tied up

  • na.“tie up”的过去分词和过去式
  • 网络给套住;绑起来;被捆绑

tied uptied up

tied up


中港金融词汇对照表-港股频道-金融界 ... 大户报告制度 large position reporting system 给套住 tied up 大额交易 block trade ...


外国人看片的类型 - Doracacazin板 - Disp... ... Tickling, 搔痒 Tied Up, 绑起来 Tight Pussy, 很紧的屄 ...


(iv) 将女性视为性之客体,而呈现其被捆绑(tied up)、剁碎(cut up)、切断手足(mutilated)、打伤(bruised)或是受到身体上之伤害; …


消防专业词汇英语翻译(P-Z) ... tie-in 固定 tied up 已出动的 tier 折叠水带的一层 ...


托福听力习语速查 - 豆丁网 ... has too much eles on his mind 他有很多是要考虑 11. tied up 忙于 13. miserable 痛苦, ...


Early Sunday the police arrested a man __... ... 11. approach 接近 靠近 即将到达 12.tied up 被捆绑住 ...


Gossip Gril 第二季 07-英语听力-大耳朵英语... ... family mood: 家庭气氛 tied up: 忙得不可开交的 poor: 可怜的 ...


一次乔治给我打电话,问我是不是捆住了手脚tied up)。我怎么会被捆住了手脚呢?

My money is all tied up in shares. 我的钱都搁死在股票上了。
One would replace the flimsy "fair comment" defence (which easily gets tied up in questions of fact) with a new one of "honest opinion" . 其中之一就是把软弱无力的“公允评论”辩护(这很容易被对真实性的质疑所束缚)替换成新的“坦诚意见”辩护。
Practical gals wore their hair tied up in a roll and covered with a headscarf tied in a knot at the front. 讲求实际的女孩们将头发卷成卷,用头巾打结,固定在前额。
The light carbon was tied up in layers of clay, which would have trapped organic particles when they settled to the bottom of an ocean. 这些轻碳固定于层层黏土之中,黏土应该接住不少向下沉入海底的生物微粒。
Savings are a great source for tuition, but many unemployed don't have savings or have it tied up in retirement accounts. 存款是最好的学费来源,但是很多失业者没有存款或者都在退休金账户里。
Because you have gotten, as you see, tied up with something so vital to me, I do not think I shall ever shake you off. Nor do I wish to. 如你所见,因为你同某件生命中不可缺少的东西一道捆在我身上了,我想我永远也摆脱不了你,也不希望这样做。
The policeman eventually had his hands tied up and conducted him to a shelter. 警察最后把他的双手绑了起来并把他带到一个防空洞。
Tied up? What's she doing? I wanted her to go out with me. 她很忙?她在做什么?我想和她一起出去。
He is tied up in a meeting just now. Can I ask him to call you back? 则是‘他正在开会,请他回电话给你好吗?
After a short while, a starving man walked over in a befuddled way, with his head covered by his sleeve and his shoes tied up with strings. 不一会儿,一个饿得发慌的人,用衣袖蒙着头,用绳子绑着鞋,昏昏沉沉地走了过来。
As a bright paper package tied up with string always been one of your favorite things? 用闪亮洁白的包装纸与漂亮的包装绳包装好的礼品一直是你最喜欢的礼物吗?。
See, a bit of my identity is tied up people seeing those signifiers and thinking I'm well-educated and culturally sophisticated. 我明白了,是我的身份阻碍了人们来看这些关于我受过良好教育且文化程度高的凭证。
And I woke up in a blur and was tied up, hurt, adrenaline scorching inside, as it raced through my veins. 我醒来,在一片模糊,被捆绑起来,伤害,肾上腺素灼人内,因为它通过我的血管比赛。
"We had a lot of work and resources tied up in it, " said Jones, digging himself in a little deeper. 琼斯说:“我们的很多工作和资源都和这些数据密切相关。”稍微稳住阵脚。
Even though there's disagreement over how much of the price of solar is tied up in these soft costs, they are clearly an important factor. 甚至太阳能发电的价格和这些软成本的关系也不甚明了,而这显然又是一个很重要的因素。
However, the bulk of Gaddafi's fortune seems to be tied up in the Western banking system. 然而,卡扎菲大部分财产似乎已在西方银行体系中被冻结。
Real wealth appears to be tied up in the banking system and not with the general public. 真正的财富似乎只与银行系统紧密相关,而不是与普通大众进行分享。
At first recruits were only military and the main reason the military needed recruits is actually tied up in the word's etymology. 最初,新丁(recruits)只是针对军队而言的,而军队需要新兵的主要原因是与这个词的词源紧密联系在一起的。
I'd like to take a few moments to tell you about your schedule here. Today through Friday you'll be pretty tied up at the factory. 我想花几分钟告诉两位此次在台北的行程,从今天到星期五,你们都得待在工厂。
So much of a typical American's wealth is tied up in bricks that the threat of house- price deflation stokes panic . 典型的美国人的财富同房屋密不可分,因此房价缩水的危胁引起了恐慌。
When producing too much, money gets tied up in materials and resources that could be used for other opportunities are spent. 当生产过量时,可用在其他方面当生产过量时,当生产过量时的钱都用在材料或资源上而不能动用
April came as a relief to Andes' wife, Julie, who had found his phone tied up with texting when she tried to call him on lunch breaks. 安德斯的妻子朱莉这个月终于可以松口气了,之前她在午休时间给安德斯打电话总发现他的手机正忙着发短信。
Prosecutors say the policemen forced their way into the bank in the capital, Tegucigalpa and tied up the security guards at gunpoint. 检察官称,这些警察闯进首都特古西加尔巴的一家银行,将所有的保安都捆绑起来。
Finally, holding costs include the cost of funds that could be used for other purposes if they were not tied up in inventory. 最后,储备成本还必须算上为库存投入资金而付出的代价。
When she woke up to see himself in a dilapidated house, tied up like their dumplings, she was scared. 当她醒来看见自己在一间破旧的房子里,自己被绑的像粽子,她很害怕。
The etymology of the word harbinger is tied up in that "forerunner" meaning. harbinger这个词的来源和“先行者”是联系在一起的。
All his wealth was tied up in the company. 他全部的财富都与这家公司联系在一起。
In his left hand he carried a little bundle tied up in a handkerchief; in his right he leaned on a sort of a cudgel, cut from some hedge. 他左手提着一个手结的毛巾小包袱,右手拿着一根木棍,好象是从什么树丛里砍来的。
He was pulled out of the boot and tied up to his two friends, who were left unharmed. 之后,康伯巴奇就被拉出了后备箱,和他的两个朋友绑在了一起。最终,他们都安然无恙。
"The politicians are tied up . . . I don't think they have time to think about [central bank policy], " said the person close to the BoJ. 那位熟悉日本央行的人士表示:“政客们正忙的不可开交……我认为,他们没有时间考虑(央行的政策)。”