a great deal

  • na.很多
  • 网络大量;许多;大量的

a great deala great deal

a great deal


高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... a few 一些,少量 a great deal 大量,许多 a kind of 一种,一类 ...


DEAL_百度百科 ... a big deal [美, 口]要人; 重要的事 a great deal 许多 a good deal 许多 ...


End - 搜搜百科 ... 20. Eventually;ultimately: 最终地;终于: 21. A great deal: 大量的: the end of the pier. 码头末端 ...


英语新标准初中二年级上册单词表_百度知道 ... freezing adj. 冰冻的; a great deal 很多;大量; swimsuit n. 游泳衣 ...


高考英语听力习语必备 ... a couple of 两三个 a great deal 非常(用来修饰比较级) a matter of time 时间问题 ...


【资源】英语常用短语 ... a few pieces of advice 几点建议 a great deal 许多东西 a group of 一群…… ...


《TOEFL听力习语必备》——学习笔... ... as long as 只要 a great deal: 很不错的买卖,很划算的买卖 some bargain. 买的真不 …


英语短语学生手册_百度文库 ... a few 一些,少量 一些, a great deal 大量,许多 大量, a good/great many 大量,许多 大量…

Astor attracted a great deal of attention, much of it for her caustic and witty comments. 阿斯特吸引了大量的注意力,很大一部分都是因为她那些刻薄而诙谐的各种评论。
A great deal of the exclusive briefing seems to consist of insides expatiating on the stupendous qualities of their candidate. 大量的特别简介似乎都是由内部人士详述其候选人巨大的优点组成的。
He appeared to have read a great deal, including something of western theology. 他看起来读过很多书,包括西方的某些神学。
The egg-shell is embedded with a great deal of fiber, which enables the egg- pod to attach itself to a reef or the sea bed. 卵壳的外围布满了纤维,它可以很容易帮助卵荚缠绕在珊瑚或者海床上。
Notice that those out in the sun a great deal wrinkle heavily as they age. 请注意,那些在阳光下了很大皱纹严重,他们的年龄。
The presenter did not narrate slides . But he told a story, and the visuals helped a great deal. 演讲者没有叙述自己的幻灯片,而是在讲故事,图像则大大帮助了他的讲述。
There is no use in investing a great deal of money into something that might not turn out to be profitable. 在那些可能并不会赢利的事情上投入大量金钱是没有用的。
Women tend to have networks characterized by close relationships and a great deal of redundancy, said Denzel. 登塞尔说,女性社交网络往往以亲密关系和交往人群重复性很高为特点。
In a word, people quarreled in this little place a great deal more than neighbours do in London. 总之,在这个小地方,人们争争吵吵,比伦敦厉害得多。
It shows a great deal of literary structuring, including a strong element of linguistic features based upon the number seven. 它显示出很多的文学结构,包括根据数字七,一个很强的语言特征的元素。
During the depression years they had a great deal of trouble, but somehow or other they were able to hang on. 在经济大萧条时期他们遇到了很多麻烦,但是他们最终想方设法度过了难关。
He just puts in an honest night's work making stuff disappear and reappear, with a great deal of square humor and showmanship. 他只是用大量的幽默技巧和演出技巧使物体变的消失并再现。
But before and during that period there had been a great deal of unhappiness and frustration among better-educated women. 但在此之前和在此期间出现了大量的不满和失望受过良好教育的妇女。
A. I had not expected A Brief History of Time to be a best seller. It was my first popular book and aroused a great deal of interest. 我也没想到《时间简史》会成为畅销书。它是我写的第一本受大众欢迎的书籍,引起了人们极大的兴趣。
So Hanna got to hear a great deal of Keller and Fontane, Heine and Morike. 因此汉娜会听到许多凯勒,冯塔纳,海涅和莫里克写的书。
He's a great deal of fun, to be sure, but he's also one of the loneliest men in the galaxy. 诚然,他非常好玩,但是他也是银河系里最孤独的人之一。
The ability to customize logging like this provides a great deal of flexibility and control over the Linux environment. 像这种定制日志的能力为Linux环境提供了极大的灵活性与可控制性。
After a few days of his mother's death, it rained a great deal and the stream swelled. 青蛙妈妈去世后不久,一场大雨袭来,小溪水位也高了很多。
With the study of a great deal of literatures, the methods and theory of rotating machinery fault diagnosis were reviewed orderly. 在查阅大量文献的基础上,系统地回顾了旋转机械故障诊断的有关方法和原理。
Others followed even before the whole string was wet, and I was able to collect and store a great deal of electricity in the condenser. 其他电流在整条绳子湿透之前相继流入,我就可以在电容器中收集并存储大量的电。
Over the years I spent a great deal of time with my eyes closed, imagining myself having the most wonderful adventures by the seaside. 过去几年,我花了大量的时间与我闭上眼睛,想像自己最美妙的经历海边。
I suggest you give my proposal a great deal of thought. I think it would be an excellent chance for you. 我建议你对我的提议仔细考虑一下,我认为这对你来说是个极佳的机会。
Chinese and Jews are the only two peoples that have the longest and most continual history. And both have suffered a great deal. 中国人和犹太人是世界上仅存的两个有着最悠久又没历史间断的民族,都历经磨难。
His wife helped him a great deal. She studied all about bridges and about mathematics, and she went to the bridge daily. 他的妻子帮了他很大的忙,她学习了建桥和数学的知识。
Look to who you were as a child, and that will tell you a great deal about who you are now meant to be. 看看你小时候是怎么样的一个人,然后你就可以看出很多关于你将成为的人的信息。
It saw a great deal of interest in the document prepared by Ambassador Manalo and the Delegation thanked him for his conviction. 它在Manalo大使准备的文件中看到大量有兴趣的内容,代表团感谢他的理念。
Ha, I'm just kidding. Of course, that's what I am here for. I accept the case. And you know, I need a great deal of money as a reward. 哈,这是开玩笑的。当然,这也是为什么我来这里。我接受这个案件。你知道的,我需要大笔的金钱作为报酬。
Simple as the toilets were, there was a great deal of running up and down. 虽然梳妆台很简单,但有很多上上下下的线条。
Tang has made the kind of impact to us that few have been able to. We have learned a great deal from him. 唐博导对我们的影响之大是从来没有的。我们从他那学到的很多很多的东西。
Now that I'm in the presence of the white light of God I realize I overcame a great deal, but some adversities I was not able to overcome. 在上帝圣洁光芒的照耀下,我已经克服了许多困难,然而仍有些困境是我能力不足以逾越的。