do away with

  • na.废除;干掉
  • 网络去掉;除去;消灭

第三人称单数:does away with 现在分词:doing away with 过去式:did away with 过去分词:done away with

do away withdo away with

do away with


21世纪大学英语读写教程单词表(一) - 豆丁网 ... adapt to 适应 do away with 废除,去掉 stand a chance 有可能,有希望 ...


21世纪大学英语读写教程单词表(一) - 豆丁网 ... adapt to 适应 do away with 废除,去掉 stand a chance 有可能,有希望 ...


英语—医学 ... divisible into[ 可分成] · do away with[ 除去] · drain away[ 流出] · ...


国际贸易常用英语词汇.doc_百度文库 ... 目的是 be designed to 消灭,消除 do away with 付账后离开 check out ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... in the distance 在远处,远方的 do away with 废除,去掉;弄死 do by sb. 对待(某人) ...


高考必备词组 - 豆丁网 ... do out 打扫,收拾 do away with =get rid of 废除,去掉,取消 die vi. 死亡; 枯死; 熄灭 ...


do的所有短语?谢谢_爱问知识人 ... have nothing to do with 和…没有关系 do away with 摆脱;废除,取消 do down 诽谤,诋毁 ...


弭_百度百科 ... ⑺ 通“敉”。安抚,安定[ subjugate] [do away with] 消除;除去 [stop war] 消除祸端,平息战乱 ...

Huang was quoted as saying China was not prepared to do away with capital punishment despite the problems in its lower courts. 用黄的话来说,尽管低级法院存在一些问题,中国还没有准备好废除死刑。
It was easy to understand why a woman would feel it was easier to do away with the problem, it was certainly easy to understand. 很容易理解为什么女人会觉得这这个问题比较容易处理,这当然很容易理解。
London restaurant has decided to do away with bills for the next month, asking customers to pay what they think the meal is worth. 伦敦一家餐厅决定在下个月废除账单,食客愿意付多少钱随意。
3 Asking for a favor against him, that he would summon him to Jerusalem, they themselves setting an ambush to do away with him on the way. 徒二五3不断恳求非斯都,向他求情对付保罗,将他提到耶路撒冷来,他们要在路上埋伏杀害他。
Fanny's best consolation was in what he said and this was not quite sufficient to do away with the pain of her inner heart. 他的一番话是对范妮的最大安慰。但是这不足以克服她的内心之苦。
And the chief priests and the scribes were seeking a way to do away with Him, for they feared the people. 祭司长和经学家设法怎样才能除掉耶稣,因为他们惧怕百姓。
While reading your mind thoroughly, I hugged you and said that I would do away with all your unhappiness. 看穿你的眼,抱紧你说,我会把你的不快乐一一涂掉。
President Barack Obama has said he wants to do away with the policy and has urged Congress to take action on the issue. 美国总统奥巴马已经表示,他希望废除这个政策。他还敦促国会就这个问题采取行动。
Eventually, Mr Diston believes, the system may be able to do away with leads altogether, for totally wireless heart control. 他相信这一系统最终可以不用任何导线,从而完全实现对心脏的无线调控。
So he and Brin came up with a radical solution: They decided to do away with managers entirely. 于是,他和布林想出了一个激进的解决方案:他们决定完全消除经理这个职务。
Feminists believed that the only way to achieve equality of the sexes was to do away with role distinctions. 女权主义者相信实现性别平等的唯一途径,就是消灭角色差异。
One should even do away with a meal if necessary, but an hour of silence must be observed at all costs. 如果必要,一个人可以一顿饭不吃,但是一个小时的静坐无论如何必须被遵守。
In the elite special forces you to go there to do away with a criminal group. 作为精锐特种部队中的一员,你去那里消灭这个犯罪集团。
Now he's trying to do away with the term "emerging markets. " 奥尼尔现在正试图废除“新型市场”这个词。
we have to do away with cost-plus contracts. We now have defense systems that the costs are completely out of control. 我们必须废除成本外附加费用的合同。我们现在国防系统的费用完全失去控制。
India is pushing to do away with the regulations, arguing it has proved its nuclear nonproliferation bona fides over the years. 印度促请解除管制,说多年来它已经证明了自己的核不扩散诚意。
But what if you could do away with that lens and create a microscope that fits on a cell phone? 可你能不能抛掉透镜,发明适用于手机的显微镜呢?
If good men were to govern a country for a hundred years, they could overcome cruelty and do away with killing. How true this saying is! 善人为邦百年,亦可以胜残去杀矣。诚哉是言也!
An obvious next step is to do away with it, explaining precisely why it should be discontinued. 显然下步就是清除,解释为什么要组织其继续。
That may be democratic, but it will not end Greece's drama and certainly not do away with its debts. 这或许是民主的,然而这将不会结束希腊的这场戏剧,而且当然也不会消除它的债务。
The distortion is at places so harsh, it's hard not to wonder why Krell doesn't do away with it. 失真在有些地方是如此的刺耳,以致很难不去怀疑为什么Krell不把之去掉。
Microsoft Thursday announced it would do away with merit pay increases for employees in the next fiscal year. 微软周四宣布下一个财年将不会提高员工的绩效工资。
Baidu's entertainment spirit is to do away with hidden rules and regulations, and let the talented have the opportunity. 打破潜规则,让有才的人有机会,是百度娱乐的精神。
This did not do away with their personality. It was not dictation. 然而,这并没有排除每位作者本身的个性和风格。
Eight years down the road, it is still difficult to do away with the golden silence over AIDS in Malawi. 八年了,马拉威现在对爱滋问题依然保持沈默是金的态度。
Can doing good really do away with spam, which consumes 33 terawatts of electricity every year, not to mention way too much of our time? 做善事真得能消灭垃圾邮件吗?它们每年要浪费33太瓦的电,更不用说会占用我们大把的时间了。
Liberals, he claims, want to do away with "Chineseness" and turn the country into a pale imitation of the West. 他说,自由派人士试图废弃“中国特色”,从而将中国变为西方的一个苍白的仿制品。
I don't think you could do away with it. 我不认为我们可以做到这一点
Any policy that does not do away with North Korea's nuclear military capability, in effect, acquiesces in its continuation. 任何政策的能力远没有做与北朝鲜的核军事,实际上默许其继续下去。
The first international social movement was the abolitionist campaign to do away with slavery and the slave trade. 国际性的社会运动中,首当其冲的是废除奴隶制和奴隶贸易。