pyrenean Ibex, named Celia, died on January 6th, 2000, after being found dead under a fallen tree at the age of 13. 最后一只自然出生的野山羊西莉亚在2000年1月6日被发现死于一棵倒落的树下,终年13岁。
Shanghai Doyle Knitting Garment Co. , Ltd. was a Sino-Japanese joint venture set up in February 6th, 1994. 上海田村秀针织织造制衣有限公司是中日合资企业,创建于1994年2月6日。