connect with

  • na.和…有关系
  • 网络与……相连;连接;与…联系

connect withconnect with

connect with


高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... connect to 连接,相连 connect with 与……相连 cut down 砍倒 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... be composed of 由…组成 connect with 连接;相通,衔接 be considerate of 体谅…,替…着想 ...


几个单词的区别_百度知道 ... connect vt. 连接;联合;关连 connect with 连接;与…联系 key link 关键环节;中心环节 ...


高一英语必修二 重点词汇_百度知道 ... 16. share a room with 与…共居一室 17. connect with 与…有关 18. go by (从…旁)走 …


大学英语四级常用词组 ... be composed of 由…组成 connect with 连接;相通,衔接 be considerate of 体谅…,替…着想 ...


英语新词汇与常用词汇的翻译(30) ... Connect Time 网络时间 connect with 联络 connect 连接 ...


外研版九年级英语下册短语、重点句子和语法 ... belong to 属于 connect with 和……有关 each other 互相,彼此 ...

Google seems to be realizing that it needs real-world products to connect with its many virtual-world services. 谷歌似乎已经意识到,它需要现实产品来支持它的众多虚拟服务。
Hold Hands: Hand holding is one of the most intimate ways to connect with one another. Take any chance you have to hold his or her hand! 牵手:牵手是最亲密的联络感情的方法之一。抓住所有的机会握住她的手吧!
If you can't seem to get a date, or worse, can't connect with anyone you meet, it may be time to do a little "love inventory. " 如果你看起来得不到约会,或者更糟,不能与遇到的任何人取得联系,也许就该列一个“恋爱清单”了。
Your feeling center (your heart) wants to connect with your belly, in order for it to be truly grounded and for you to feel safe on earth. 你的感觉中心(心灵)想要跟腹部连结起来,以便它能够真正地扎根,让你在地球上感觉到安全。
He said that for most people, seeing others in pain makes you connect with that person's pain, and it's an unpleasant experience for you. 他说,对大多数人来说,看到别人遭受痛苦会让自己与那个人的痛苦产生联系,这种感觉并不好受。
Connect with him in any way you can, anywhere you can. 用你所能的任何方式、任何地点和他交流。
One by one, they trip up and collapse in a heap even before they have had a chance to connect with the ball. 他们一个接一个地在还没有机会碰到球之前就摔倒在地,叠成人堆。
Silence is one of the most profound ways to connect with your inner voice, with nature. Silence is the best part of speech. 沉默是连系你内心声音的最具影响的方式,沉默是演讲中最好的部分。
Remember that employers "hire people they connect with on a personal level, and that will make them look good as a boss, " she said. 请记住,雇主“会雇用在个人心态上和老板有相通之处的人,这使得他们看起来和老板一样优秀”。
But instinctively it feels good to be trying to connect with him. 但是尝试着和Tom联系起来,让我本能地感觉很好。
Although the egg failed to connect with its intended target, the shoe did not miss. 虽然鸡蛋没有命中目标,但飞鞋砸在了方滨兴身上。
If you'd like to connect with him, head on over to the contact page and follow him on Twitter: @sixrevisions . 如果你想联系他,可以登陆contactpage并追随他的Twitter:@sixrevisions。
To my surprise, he was one of those rare people who connect with a fly rod almost immediately. 让我惊讶的是,他属于那种极少见的一学就通的人。
If you wish to connect with the higher levels of the Creator's universe there is only a need to call on my energies and hold your intention. 如果你们希望和宇宙更高层次的造物主连接起来,你们只需要向我的能量提出请求,并保持你们的意向。
The only way I can connect with others is if I recognise them as unique, and that happened only when I saw myself as a unique person. 我只有在将别人看作独一无二的个体,同时也将自己看作独一无二的个体时,才会将自己与别人联系起来。
We believe that using Google Profiles to help people find and connect with you online is how the product is best used. 我们相信使用谷歌个人资料可以帮助人们找到你和在线连接,这也是产品最好的使用方式。
If the concept of system were in general meaning, it would be difficult to connect with the existence needs. 如果是通常的制度概念,则很难将它与生存需要的满足联系起来。
HW: You seem to lean toward adaptations from short stories. Why do you think you connect with those? 你似乎倾向于利用短篇小说,为什么你认为你与它们有着联系?
Our friend said he soon felt that the others began to connect with this principle of family loyalty. 我那个朋友说,不久他就发现,他的其他孩子把忠实于家成员的原则与自己联系了起来。
But I neutralized my ego in an attempt to connect with a humble little boy from Tampa. 但是我中和了一下我的自我意识,打算与来自坦帕市的一个谦虚的小男孩进行联系。
"It seems to be a pretty powerful opportunity for people around the world to connect with language partners, " he said. 它给世界各地的人与语言学习伙伴联系提供了很大的机会。
You're much better off with a system in which people can be free to imagine, invent, and connect with one another. 你会更热衷于一个可以自由想像、创造以及互相联系的系统。
When I passed through the gay world years later as a young man, I saw the same thing -- men desperately trying to connect with other men. 几年后我成长为一名青年,作为一个同性恋者,我看到同样的事情--男人拼命想和其他男人联系。
Now you have become a little bit more used to the system so you just use the wireless telephone and connect with me all the time, no? 现在你们比较习惯这个系统了,你们只要用这无线电话,就可以一直跟我沟通不是吗?
After you have thought through all that, then you can start to think about how the information you have will connect with the audience. 当你把这些都彻底考虑清楚之后,那么你就能开始考虑怎么样把你想说的和听众联系起来。
We ask ALL to connect with the heart, to FEEL the message that we try to reach out to YOU with at this time. 我们要求所有人与内心相连,感受此刻我们尝试带给你们的消息。
We keep trying to connect with those of you who are willing to make a telepathic connection with us. 我们试着和那些希望与我们精神感应连结的人持续连结。
Shelton also feels that social media has allow her to connect better with her constituents and allowed them to connect with each other. Shelton还觉得社会媒体让她有机会更好地和组织的成员们沟通,也使得他们能更好地和彼此沟通。
"When people connect with a movie, it really makes them happy, and that's fundamentally what we're trying to do, " he says. “当人们与一部电影有关的时候,真的让他们感到高兴,这也是根本上我们正在试图做的,”他说。
Although barely acquainted, I felt compelled to connect with him and called out "Richard, I'll be praying for you. " 尽管我们几乎都不认识,我感觉我被强迫着与他产生联系,我脱口而出:“理查德,我会为你祈祷的。”