in general

  • na.一般;大体上
  • 网络通常;一般来说;一般而言

in generalin general

in general


大学英语四级常用词组 ... in effect 实际上,事实上 in general 一般来说,大体上 in favor of 支持,赞成 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... generation gap 代沟 in general 通常,一般地说 get about 走动;旅行 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... in effect 实际上,事实上 in general 一般来说,大体上 in favor of 支持,赞成 ...


九年级英语单词表_百度知道 ... general 一般事物 in general 大体上;一般而言 wine 葡萄酒 ...


英语介词用法 - Mainz - 博客园 ... in flower 开花, in general 一般说来, in itself 本身, ...


高中英语必修1至5词汇大全【人教版】 - 豆丁网 ... be likely to 很可能……;有希望…… in general 总的来说;通常 ease n. 安 …


九年级英语单词表 ... general 上将;普遍的 in general 总之 wine 葡萄酒 ...

Paramount did not say anything about a possible appearance of Johnny in this movie in general, only that he is not the man in the photo. 派拉蒙没有谈及德普出现在本剧中的可能,只是澄清了照片中的人不是德普。
I'm looking for input on organization approaches, as well as thoughts on the matter in general, so feel free to drop me a line. 我在寻找物品卷轴新的合成的方法,以及总的规划,所以欢迎大家给我新的想法。
They [people in general] would not have known the name of justice if these things [unjust things] did not exist. 如果没有不正义的事情存在,人们不会知道正义的名称。
The canteen is to profit, so at least they encourage consumption, but our family in general, children do not want to be spendthrifts . 食堂也是要赢利的,这样一来,至少他们是鼓励消费了,但是我们家境一般,不希望孩子乱花钱。
In general, the more curious things, the truth came out, the inside story the more common. Those cases are very common only confusing. 通常来说,愈稀奇的事,真相大白后,内情愈平常。而那些非常普通的案件才令人迷惑。
If you think that this explosion might have a long-term impact, it's a good idea to assess your life in general. 如果你认为这个爆炸或许会对你有长期的冲击,那么,重新评估一下你的生活是一个不错的方法。
One of the things we measured was how much people read literature, and how much they read books in general. 我们测量的项目之一就是有若干好多人阅读文学作品他们凡是阅读的书有若干好多。
She said that there had been a 'very strong negative attitude towards elections in general' but that turnout was unexpectedly strong. 她说,民众对选举的态度总体上曾是非常消极的,但投票率之高让人意外。
The enthusiasm for e-books may have stimulated reading in general, and the market as a whole seems to be expanding. 对于电子书的热情激发了人们一般性的阅读,作为总体的市场看上去正在增长。
"Many weeds seem to do better, in general, under a wide range of environments, " he said. 一般地来说,在一个开阔的环境下,许多野草看上去似乎能做得更好。
Slowly it dawns on man in general that science is something of interest and concern to all mankind. 一般人都渐渐懂得,科学使全人类感到兴趣,并且和全人类密切相关。
Maybe in general I can say that candidates who come in and they do not know exactly what job they are applying for. 大体上来说,我可以说那些进来的应聘者并不太清楚他们申请的职位到底是什么。
The Part of Fortune is the one part which has survived in general use, though the method of calculation is often incorrect. 财富区是一般应用后的剩余部分,但计算方法往往不正确。
In many cases blog design tends to be less attractive and less innovative than website design in general. 许多情况下博客设计变得比一般网站设计更没有吸引力和创新性。
From there, I'll go on to compare SOAP, and RPC in general, with one of its biggest competitors, remote method invocation (RMI). 从那里,我继续将SOAP和一般而言的RPC与它的最大竞争对手之一,远程方法调用(RMI)相比较。
It was a tactic learned from her father, and the way of mountain people in general-to be quiet when most agitated. 心里特别着急的时候要低声——这是她从父亲那里学来的策略,也是山区居民的一般习惯。
s office. Joint efforts of a group of general practitioners in obtaining such a slit lamp may reinforce the diagnosis in general practice. 的共同努力下,一组普通医生在获得这样一个裂隙灯可以加强诊断的一般做法。
In general, Aristotle held, "the rule of law is preferable to that of a single citizen. " 一般来讲,亚里士多德认为,“相对于一人之治来说,法治更可取。”
In general, the results from most injectables are temporary; commonly lasting from a few months to about a year. 一般情况下,结果大多数注射是暂时的,通常持续时间从几个月到一年左右。
In general, we first made a change on just one server, and watched the effects of the change for a few days. 总体而言,我们先在一个服务器上进行更改,并花几天时间观察它们的影响。
Pollution in general is something that we have kept down, in both your interests and that of Mother Earth. 某些主要的污染我们已经阻止了,对于你们和地球母亲都是有益的。
In general, they were thought to be only present in animal-based foods, in the beginning at least. 通常,人们认为它只存在于动物性食物中,至少在一开始时是这样。
Massu said the power shortage had made him realise how much electricity is wasted and that we need to save power in general. 大包说电的短缺让他认识到了平常用电有多浪费,大家都应该减少用电。
laws are of ~ application. It is of the nature of our law that it has dealt not with man in general, but with him in relationships. 几乎没有哪条法律是普遍适用的。我们的法律从未笼统地处理人,而是将其置于各种关系中,这是由它的性质决定的。
The British regulator is one of many, however, that in general defend the practice as a means of creating market efficiencies. 然而,包括英国监管机构在内,许多人总体上支持卖空交易,视其为形成市场效率的一种手段。
QH curve should not be chosen in general rising above the pump if the parallel operation it had to adopt. 一般不宜选用Q-H曲线有上升段的泵,若并联运行,则不得不采用。
the meaning of life in general seems to me, from an objective point of view, to be sheer folly. 总体上在我看来,从客观的角度,没完没了地思考自己为什么会存在,或者是生命有什么意义,是非常愚蠢的行为。
These enhancements, combined with the Split Lagrangian VOF method, improve the accuracy of the surface tension model in general. 这些增强,和分散的拉格朗日函数VOF方法结合,大体上改善表面张力模型的精确度。
In general, it bothers me to see elitist developers make limiting decisions on my behalf, without knowing what problem I am trying to solve. 通常,当有些很精明的程序员对我的做法说三道四,却又根本不知道我是在解决什么问题时,我很苦恼。
I will try to explain some of the tricks I have done just to let you know in general how its fully rigged. 我会试着解释一些我使用的技术,以便让你大致了解它是如何被完全绑定的。以前轮为例。