make room for

  • na.让地位[位置]给…
  • 网络给……腾出地方;腾出空间;给……腾地方

make room formake room for

make room for


初二英语下册所有单词_百度知道 ... lifeboat n.救生(船)艇 make room for 给…腾出地方 take one's place 坐某人的座位 ...


高考单词词汇复习300_英语_新浪博客 ... make up 组成 make room for 腾出空间 pull out 分离 ...


九年级英语短语集锦 ... 223. get sick of 对…感到厌恶 224. make room for 给…腾地方 225. shop for 购买… ...


以动词开头的习惯搭配 - 豆丁网 ... lose track of 与……失去联络 make room for 为……腾出地方 make up one's mind 下决心 ...


高中英语词组大全 ... make repairs 修理,修补 make room for 为……腾地方 make sense 讲得通;很有意义 ...


101学习辅导 - 天涯问答 ... 5.make progress 取得进步 6.make room for 让出地方 7.make sense of 讲得通,言之有理 ...


1 - huiyudeni006_fzc的日志 - 网易博客 ... make oneself at home 不客气 make room for 给……让地方 make sure 确保;保证 ...

We calculate and estimate, and say that this and that will happen, and we forget to make room for God to come in as He chooses. 我们计算了又估算,说事情将会这样那样,却忘记了给神留地步,让祂按祂的选择来行事。
Kids all seem to have growth spurts in summer and by clearing stuff out you'll make room for bulky winter clothes as well. 孩子都是在夏天突然长高,把那些衣服整理出来,你还可以把空间整理出来放大量的冬天衣服。
New Zealand graciously withdrew its own candidacy to make room for an American bid, in a General Assembly vote that will take place in May. 新西兰将在五月举行的大会投票活动中放弃候选资格,庄重的为美国让出自己的席位。
And his wife, the unofficial curator of that budding basketball museum, would be wise to make room for an NBA Finals MVP trophy, too. 他的妻子,还有篮球名人堂,都将要腾出空间给科比放一个总决赛MVP的奖杯了。
True enough, but Mr Nazarbayev himself looks in fine fettle and does not seem ready to make room for the younger generation. 纳扎尔巴耶夫年事已高毋庸置疑,但看起来他依旧精神矍铄,似乎尚未准备让贤给年轻一辈。
The brain is acting a bit like a sponge; it can soak up new information and change to make room for it, a concept known as plasticity. 大脑就像是一块海绵,它能吸收新的信息,并作出改变为其腾出空间,这就是大家熟知的“可塑性”。
Some phone messages may have been deleted to make room for more messages, giving her family false hope that she was still alive. 一些电话信息可能被删除,为更多信息腾出空间,这给了她的家人虚假的希望,认为她还活着。
The logging occurs to make room for agriculture that feeds growing populations, or to accommodate economic growth. 采伐森林是为了腾出空间进行农耕以养活不断增长的人口或者顺应经济增长。
Scroll to the bottom of the report, and then drag the bottom edge of the report body upwards to make room for a new table. 滚动到报表底部,然后向上拖动表体的下边缘以为新表留出空间。
When jack saw it coming toward him, he stopped his own car at the side to make room for it to pass. 当杰克看到它朝他开过来时,就停车靠边,给它腾出过去的空儿。
The children squeezed together to make room for me to sit down. 孩子们挤在一起以便腾出空来让我坐下。
When attempted, important achievements are left out to make room for a full chronology of the career history and education. 那么重大的成绩就要为列举多年的工作经历和教育腾出空位。
Now that George has the whole study to himself, he is going to move the sofa out to make room for his new desk. 现在整个书房归乔治独用了,他准备把沙发搬出去以腾出地方来放他的新书桌。
One of the basics of minimalism is that you eliminate as many non-necessities as you can, to make room for what's important. 简约主义的基本要素之一就是要尽可能多地抛弃你生活中那些非必需品,给真正重要的事情以足够的空间。
If it only does one thing (I'm looking at you, garlic press), ditch it to make room for something with more than one use. 如果它仅有单一用途(如压蒜器),你可毫不犹豫的扔掉它,把空间留给那些具备多用于的物品。
But spokesman Eike Wolf said it needed to be dismantled and removed by this coming Saturday to make room for a major production. 发言人埃克‧沃尔夫说该剧场必须拆除,并且将在本周六前移走,以腾出空间制作一部大型电影。
By this time stupor had given place to anxiety, and anxiety began to make room for hunger and thirst. 这时,迷离恍惚已经被焦急所代替,而焦急又开始使她感到了饥渴。
I could persuade her to make room for you should it be necessary. 如果有必要,我可以说服她给你腾地方。
Perhaps it was to make room for additional fuel for the long flight. 有人猜测或许是为了要让出空间来存放长途飞行要用的额外燃料。
Make room for this ruling elder, he comes to see a precious sister glorify God in the Grassmarket. 给这位长老让路,他是来送一位宝贝妹妹到草市场去礼拜上帝的。
Make room for some sort of a firebox or burner. 给燃烧室或者燃烧器留些空间。
This was done to make room for it as a prerequisite for Searing Freeze. The talent itself has remained unchanged. 目的是为了做为灼热冻结(注:冰系新天赋)前置天赋,天赋本身无变化。
Mr Kan's resignation comes almost three months after he first indicated he would step down to make room for a younger leader. 近3个月前,菅直人首度表示他将辞职,为更加年轻的领导人让路。
America, by implication, has no choice but to make room for it. 根据寓意推断,美国毫无选择,只能为这些海外资本腾出空间。
I stood up to make room for this old man. Milk, butter and cheese are shipped here from the dairy farms. 牛奶,黄油及奶酪是从榨乳农场运来这里的。
I used to think that if it made itself any heavier and wider, the neighboring buildings would have to move aside and make room for it. 我过去以为,它如果建造得再重些,再宽些的话,附近的那些楼房就得移到一边去,给它腾出地方的。
The only problem, he adds, is that sometimes she forgets to make room for her husband too. 他还说,唯一的问题是有时候她会忘了应该也给丈夫留点空间。
The front fascia has been altered to make room for a large center air intake. 前筋膜已被更改,以腾出空间给一个大中心进气口。
The process of moving half the rows or entries in a full data or index page to a new page to make room for a new row or index entry. 将完整数据或索引页中一半的行或条目移到新页以便为新行或索引条目释放空间的过程。
The thieves had already taken down George who swung backward and forward between the two posts to make room for Gringoire. 小偷们早已把在两根木桩中间前后遥晃的乔治放下,为格兰瓜尔腾出地方。