
美 [ˈkwestʃ(ə)n]英 ['kwestʃ(ə)n]
  • n.问题;疑问;发问;质问
  • v.怀疑;询问;讯问;审问

复数:questions 现在分词:questioning 过去式:questioned

answer question,ask question,discuss question,raise question,put question
same question,difficult question,real question,simple question,key question


The interview went well and I told the company about my experiences and answered their questions as honestly as I could. 面谈进行很顺利,我把我的经历告诉了公司,尽可能老老实实地回答了他们的问题。
The questions are two: how to restructure regulation for the long haul; and how much of their crisis tool box to use now. 这个问题可分为两方面:如何对长期监管进行调整;它们手头现在有多少危机工具可以用。
Journalists from all over the world flocked to the conference with notebooks full of pressing questions to ask the new record holder. 来自世界各地的记者们带着笔记本蜂拥来到会上,他们有一大堆急切的问题要问新世界纪录的创造者。
If Dirk could follow Rafa when he becomes the next coach of Juventus? I don't know. I cannot answer these questions now. 德克是否跟随可能成为尤文下任主教练的贝尼特斯转会?我不清楚,现在我不能回答这些问题。
It was gratifying to see my colleagues asking probing questions and demonstrating genuine concern about this important issue as well. 看着我的同僚们问出探索性的问题并真心显露出对这个重要议题的关切是相当令人欣慰的。
and I am going to discuss with you, I am going to talk and answer questions from that point of view during the five Sundays that follow. 在接下来的五个星期日里,我将要和你一起讨论,我将要从这个角度回答一些问题。
The reporter, witnessing the goings-on , couldn't make sense of it. He kept urging Hacker - Killer to ask more questions. 好奇记者在旁边看的一楞一楞的,不断的催促骇客杀手继续问下去。
The audience pelted the speaker with questions until the chairman had to stop them, for there was no more time. 听众不断向演讲者提出问题,直到主席不得不阻止提问,因为没有时间了。
It is for our clients to leave a comment or suggestion. Also, welcome you to ask some questions here. 是大家对我们的服务留下一些评价或建议,也可以提出自己的一些问题。
Should also consider how to answer the other may be a good question to their own, be prepared to ask questions to each other. 还要考虑好如何回答对方可能向自己提出的问题,也要准备好如何向对方发问。
I did not know, but refrained from asking any further questions at present, for fear of irritating Lupin. 我从没听说过这些人,不过怕卢宾烦恼,就没有再问。
She began peppering me with unnerving questions -- like why planes crashed, how frequently, and whether I knew that this one would be safe. 女儿开始问我一些让人不知所措的问题,为什么飞机会坠毁,机率是多少,她要搭乘的这架飞机会不会安全。
Every new answer breeds a dozen new questions. What I know, compared with what I do not know, is like a grain of sand by the sea. 每解决一个问题就会产生一打新的问题。我所懂得的比之于我所不懂的,只不过是茫茫大海边上的一粒沙子而已。
It is not polite to ask people questions about politics or religion either unless you know them very well. 如果对他人不是非常了解,那么询问有关政治或宗教信仰问题,也是不礼貌的。
By taking up such questions anew, at their origin, as if they had not already been settled somewhere, one makes the pleasure last! 当我们重新从事这样的问题,在它们的起源处,好像它们在某个地方,还没有稳定下了,我们使得这种乐趣一直延续下去!
The company gave us a presentation on how the new system worked . Afterwards, the employees got a chance to ask questions. 那家公司给我们做了一个如何操作系统方面的演示后,开始接受我们的提问。
The great questions of the day will not be settled by means of speeches and majority decisions but by iron and blood. - Otto von Bismarck. 时代的重大问题不是通过空谈和多数决议就能解决的,而是要通过铁与血。
For more details, welcome to check me out on my page(I will definitely check everyone of you, haha). Please feel free to ask questions. 想要知道关于我的更多细节,你们也可以点击我的主页来看看(当然我也必然会来加你们的,哈哈)。
I connected with her quite deeply as I began to explore questions of culture and community. 当时我正开始研究文化和社区之间的问题,我跟她进行了很深入的交流。
When he was a young boy he used to ask lots of questions. . . 他小时候常常问许多问题…
Today we live to a lot of net friend, and our partners, as well as our Ali 's family, I collected some questions to ask you questions. 今天我们现场来了很多的网商朋友,还有我们的合作伙伴,以及我们的阿里家属,我这边收集了一些问题想向您提问。
That raises questions about how much news will be gathered. 这就产生了该收集多少新闻的问题。
Perhaps unsurprisingly, it was by far our most popular 'Ask' interview yet, with thousands of questions being sent from all over the globe. 虽然有来自全球成千上万的问题,但这是到目前为止最流行的问答采访方式,可能并不令人吃惊。
Such questions are worth consideration but are not the sort of thing that can be solved in an instant. 这类问题虽然值得去考虑,但是并不是能立即解决的。
I need to ask some more questions, and I hope they are questions that you will want to ask, as well, some of you. 我需要再问一些问题,希望这也是你们想问的问题。
The only way to understand their motivations for donating, or their hot buttons for pulling out their check book, is to ask questions. 要了解他们捐款的真正动机,唯一的方法就是问他们问题。
From the first day, your new employer should make it clear that you have a network of support ready to help you and answer any questions. 从第一天起,你的新雇主应该表明你拥有一个支持网络,准备好帮助你和回答你的任何问题。
One of the most difficult questions for value investors is how much risk to incur. 对于价值投资者来说最困难的问题之一是承担多大的风险。
I am not going to ask any questions now. She yelled at me the last time I did that. As you know, once bitten, twice shy. 我不打算提任何问题了,上次我这么做的时候,她冲我大叫。你知道,一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳。
Who was this man, to appear so rudely in her apartment, to ask her such questions? 这个人是谁,无礼地出现在她的公寓,问她这些问题?