together with

  • na.和…一起[合起来]
  • 网络连同;和...一起;加之

together withtogether with

together with


大学英语四级常用词组 ... up to time 准时 together with 和;加之;连同 all too 太 ...

大学英语四级常用词组 ... up to time 准时 together with ;加之;连同 all too 太 ...


高一英语词组 - 豆丁网 ... all the other pupils 所有其他学生 35. together with 和„一起 36. in one’s own words 用自己的话 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... up to time 准时 together with 和;加之;连同 all too 太 ...


高中英语必修5单词与短语总结|学习信息网 ... 6. make a list of 列出 7. together with 与…一起 8. determine to do 决心 ...


高一英语第三、四模块短语 ... 11. be covered over by 被完全覆盖 13. together with 和…一道 14. enormous trees 大量的树 ...

The whole staff of Goldwind is eager to work together with you to utilize the clean wind energy. 全体金风人诚挚的期盼与各位同行精诚合作,共同开发清洁的可再生能源--风能。
The Chinese side is ready to work together with Ecuador push forward the friendly relations and cooperation between the two countries. 我们愿同厄方一道,共同推进中厄友好合作关系。
It's like looking at an air photo, and bringing all the factors together, with interpretive overlays to guide the design. 这就象是在看一幅航空影像,集合了所有的因素,并利用各种解释图层来指导设计过程。
Once upon a time, there lived a poor cowherd, Niulang, whose parents had died long before. He had to live together with his elder brother. 很久以前,有一个放牛娃名叫牛郎,父母早亡,只好跟着哥哥嫂嫂度日。
Well you know, it's a time to get together with all your family and be thankful for everything! 额,你知道的,在这一天,大家聚在一块,感谢苍生万物。
Looking back, really want too much to think about and should not be thinking about it, all into the brain where it together with the output. 回首,真的想太多的考虑和不应该思考的时候,所有进入大脑,它与输出。
There have been numerous assumptions, hopes the city a certain a way we have come together with you peek, you are so worried about. 有过无数次的假想,希望在这城市的某一条我们共同走过的路上能与你不期而遇,对你是那样的牵挂。
Yang Shi, a man in the Song Dynasty, once went together with a schoolmate to ask their teacher, Cheng Yi, for advice. 宋代人杨时,有一次和同学一起去向他们的老师程颐请教问题。
Two weeks later, the books arrived, together with a set of the works of Charles Dickens which I had not wanted. 两个星期后,抵达的书籍,连同一套狄更斯的作品,我本来不想。
Together with the international community, China is ready to work for the early entry into force of the Treaty. 中国愿与国际社会共同努力,推动条约早日生效。
Always serving you absolutely with zeal, we look forward to coming and going together with you to create a new splendid century! 永远为您服务绝对的时候要有热情,要我们期待着来来往往与你携手共进、共创新的辉煌世纪!
It means working together with your classmates, and asking them to help you to understand how you might be wrong. 与同学合作,让他们帮助你理解为什么你的观点可能是错误的。
Artificial mutagenesis (by X-rays or chemicals) has been used to generate new characteristics, together with tissue culture techniques. 利用人工诱变(利用X射线和化学物质诱变)结合组织培养技术来获得新的性状。
The game becomes complicated, since together with products various inedible things are falling on her as well. 游戏变成复杂,因为连同各种不同的不适于食用的事物正在也在她身上落下的产品一起。
We look forward to working together with you and invite you to contact us for more information. 我们期待着与您的合作,更多关于我公司的信息请随时和我公司联系!
In the dream, he looked very thin, he said he is also fasting together with us. 在梦里,他很瘦,说他也与我们一起禁食,我很惊讶!
Like a person, hope sometimes to is together with him; love a person, and sometimes afraid of him. 喜欢一个人,有时候盼和他在一起;爱一个人,有时候怕和他在一起。
I will try to be home after completion of contract and work together with you to improve daughter's study and routine habit . 合同结束后我尽量回家,和你一起提高女儿的学习和改善她的日常习惯。
How can a Chinese man with a mind of his own live together with a Western woman whom is reputed to be very outward too? 中国男人怎么能和那些素来外向的西方女孩在一起的同时,又不迷失自己?
They hurt each other, take us a few as still living together with the reasons, it had been a stalemate. 他们彼此伤害了,拿我们几个作为仍生活在一起的理由,就这样一直僵持着。
It would be helpful if you could send us samples showing your range of carpets, together with a pattern-card of the design. 如贵方能寄来所有地毯的样品和图案设计,那将是很有意义的。
On the way we met Mrs. Patric, laughing guiltily as if she were doing something wrong, together with her girls. 在路上,我们遇到了帕特里克夫人,如果她做错了什么,她的女儿们一起笑内疚。
At the times when you are wanting to be separate from your partner and your partner wants to be together with you, there is no problem. 有时,当你想与伴侣分开的时候,你的伴侣想与你在一起,这不会有问题。
The insurance policy will be sent to you by the bank together with the other shipping documents after negotiation of the payment. 保险单连同其他装运单据,在议付之后将由银行寄给你方。
This short response has a sense of uncertainty together with a minor agreement to what was said. 这个简短的回答,对于对方所说的话既有一点赞同,又有一点不确定的味道。
or other types of the goods shown in our catalog, please inform us of your requirement together with your banker's name and address. 若贵方有意经销“长风”牌电扇或我方目录中其他型号的电扇,请告知详细的要求及贵方银行的名称与地址。
I would like to investigate on this matter together with you since having things missing affects the company's profitability and production. 我想和您一起去调查这件事,毕竟丢东西,关系到公司的利益,关系到生产!
The DateTimeOffset structure represents a date and time value, together with an offset that indicates how much that value differs from UTC. DateTimeOffset结构表示日期和时间值以及指示该值与UTC之差的偏移量。
Summit host, British Prime Minister Gordon Brown said the world had come together with a united plan to combat the global recession. 这次20国集团首脑会议东道国英国的首相布朗表示,世界已经团结在一起,拿出了一项共同方案,以战胜这次全球性经济衰退。
Every time I saw them, I would get a strong feeling that I would like to be a bird, flying together with them. 每当看到它们,也会想变成一只鸟,同它们一起飞翔。