a bit of

  • na.一点儿
  • 网络少量;少量的;有一点儿

a bit ofa bit of

a bit of


【资源】英语常用短语 ... times as big as …… 是……几倍大 … a bit of 一点(接不可数名词) a bit 一点(接形容词) ...


初二英语下册所有单词_百度知道 ... neither...nor... 既不…也不… a bit of 少量(的),一点 take a seat 坐下;就座 ...


初二(上册) - 豆丁网 ... ) / +to do sth 做… 形容词、 副词 “一点儿a bit of = a little + 时间段(从现在算起的以前) before + ...


高中英语常用固定短语_百度知道 ... make use of 利用 a bit of 少量的,一点 a bottle of 一瓶 ...


初中英语短语汇总 A- Y_英语网 ... a bit 有一点儿;一会儿 a bit of 有一点儿 a bottle of 一瓶 ...


Conversation : 错失良机 – Part II... ... 其实 actually 有点 a bit of 怕水 afraid of water ...


高中英语会考常考词组短语大全 - 豆丁网 ... A a bit 一小会儿; 有一点儿;相当 a bit of 有点儿; 一点;少许 a bit too 有点儿太 ...


2012职称英语理工类B级词汇5000已整理 - 豆丁网 ... bishop n. 主教 a bit of一点儿的 bit by bit: 一点点地,渐渐地 ...

He also added a bit of sexism to his racism by calling a female police officer "sugar tits" . 他还以“甜奶嘴”直呼一名女警,种族主义言论中再添一丝性别主义。
Infographics are always a bit of a hodgepodge of statistics culled from a variety of sources. 因为原数据五花八门,信息图表展示的统计结果难免给人些许大杂烩的感觉。
Soft, creamy, and long on the palate, with mineral and almond flavours and a bit of citrus on the finish. 柔软的、像奶油一样的触觉长时间的停留在味蕾上,伴随着矿物质和杏仁的香味,还有一点柑橘的香气。
"You've got a bit of an artist's temperament, haven't you? " says Michelle, softly, as Kieron continues wielding his pastels. “你已经有点艺术家气质,对不?”米歇尔轻轻地说,Kieron继续运用他的粉彩笔。
We've covered quite a bit of ground in this article when it comes to JSF conversion and validation. 在本文中我们讨论了相当多的JSF转换和验证的基本内容。
Although we remain in a risk seeking environment, gains in risky assets might take a bit of a breather today due to two factors. 我们仍处于冒险环境,但风险资产涨势或出于两个原因而暂停脚步。
In the beginning my husband was a driver, which earned a bit of money. 刚开始丈夫开车挣些钱,我也是在商场给人家卖服装。
And with our hyper-consumption of those animals producing greenhouse gases and heart disease, kindness might just be a bit of a red herring. 并且随着我们对于这些动物的过度消耗产生温室气体和心脏疾病,仁慈可能仅仅是一种逃避的方式。
Asian shares were lower while U. S. stock futures were pointing to a bit of a rebound after a sharp sell-off on Wednesday. 亚洲股市走低,美国股指期货周三急剧抛售后,今日略有回升。
The boy broke off a bit of wood and dropped it, with a dry leaf, into the box where the coin was before. 那男孩折了一小片木头,连同一片干树叶一起放进先前盛银币的盒子里。
You were always too good for him anyway. He was a bit of a heel. 不过,你老是对他太好了,他有点无赖。
For most of the camp's 20, 000 or so residents, that rice and a bit of thin soup is all they have to survive on. 对于这个难民营里2万左右的民众,这点米饭和一点稀汤便是他们赖以活命的口粮。
From the look and sound of it, it was going to be a bit of fluff about her exercise, diet and beauty routine. 从书皮和名字来判断,那只是一本讲述这位美人的锻炼、饮食和美容的常见事。
We lock onto a bit of the illustration that looks appropriately shaded and then find it conflicting with the shading in other nearby areas. 我们单独看其中一些的阴影,没有任何问题,但是却发现它们的影子跟周围点的影子不太一样。
Russell: I know, I haggled him down to $25, so I reckon I've got a bit of a bargain. 罗素:我知道。但我跟他杀价,降到二十五元。我想想,算是买到便宜货。
Most people take a summer job or work for the post office at Christmas to earn a bit of extra money. 大多数人靠夏天打工或圣诞节期间到邮局干活再挣些钱。
The club is in a bit of a predicament, but you couldn't ask for a more humble gentleman to deal with that. 利物浦是陷入了一点困境,但是你不能要求一个谦逊的绅士做得更多了。
The fact that they have struck as dramatically as they have as late in the game is a bit of a minus. 事实是,他们戏剧般地陷入这种状况,并且太晚才采取行动,为他们减了点分。
He's always been a bit of a boozer. 他总是有点醉醺醺的。
After a bit of thought, I've decided to go with the fully normal form. 经过一番考虑之后,我决定使用完全正规的表单。
So you are going to see a bit of what your news media loves to play up: drama. 因此,将会发生一些戏剧性的事件——你们新闻媒介会大肆炒作。
There's quite a bit of overlap possible in the cost, speed, and storage capacity of larger minis and smaller mainframes. 较大的小型机和较小的大型机之间在价格、速度和存储器容量上完全可能有重叠。
In the final chapter, "Markets Need Morals" , the reader looks in vain for a bit of detail about how such a code might be imposed. 在最后一章—“市场需要道德约束”—中,如果有读者试图寻找丝毫关于这种模式如何实现的细节阐述,那他注定是徒劳的。
Because if they're not, it's a bit of a waste of time, isn't it? 因为如果不会出现、你不觉得有点浪费时间吗?
Residents of Santiago, Chile got a bit of an eyeful on Sunday, as the city experienced its first World Naked Bike Ride event. 智利圣地牙哥的居民在周日可以大饱眼福,因为当天该市正在体验第一次的世界裸体自行车活动。
A bit of a disclaimer is in order: I am not at all sure that my way of doing this was the best way. 首先声明一点:我不确定自己这样做的方法是否是最好的方法。
Wang Xiaodong confessed in an interview with the US'' Time magazine that the book''s title is a bit of a ruse. 王晓东在接受美国《时代杂志》采访的时候承认,书之所以取这样的名字是一个计谋。
In the meantime, many of the homeless are holding out in the camps, hoping to be granted a bit of land with a shelter. 与此同时,许多无家可归的人还在帐篷里求生存,希望政府能分给他们土地和房子。
By quoting from a well-known art critic, he tried to add a bit of self-confidence to hellos talents. 他援用一位著名艺术评论家的话,为自己的绘画才气增加一点儿自决议信念。
"What we are doing now is a bit of a feasibility study" he said. “我们目前正在做的是一点可行性研究”。温赖特的曾曾祖父在上世纪初买下了这家企业。