60 minutes

60 minutes60 minutes

60 minutes

And I said, "Well I've been a woman for 60 years, but I've only been Secretary of State for a few minutes. " 我说到,“我作为女人有60年了,但我作为国务卿仅有几分钟而已。”
In May, Mr. Negroponte appeared on CBS's '60 Minutes' and blasted Intel, suggesting it was trying to drive his nonprofit out of business. 月份,尼葛洛庞帝现身哥伦比亚广播公司(CBS)“60分钟”节目,猛烈抨击了英特尔,指出英特尔试图把非营利机构OLPC逼到绝境。
Mr Bernanke agreed to a profile by "60 Minutes" , a news programme, in which he strolled down the streets of his hometown. 伯南克许可了“六十分钟”这个新闻节目中他沿着家乡的街道往前走的形象。
Exercise included walking briskly for up to 60 minutes for five days a week for a target of at least 10, 000 steps a day. 运动包括每天轻快散步60分钟——至少每天10,000步的目标——每周五天。
A "60 Minutes" report now shows the motives of the murder may have been more complicated -- and yet more commonplace. 据“60分钟”节目报道,这起谋杀案的动机可能比人们想象的更为复杂,同时也更为普通。
Look for a group with a trained leader that meets in regular sessions (20 to 60 minutes long) over at least a two-week period. 参加一个有受过专业训练领导者的团体,至少每两周开一次20到60分钟的常规会议。
But in an interview for the US TV show 60 Minutes, she said she may well tune in after she leaves the programme. 不过在美国电视节目《60分钟》的采访中说道,等她不再演这部戏了以后她很有可能会去看。
Obama seems to still like the food: He also made tuna salad in 2008 during a visit from 60 Minutes. 貌似他至今仍热爱着这种食物:在2008年参加《60分钟》栏目时,他亲自做了个金枪鱼沙拉。
To lose weight, the recommendation is to do at least 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous aerobic exercise five days each week. 要减肥,建议要每周五天每天进行至少60分钟的从中等强度到剧烈的有氧运动。
Dalglish thinks playing just under 60 minutes for his country will have done Carroll's quest for match fitness no harm at all. 国王认为为自己国家只上场60分钟对已经为比赛积极健身做好准备的萝莉身体没有坏处。
Patients who did not improve with the first injection could receive a second open-label injection 60 minutes later. 第一次注射没有改善的患者可以在注射60分钟后接受第二次开放注射。
HPS is capable of stencil printing downtimes up to 60 minutes with an effective first print down to 20 mils without any kneading . 还具多达60分钟的模板印刷停机时间性能,首次印刷无搅拌有效精度可达20密耳。
But it is his television role as the inquisitive and cranky commentator on "60 Minutes" that made him a cultural icon. 但就是他在“60分”里好奇、古怪电视人的角色,让他成为了一个文化标签。
But it is his television role as the inquisitive and commentator on "60 Minutes" that made him a cultural icon. 不过,正是他在《60分钟》里追根问底、言辞古怪的电视明星形象,使得他成为了一个文化偶像。
Each Sunday, Rooney delivered one of his "60 Minutes" essays from behind a desk that he, an expert woodworker, hewed himself. 每个周日,Rooney在他自己做的木头桌子后面发表一个“60分钟”节目。
As a dietary supplement, recommended use is one to two tablets 30-60 minutes before benefit is desired. Do not exceed two tablets per day. 建议于亲密活动之前卅~六十分钟,使用一~两锭,每日用量请勿超过两锭。
This would ensure "door-to-drug" (t-PA or other treatment) time of 60 minutes following delivery to the hospital. 这样就可以保证“出门至用药”(t-PA或其它疗法)在病人抵达医院一小时之内完成。
"Certainly there's no doubt among Al Qaeda members that he is dead, " Mr. Obama said in the "60 Minutes" interview. 奥巴马总统在“六十分钟”节目中谈到:“基地组织成员都知道本拉登已经死亡,这是毫无疑问的。”
Bernanke admitted in his 60 Minutes interview that he did not see the panic of 2008 coming. 伯南克在60分钟的访谈中承认他没有预见到2008年的经济恐慌。
Mike Wallace, one of the original correspondents on the CBS news magazine "60 Minutes" is born in Brookline, Massachusetts. 迈克·华莱士,一个原始的记者在CBS新闻杂志“60分钟”是生于布鲁克林,麻萨诸塞州。
Along with its high-rises, the city's famed Opera House and Harbour Bridge faded to black during the allotted 60 minutes. 悉尼著名的歌剧院和海港大桥与其它高楼一起在活动时间熄灯60分钟。
Remaining focused on your breath to the exclusion of all else. Do this for 60 breaths (at least 10 minutes) and you will feel very relaxed. 这样呼吸60次,至少10分钟,你会感觉到非常轻松。
Just the simple practice of breathing consciously for 60 minutes at a time infuses one's biology with prana, or life force. 仅仅一次简单的60分钟的有意识的呼吸练习,也会给身体输入气能或者生命动力。
Limit the time I spend on routine communication to no more than 60 minutes per day, including email, forums, phone calls, etc. 限制日常交流的时间在每天不要超过60分钟,包括邮件,论坛,电话等等。
Those are among the findings of a new "60 Minutes" -Vanity Fair Poll released Sunday. 这些调查结果均来自最近“新闻60分”与《名利场》杂志的民意调查,该调查结果于周日发布。
Sixty minutes before your run, reach for a bottle of sports drink. At run-minus-30, get up and take a 3-minute stroll to loosen the legs. 例如,跑步前60分钟,喝一瓶运动饮料,前半个小时,开始活动身体,伸展四肢,放松腿部,做3分钟左右。
I could show you what recently was on television as a high quality video 60 Minutes, many of you may have seen it. 最近电视上,播出了一段60分钟的高清视频。我想很多人都看过了。
The fact that there are 60 minutes in an hour and 360 degrees in a circle is a relic of the Babylonians' choice of base 60. 事实上,一小时60分钟,一周360度这些都是巴比伦人选择60为基数的痕迹。
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange's most recent comments about what he does and why he does it were on CBS News' 60 Minutes this past Sunday. 维基解密创始人朱利安阿桑格最近在CBN新闻60分钟里解释了他的行动及动机。
From all testing so far, this cooldown appears to be 10 minutes for Uncommon gems and 60 minutes for Rare gems. 从目前测试来看,对于绿色宝石冷却时间10分钟,蓝色宝石冷却长达1小时。