step into

  • v.走进
  • 网络单步执行;步入;单步进入

step intostep into

step into


vim+xdebug - 枫叶的日志 - 网易博客 ... resize 调整窗口大小 step into 单步执行 quit debugging 退出调试模式 ...


翻译:向PE中注入代码(4.17修改) - 看雪安全论坛 ... Run( 运行) Step Into步入) Step Over( 步过) ...


一段情 两颗❤ 三个字 。 ... 34. forget to do sth. 忘记做某事 38. step into 走进 39. in the first 第一 ...


你应单步进入step into)闭包而不是越过(step over)它们 你目前不能直接使用debug as/groovy,作为替代方法,你必须创 …


电脑英文网络翻译s-分隔符... ... step function 步进函故 step into 逐步执行 step Into Specific 逐步执行至特定处 ...


Net 英文专业词汇收集 - SuperCai - 博客园 ... Step By 调试方式 Step Into 逐语句;进入并单步执行;单步执行 Step Out 跳出 ...

To step into your true nature is nothing superior either. Because itis a state of greatest inherent simplicity, before you create duality. 踏入你们真实的本质也不会产生“更完美”,因为在你创造二元世界之前,它本身就是一个最大最简单的完美状态。
Don't get me wrong, theirs was not a leap into the dark, but a step into the light. 请你别误解我,他们的举动不是扑向黑暗,而是向光明跨前一步。
On top of that, whoever stepped up to acquire or insure the super-senior risk had to be brave enough to step into an unfamiliar world. 在这种情况下,任何想要购买超高级风险打包产品或为其提供保险的人都必须有足够的勇气踏入这个完全陌生的领域。
l believe that upon my visit to the United States l will receive the same warm reception. I do not think I will step into a minefield. 我想我这一次访问美国,也会受到同样的接待,会受到热烈的欢迎,而不是去闯“地雷阵”。
But, revolutionary as it is, the agile movement is only the first step into a more complex and rewarding development practice. 然而,虽然灵活运动具有革命性,但它毕竟只是更复杂更有益的开发实践的第一步。
Your Week Ahead: There's nothing wrong with a brave step into the great unknown, as long as you appreciate that this is what you are taking. 你朝着巨大的未知迈出勇敢的一步,只要你意识到自己在做什么,那就没什么不对。
(Laughter) This is the only way for you to step into the dark side, and have a look at it. (笑声)这是你能了解世界黑暗面的唯一途径。
Let bad smells go running -- step into a fresh pair of shoes or sneakers with these simple solutions. 让臭味消失——下列简单的方法让你的鞋子保持清新
Developing employees is all about providing them with the skills they need to be able to step into your shoes in your absence. 而发展员工就是要为他们能够提供接替你位置所需的全部技能。
It is a great and essential part of the religion of humanity. It is a step into a higher - and a less selfish - plane of life. 它是人道宗教中最伟大且精髓的部分,它引领我们踏入一个更高层次与少一点自私的生活境界。
Then, just as she was about to step into the fire, the playboy leaped from the crowd and grabbed her hand. 就在她要走到火里,花花公子从人群中跳出来,抓住她的手。
The real question is: Are we prepared to get out from under the covers and step into the dark? 真正的问题是:我们是否准备从遮蔽处走出来,真正地站在黑暗中呢?
I woke up one morning. I get out of my hotel door and I step into half a meter of water. 清晨起床,我离开下榻的宾馆,踏进了半米深的水。
From the moment they step into the company from BMW, is imbued with a sense of belonging, a sense of mission and historical responsibility. 从他们踏进宝马公司那一刻起,被灌输了一种归属感、使命感和历史责任感。
Like your fairy godmother, consider us on your shoulder for that first date, reminding you not to step into the usual bachelor potholes. 因为是第一次约会,我们认为该像你的圣母玛利亚一样,把手搭在你的肩上,提醒你不要轻易跳入平凡单身汉的坑中。
This error can occur when you are trying to step into a web service (see Stepping Into an XML Web Service). 当您尝试单步执行Web服务时,可能发生此错误(请参见单步执行XMLWebservices)。
But, once again, many workers could step into those jobs with a bit of training. 但,我再说一遍,很多人只需要些许培训就能步入新的岗位。
Imagine that you step into a shopping mall and a spy immediately begins tracking your every move. 当你步入商厦,一个间谍立即尾随而来,监视你的一举一动。
Todd Hoff calls it a " giant step into the fully distributed future" ToddHoff称之为“向完全的分布式未来迈进的一大步”
You have been chosen, because you are ready, to step into a Greater Reality. 您已经选择了,因为你已经准备好了,步入一大现实。
Of that you are assured, and the past will rapidly fade away as you step into the Light. 对于这些你们是被保证的,在你们步入到【光的实相】中,过去的一切将很快消失。
The moment you step into a garden and begin to cultivate and prune, you become a killer. 当你踏入花园,开始耕种修剪的时候,你就开始残杀生命了(而你却不自知)。…
Step into the ring with Olivia, where the lights are dim, the color soft, and a little girl's imagination is the main attraction. 和奥莉薇一起走入马戏表演场,那里灯光朦胧,色彩轻柔,而一个小女孩的想像力是最重要的吸引力。
If America could choose again, it would not step into a civil war in Mesopotamia. 如果美国能够再次选择,它不会卷入美索不达米亚平原的内战。
Imagine if you could step into a famous painting. . . and actually talk to the characters. 设想一下,你能走进一幅名画,竟然还可以跟里面的人物说话!
After the fall of the Qing empire, There was far a way for China to really step into a democratic society. 虽然封建帝制被推翻,但离真正步入民主社会,还有很长的路要走。
It has been a long, rather barbaric period before we finally step into the relatively short civilized age. 看看人类在漫长的蒙昧时期非常野蛮,我们步入真正的文明时代与蒙昧时代比短的多。
One day, due to a very fortuitous accident, an extraordinary step into a coma. 一天,由于一个很偶然的意外,步平凡陷入昏迷之中。
To turn that step into a Verification Point, click the icon next to the step number and select Verification Point (Figure 24). 为了将该步骤转化为VerificationPoint,点击步骤号码旁边的图标,并点击VerificationPoint(图24)。
It is called "changing diversely within an inch" . Now let's make a further step into this splendid art to take a deep look inside. “方寸之间,气象万千”,让我们对这门艺术作进一步的深入认识和了解。