
美 [dɪˈvaɪd]英 [dɪ'vaɪd]
  • v.分割;除;分隔;分配
  • n.分歧;差异;分水岭;不同
  • 网络划分;分开;等分

第三人称单数:divides 现在分词:dividing 过去式:divided

divide space,responsibility divide
fairly divide


v. n.


1.[i][t](使)分开,分散,分割,分成…to separate or make sth separate into parts

2.[t]分配;分享;分担to separate sth into parts and give a share to each of a number of different people, etc.

3.[t]~ sth (between A and B)把(时间、精力等)分别用于to use different parts of your time, energy, etc. for different activities, etc.

4.[t]~ A from B使分离;使分开to separate two people or things

5.[t]~ sth (off).~ A from B是…的分界线;分隔;把…隔开to be the real or imaginary line or barrier that separates two people or things

6.[i]分岔to separate into two parts that lead in different directions

引起分歧cause disagreement

7.[t]~ sb/sth使产生分歧;使意见不一to make two or more people disagree


8.[t][i]~ (sth) by sth除以to find out how many times one number is contained in another

9.[i][t]~ (sth) into sth除to be able to be multiplied to give another number


divide and rule

分而治之to keep control over people by making them disagree with and fight each other, therefore not giving them the chance to unite and oppose you together

忖字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 同本义〖 ponder;speculate〗 divide〗 心中忖量〖 guess〗 ...


九年级英语单词表 ... knock into 与……相撞 divide 分开;划分 aim 目标;目的 ...


分字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 分局〖 suboffice;subbureau〗 分开〖 separate;divide〗 分科〖 departmentation〗 ...


CATIA软件的10个使用技巧 —— 机械英才网 ... Divide 等分 等分 divide 等分 等分 Division 等分 分割,除法 ...


分割(Divide)------只要有交叉的全都分离成单个对象穿孔(Punch)-------用选中的多个对象最前面对象将其后面的对象穿一个孔, …


CAD快捷命令大全 ... ME,*MEASURE 定距等分 DIV,*DIVIDE 定数等分 DT,*TEXT 单行文字 ...


PETS3_资料内容_资料下载_学习资料共享网 ... diverse 多种的; divide 分,划分;分配;隔开; divorce 离婚;分离 ...

Cancer is a term used for diseases in which abnormal cells divide without control and are able to invade other tissues. 癌症是用来形容具有异常的失控的细胞分裂,并能侵入其他组织的疾病的一个术语。
This question is often the most difficult to answer (and the right answer is rarely "divide them equally amongst the co-founders" ). 这个问题往往也是最难回答的(并且,正确的答案常常不是“在创始人之间平分这些股份”)。
Understand well what happens either to thee or to another. Divide and distribute every object into the causal (formal) and the material. 好好地理解对你或是对别人发生的事情,把每一物体划分为原因的(形式的)和质料的。
Take the amount of fat calories (or "Calories from fat" ) and divide it by the total calories per serving of a particular food item. 把脂肪量的卡路里(或“卡路里,脂肪”)除以总卡路里的特定食品服务项目。
I would say Messi as he's the best player in the world but if I could divide the prize between the three of them I would. 我想说梅西,因为他是世界上最优秀的球员,但是如果可以的话我会把这个奖平分给他们三位。
Even though we know that the next world lies across the great divide known as the "grave" , we do not know how long we have to tarry there. 即便我们知道后世处在众所周知的“拜勒宰合”这个分水岭上,我们也不知道我们得在那待多久。
They dragged the body to the king and asked him to divide it between them fairly. 他们拖着死尸到大仁慈王那里,请他为他们公平划分。
If you are in the process of a divorce and trying to divide property fairly, Mars' position shows that talks will become intense. 如果您的过程中,离婚和企图分裂财产相当,火星的立场表明,会谈将成为激烈。
Economy is often cited as one of the factors that divide great runners from merely fast ones. 脚步运动频率往往是被认为是区分跑步高手与那些仅仅是跑的快的运动员的一个因素。
Far from uniting Republicans, the war is beginning to divide them. 战争开始分化共和党人,远没有起到凝聚作用。
To enable a directory to hold large number of entries, it might be necessary to divide the directory database across multiple servers. 为了让目录能够容纳大量的条目,您可能需要分解不同服务器之间的目录数据库。
And with China, Russia, Japan and India all feeling their strength, the region's powers are beginning to divide into two broad alliances. 而且由于中国、俄罗斯、日本和印度都感受到自己的实力,该地区的大国开始分裂成两大联盟。
Only now, with its industry in flux and the company up for sale, the divide between what is and what might be seems as daunting as ever. 只是现在,随着这一行业的变动和Hulu挂牌待售,这一目标和可能性之间的距离似乎变得令人望而生畏。
As the chart shows, there seems to be a broad north-south divide. 正如图表所示,存在着明显的“南北差距”。
Divide your dough into even pieces of 40g each. Roll the dough into a ball and flatten out with your hand. 将你的面团平均分成40g一份的小面团,将小面团滚成球状,并用手压平。
Mollusks have to divide antennae, eyes, and the balance for the seizure of olfactory capsule, and other sensory organ, I feel sensitive. 软体动物已分化出触角、眼、嗅检器及平衡囊等感觉器官,感觉灵敏。
How much difference does there have to be between the Asians and the Westerners in a particular experiment to demonstrate a cultural divide? 在一个特定的实验里,亚洲人和西方人需要有多大的差别才能证明文化区隔的存在?
It may be easier for you to understand the system if we divide it into two. 为了好让你理解,我们把这个系统分为两部分。
After receiving the brown envelope from his broker, he would divide the money between team-mates in on the ruse. 在收受了经纪人的“棕色信封”后,他便把钱分给队友,让他们在比赛中作假。
At a university in Florida, Obama said the growing financial divide between rich and middle class Americans needs to be addressed. 在佛罗里达一所大学里,奥巴马说富人和中产阶级之间不断拉大的收入问题需要解决。
You have to divide the column of air into a set of levels, get out your pencil or computer, and calculate what happens at each level. 你必须将气柱分解为很多不同的层,拿出你的纸和笔,计算在每一层的情况。
Embrace her, embrace tightly, seem to ambition to integrate her to inside in the body, don't divide anyone further. 抱住她,抱得紧紧的,似乎想要把她融入到身体里,再也不分开。
Social networking is an obvious hot area, so the bullishness of clean-tech is much more notable, since it tends to divide investors. 社交网络是个显而易见的热门领域。所以,看好清洁科技的人尤为引人注目,因为该板块往往能够分化投资者。
I could speak of any of these topics at length but today our question is about digital divide. 我可以就任何诸如此类的主题发表滔滔不绝地长篇大论,然而今天我们所讨论的重点是数字鸿沟问题。
Log wall can divide plywood and solid board a few kinds, be like the word of fructification board, the price can differ very far. 原木墙可以分三合板和实木板几种,假如实木板的话,价格会相差很远。
A year ago, the boom was expected to be the means of breaking down the divide between China's domestic and export-led economies. 一年以前,中国指望依靠繁荣来打破内需拉动经济和出口主导经济之间鸿沟。
It would produce a circular track on each side of each platter. Now divide each track into equal arcs or sectors. 在盘片的每一面生成着圆形的磁道,每个被划分为相等长度的弧或扇区。
Webster said the two sides were joined together socially, economically, culturally, and in many other ways. There was no way to divide them. 韦伯斯特说,南北双方在社会、经济、文化和其他各个方面都密切地联系在一起,没有什么可以让南北双方分裂。
I do not divide my life into equal areas and I am not trying to do it all at the same time. 我不把生活分成相等的块,我压根不打算这么做。
Divide up any money you have left so you know how much you have to spend each week. 把这剩下的钱再次划分,从而明白你每周所需的花费。