a pair of

  • det.一双
  • 网络一对;一副;一双的

a pair ofa pair of

a pair of


人教版小学英语六年级上、下册单词表_百度文库 ... buy 买 a pair of 一双 shoe store 鞋店 ...


初二英语英语(下册)重点词组与句型_英语网 ... start/begin to do/doing sth 开始干某事 a pair of 一双,一对 ask for 请求 ...


高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... a number of 一些,许多 a pair of 一双,一副 a piece of 一块,一张,一根,一片 ...


高中必背3500词汇表听写版 - 豆丁网 ... a number of 一些,许多 a pair of 一双,一副 119 a piece of 一块(张,根,片) ...


英文片语_百度文库 ... a mass of 一大团的 a pair of 一双的 a pile of 一叠的 ...


初中英语常用短语和词组_百度文库 ... a piece of 一片 (一张, 一块) 9 a pair of 一对,一双 11 a moment later 片刻之后 12 ...


EEC(六)(下)英语单词_百度文库 ... 出席正式场合, shoes 58 一对的一双的 a pair of 59 漂亮的, 62 毛衫 sweater 63 ...


1-1学习词汇注意的问题 - 免费文档下载 ... see" 看(强调结果)",例: (a pair of ~s)眼镜 audio" 音频的" ...

If it isn't possible for you to touch the floor, support your hands on a pair of blocks or the seat of a folding chair. 如果不能接触到地板,用瑜伽砖或者一折叠的椅子的座位支撑手。
Fruit & Vegetable ? He's got a very big mouth, a banana and a pair of black eyes. 他嘴巴大大的,长着一个鹰钩鼻,一双乌黑发亮的眼睛。
They mark what were to have been the foundations for a pair of 20-floor towers containing luxury flats. 他们计划使其成为含豪宅的一栋20层大厦的地基。
Thanks to a Japanese company, you can show off exhibit your innermost feelings somewhere else - a pair of fluffy ears on your head. 多亏了一家日本公司,你可以通过带一对毛茸茸的耳朵来表达自己的感情。
My dream is to dance freely on a big stage, where I feels like that I'm granted a pair of wings and I could flying freely on a broad plain. 在一个很大的舞台上自由舞蹈是我的梦想,站在那里我好像插上了翅膀,在广阔的平原翱翔!
A cat came fiddling out of a barn, With a pair of bagpipes under her arm. 一只猫蹑手蹑脚地走出谷仓,手臂下面夹着一对风笛。
Duncan even got a pair of bank shots to drop Saturday. He put the game away by muscling inside for a layup and a foul. 邓肯在周六的比赛中甚至连续进球。他通过在内线进球和博得一次犯规而使比分拉开。
I am cheerful personality, humor, with a pair of big eyes and tall nose is too thin by some. 自己性格开畅、诙谐,有着一双年夜眼睛和高挑地鼻子,就是有些太瘦啦。
As if on cue, a pair of fighter jets roars into the sky from the Naval Air Station. 就在这时,一对战斗机呼啸着从海军航空站飞向天际。
Very small monitors are mounted on a mechanical arm, and users look into the monitors like they would look into a pair of binoculars. 机械臂上固定着非常小的监视器,就象使用双目望远镜一样,用户使用监视器观察。
A pair of stage twins, who turned out to be the girls in yellow, did a baby act in costume. 一对双胞胎——原来就是那两个黄衣姑娘——演了一出化装的娃娃戏。
"No, " she replied. I looked over and saw her squinting through a pair of binoculars. "That's my plane" , she said. “不,”她说。我朝她看过去时,她正用望远镜眯着眼睛看。“那是我的飞机。”
In terms of the Hopfield net, when a pair of nodes has the same value, in other words, -1 or +1, the weight between them is stronger. 就Hopfield网络来说,当一对节点有相同的值时,换句话说是-1或+1,它们之间的权重就更大。
It does not compete with the bright flowers of spring, never to show off their beauty, it has a pair of characters, never arrogant. 它从不与百花争夺明媚的春天,也从不炫耀自己的美丽,它有着一副傲骨,也从不骄傲自大。
He knew how to cut a dress, a jacket and a pair of pants with the best of them, but that was not enough for him. 他知道如何完美地剪裁出一条裙子、一件夹克和一条裤子,但这对他来说是远远不够的。
She did not own a pair of pants, and her legs were buried to the calf in snow. 她没穿裤子,大半条腿都浸没在雪地里了。
The little girl had to leave her designer shoes behind and settle for a pair of more practical flip flops for the day on the beach. 小苏瑞这次不得不放弃她那些设计时尚的美鞋,而选择一双适合沙滩上行走的人字拖。
The utility model discloses a design scheme of sewing a pocket-size pocket in a front inserting pocket of a pair of trousers. 本实用新型公开了一种裤子前插袋中缝制的袖珍式袋中袋的设计方案。
Patrick: Well, she was beautiful and. . . I stole a pair of her panties as well. 帕特里克:好的,她很俏丽并且…我还偷了她的一些衬裤。
But as you know, the others has a pair of wings. 但你是知道的,其他有对翅膀。她是非常伤心,并贬低自己。
Then what they might want most is to be able to change their shoes into a pair of flat shoes or sports shoes. 这时你也许最想换穿一双平底鞋或者运动鞋。
Based on the parallel operation experiments of axial-flow fans, moving law of a pair of operation points have been studied. 以轴流风机并联工作实验为基础,研究了通风机并联运行“工况点对”的迁移规律。
And I'd outfit myself in a pair of white shorts, sneakers and a sweat shirt. I'd have the right clothes, so I wouldn't look silly. 那条街是我们街尽头处的横街,我得买一条白短裤,一双运动鞋和一件圆领长袖运动衫打扮一下,我穿上合适的服装,就不会显得傻气了。
You're thought of very often. How I wish for a pair of wings to fly to you on your birthday! 我常常想你。在你的生日我真想插翅飞到你身旁!
Text within a pair of braces is evaluated as the name of a field, property, or method. 大括号内的文字将作为字段、属性或方法的名称进行计算。
It was unclear how many of them there were; perhaps only a handful, or even just a pair of riflemen with a spotter. 对方有多少人不清楚;可能只有几个,或者甚至只是一个侦察员加两个步枪手而已。
She should be wearing elegant cheongsam and a pair of modern high-heels, with a small and exquisite bag in her arms. 她应该穿旗袍的优雅和现代的高跟鞋一双,但是她的手臂和精致的小袋子。
Many creatures make an appearance, among them an arrogant rooster, a pair of lions and a very annoyed-looking goose. 许多生物也亮相,它们中有傲慢的公鸡,一对狮子和一只愤怒的鹅。
One man takes out a pair of sports shoes from his bag and begins to put them on. 一个人从包里拿出一双运动鞋开始往脚上穿。
The open-air fan boat has a pair of twin laser cannons pivot mounted at the front of the craft. 在这种露天风扇机船的前端安装了一对可旋转的双管激光炮。