


On April 30th the White House announced that new off-shore drilling would be suspended until the cause of the accident could be verified. 4月30日白宫宣称新的近海钻井作业将暂停,直到出事的原因核实出来为止。
Monday also happened to be her 30th birthday, and the cast and crew surprised the actress with a large three-tier cake, moving her to tears. 星期一恰好是李宝英30岁生日,演员和职员们意想不到地为她送上了一个大大的三层蛋糕,让她激动地流下了眼泪。
AS IF North Korea's people did not have enough reasons for gloom, on November 30th their savings were wiped out by government decree. 仿佛还嫌朝鲜人民忧伤的理由不够多似的,11月30日,政府的一纸法令又让民众的积蓄化为乌有。
The parade was one of several around the country marking the 30th anniversary of the start of the Iran-Iraq war. 这次军队检阅是伊朗各地纪念两伊战争爆发30周年举行的几个阅兵活动中的一个。
By June 30th, 2008, all provisional licence holders must be accompanied by a fully licenced driver of at least two years experience. 到2008年六月30日,所有临时驾照持有者必须有至少两年经验驾驶员陪伴才能驾驶。
Russia said that it had found a hijacked merchant ship that had gone missing in the Baltic Sea on July 30th en route to Algeria. 俄罗斯说它发现一艘被劫持的商船驶向阿尔及利亚的途中在7月30号消失于波罗的海。
It was his 30th birthday six months later which really got to me, as he stood there with his wife Alison while they greeted the guests. 直到六个月后,他在30岁的生日上和妻子艾莉森(Alison)站在一起招呼宾客时,我才开始有异样的感觉。
The fire reached past the 30th floor, but did not spread to any adjacent buildings. 火火烧到了第三十层楼,但没有漫延到邻近的大厦。
She said that this is her present to her 30th birthday. But I believe her life afterwards will be even richer and more beautiful. 她说这是她给自己30岁的礼物,不过我相信她今后的人生会更加的丰富多彩。
The young Kim may skip a year or two and celebrate his 30th birthday that year, just to gain a bit of gravitas. 仅仅只是为了获取一点儿庄严,年轻的金正云或许会虚算一到两岁,好在那年庆祝他30岁的生日。
A third man, coming up to his 30th birthday, had just got a new job when he discovered he had a terminal illness. 第3个捐献者即将迎来他的30岁生日,但就在他刚找到一份新工作后就发现自己患上了不治之症。
How much do you remember? Try to write down from memory what you were thinking, saying and doing on the 30th of the last month. 你能够牢记多少东西?试将由上一个月30日起你曾经想过、说过及做过的事写出。
Jiang said in his speech that this year China and Germany will celebrate the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations. 江泽民在讲话中说,今年中德两国将共同庆祝建交30周年。
He made the remarks at a reception commemorating the 30th anniversary of diplomatic ties between the two countries. 他在纪念中葡两国建交30周年的接待会上发表了意见。
And in the early morning of September 30th, the House also adjourned until mid-November without settling the matter. 而在9月30日的早晨,众议院也决定推迟到十一月中旬来讨论而不是现在解决问题。
One of the protests took place in Derry on the 30th Jan 1972, the day that is now known as Bloody Sunday. 1972年1月30日,其中一场示威在德里举行,如今此日名为血腥星期日。
This week the 36-year-old proves her phenomenal staying power as she graces the front cover of British Vogue for the 30th time. 本周,当36岁的莫斯第30次登上英国《时尚》杂志的封面时,她再一次证明了自己非凡的持久魅力!
September 25th will be the 30th anniversary of an "open letter" by the party that is often seen as marking the policy's launch. 今年的9月25日,将是中国共产党的“公开信”发表的30周年,人们把这一天视为计划生育政策开始执行的标志。
CHINESE officials said the opening of the World Expo in Shanghai on April 30th would be simple and frugal. It wasn't. 尽管中国官员曾说4月30日开幕的上海世博会将会是简单节俭的,但事实并非如此。
The 30th Olympic Games is going to be held in London. 第三十届奥运会即将在伦敦举行的。
First, on June 30th, at least half Arcelor's shareholders must vote against the proposed merger with Severstal to stop it. 首先必须要做的是,阿塞洛公司至少半数的股东必须于6月30日通过投票反对与Severstal钢铁公司的合并。
On April 30th an air strike killed one of his sons. 四月三十号的空袭就干掉了他的几个儿子。
But a leak on March 30th suggested that the president had signed a secret "finding" that would authorise covert support for the rebels. 但是三月三十日的洩密显示,欧巴马总统已在秘密「结论」上签字同意暗地支持反抗军。
Tang said that this year marks the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Greece. 唐家璇说,今年是中国同希腊建交30周年。
On March 30th the ministry said the law would finally come into effect on July 1st and issued a revised set of guidelines. 在3月30日司法部说该法最终将在7月1日生效,并发布了修改后的指导条例。
On June 30th she appeared on the front page of USA Today saying: "I don't want to be a distraction. " 6月30日她出现在《今日美国》的头版,她说:“我不想分散大家的注意力”。
On December 30th one was stabbed three times in front of his house in Almaty; another was beaten up in January. 在阿拉木图12月30日,一名记者在他的寓所前身中三刀。还有一名记者在一月被打。
Just a moment please. I think you've made a mistake. It's on the 30th. 请稍等。我想你是弄错了,应该是在30号。
My books did not arrive till November 30th, the cargo of the Asia having been complete when they reached Liverpool. 我的那些书直到十一月三十号才到。“亚洲号”货船到达利物浦的时候货物满满。
On July 30th the Supreme Court ruled against her, arguing that "This relationship exists, regardless of whether they are divorced. " 7月30日,最高法院做出了对她不利的裁定,指出:“这种关系存在,不管他们是否离婚。”