tend to

  • v.倾向于;有助于
  • 网络趋向;趋于;往往

tend totend to

tend to


真题网 - 2003年英语专业四级考试试题答案与详解 ... stem from 源于; tend to 倾向于; shift to 转向 ...


趋_百度百科 ... 趋势[ trend direction;tendency] 趋向[ tend to;incline to] 趋向[ trend;direction] ...


高二英语词汇表 ... tend vi. 倾向;趋向 tend to 朝某方向;趋于 approximately adv. 近乎;接近 ...


商志3147词汇部分 - 豆丁网 ... status n. 地位;状态 tend to 往往,通常会 intend v. 打算,目的在于~ ...


外刊经贸知识选读--外贸词汇[旺旺英语论坛] ... provision 条款 tend to 易于 往往会 part with 花掉 ...


英语翻译 谢谢_百度知道 ... be very busy with sth 忙于做某事 1.tend to 趋向于 2.busy with 忙于 ...


英语阅读理解中常见单词_百度知道 ... strive to do 设法,努力 tend to 常常 in terms of 有关于,涉及到… ...

This was particularly effective in second- and third-tier cities where our factories tend to be among the most attractive places to work. 这在二三线城市特别有效,在这些地方,我们的工厂往往是最有吸引力的工作单位之一。
These parents also tend to believe in the effectiveness of spanking or believe the child is at fault in a given situation. 这些家庭的的父母认为在孩子犯错误的时候打屁股是一种有效方法。
Boat buyers tend to overestimate how often they'll set sail and minimize how much the boat will cost. 船买家偏向于高估他们每每将解缆,裁减多少船的费用。
Long methods and methods with a high number of paths are hard to understand and, interestingly, tend to correlate to defects. 一些长的方法和带有大量路径的方法是难以理解的,有趣的是,这类方法容易导致缺陷。
There are many difficult matters for me to tend to these days and your assistance in simplifying this one would be a real blessing to me. 近来有很多棘手的问题要我去办,您来协助解决这一问题对我真是幸事!
Things can tend to get a bit slippery, too, so if you didn't bring any walking boots I'd advise you to hire some from the office. 地面也可以变的有些滑,如果你没带步行靴,我劝你从办公室里租一些。
For decades, economists have been warning us that when we buy at a distance, we do not tend to take the cost of our own time into account. 几十年来,经济学家告诫我们,在我们将房子买得很远的时候,我们并没有将时间代价考虑进去。
We adults seem to be so engaged in doing things a certain way, we tend to forget that there are other ways to get things done. 我们成年人似乎非常乐于以特定的方式做事,却往往忘了还有别的方式也能达到目的。
If you tend to leak air at the sides, you will probably cease this annoying habit. Annoying for you, and for the audience as well. 如果你嘴角习惯性漏气,你可能通过这个口型纠正这种让你和观众都讨厌的习惯。
Women, in general, tend to not feel like exercising much and for those who were previously very active this can be a bit disconcerting. 一般来说,准妈妈们也都倾向于不像以前那么运动,对于那些之前精力充沛的女性们这可有点难受。
People tend to be in better spirits and get along better now than at any other time of the year. 人们倾向于更好的心情,将会比一年中其他时候更能友好相处。
Architects whose buildings fall down and doctors who maim their patients tend to suffer some sort of consequence. 建筑师建造的大楼倒塌,医生使病人致残,这些都会使他们承担某种不良后果。
He said borrowing is important in slower growing economies, since leveraged returns tend to be higher than straight cash deals. 张懿宸表示,在增长速度较慢的经济体中,举债经营很重要,因为借助杠杆的交易往往能比只使用自有资金的交易产生更高回报。
The British tend to be risk-averse culturally, he said, and perceived the Americans as unrealistic. 他说,英国人则习惯于规避风险,认为美国人不切实际。
From psychological aspect, the majority of children seem to tend to have an unfavorable attitude toward additional educational activities. 从心理上讲,大部分孩子似乎对额外的学习没有什么好感。
After reading Part 1, you could install Ganglia, as well as answer the monitoring questions that different user groups tend to ask. 学习了第1部分之后,您可能已经安装了Ganglia,也能回答不同用户组可能咨询的监视问题。
Frankly speaking, I'm a typical Chinese workaholic. I don't mind working late at night. Due to that, I tend to leave the office late. 坦率地说,我是一个典型的中国式工作狂。所以在晚上,我并不介意工作到很晚。我总是晚一点离开办公室。
"Online polls tend to be brutally honest, " said Simpson, noting that there was no one on the other end of the phone to deal with. 辛普森说:“人们在接受在线调查时往往很坦白,”不需要像打电话那样还得去应付对方。
But most people tend to follow rules they accept as fair, even when they have the opportunity and a strong incentive to break them. 但大部分人倾向于遵守他们可以接受和视为公平的规则,即使当他们有机会和强烈的诱因来打破规则,他们也会遵守。
He added that that it may not be 'friend' data either, as we currently tend to think of it in social networks. 他补充说,这些信息也不像我们现在所想象的那样,是好友传播的信息。
After 38 games, a long drawn-out season and a bit of good and bad luck, you tend to get the worst three teams at the bottom. 经过38场比赛,一个旷日持久赛季有点好的和坏运气,你会得到最糟糕的三支球队在底部。
New Yorkers do tend to be the kind of people with both a need to be seen, and a deep fear of it. 纽约人似乎逐渐成为那种兼具两种特点的人群,他们期待被关注,却同时对此怀有深深的恐惧。
It would be a bit like being in church and chatting about Bible verses; people tend to have everyday, general conversations instead. 这会有点像在教堂里讨论圣经章节;人们反而会进行日常的、普通的交谈。
When trying to hit the ball hard, most players tend to tighten up. 在大力击球前,多数球手都会把肌肉绷得很紧。
They make it a bit easier to keep your inbox clean and distraction-free while you tend to actual work. 它能使你的收件箱保持干净,并且在实际工作的时候能够自动分类。
Marigolds and sunflowers are good choices as they are relatively easy to grow organically and tend to attract lots of bees. 万寿菊和向日葵是一个很好的选择,因为它们相对容易种植并且易于招引许多蜜蜂。
The actual "stories" about a person show up in speech bubbles that resemble the updates you'll see on Twitter, and tend to be rather short. 关于一个人的真实的“故事”,在对话泡泡上显示出来,你会在Twitter上看到类似的更新,但往往会很短。
Politicians tend to overestimate how much public opinion, once formed, can be moved by tactics and strategies. 政客们往往高估战术和策略对固有民意的影响。
But simply looking at the indicators against which central banks tend to judge themselves, they did not respond sufficiently. 但单以中央银行通常拿来作自我评估的指数为标准来看,他们的对策力度不足。
Collectivist societies tend to pop up in parts of the world, especially around the equator, with plenty of disease-causing microbes. 集体主义社会通常会在世界上某些地方,特别是在赤道周围出现。这些地方具有许多导致疾病出现的微生物。