
  • 网络30多岁;30年代;30秒




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He said the woman is in her early 30s, but her name was not being released. 他说,该女子在她30年代初,但她的名字是不会被释放。
My wife and I decided to separate, and I was suddenly just one of a growing number of people in his late 30s setting forth on his own. 妻子和我决定离婚,我突然成了越来越多的在将近40岁时恢复单身的一族。
Falling foul of vicious political factionalism, Dante was sent into exile from his beloved Florence in his mid-30s. He never returned. 最终,但丁由于身陷政治派系斗争,30多岁被逐出心爱的佛罗伦萨,再也没能回归。
Still two bosses above you by your mid-30s and you think you are capable of getting to the very top? I'm embarrassed for you. 在你35岁上下时,还有两个上司?你认为你有能力做到最高层吗?我为你感到尴尬。
The first patient to receive a mitral valve implant, a woman in her 30s, died when an air bubble formed inside her heart. 第一个接受冠状瓣膜移植的是一名30多岁的妇女。她心脏里形成的一个气泡要了她的命。
The disease was diagnosed in the patient, her mother, and her sister when they were all in their 30s. 在30多岁时,患者,患者母亲和患者姐姐都诊断出了获得性迟发性淋巴水肿。
She appeared to be in her 30s ( "Why don't you guess my age, " said the rail-thin sex worker, when asked). 她看上去三十来岁。(当问到年纪的时候,这位骨瘦如柴的性工作者说:“你干吗不猜猜我的年纪?”)
"I've been buying gold for about six years as an investment, " says a young man in his early 30s who works for a power company. 一位在电力公司工作的30岁出头的年轻男子表示:“6年来我一直在购买黄金,把它当作一项投资。”
But as I hit my mid-30s, I began to worry about whether I'd meet that special someone with whom I'd want to spend the rest of my life. 但当我步入35岁时,我开始担心自己能否遇到我希望与之共度余生的那个人。
Many Hemingway detractors like to say that it was all downhill from the '30s onward. 许多海明威的批判者喜欢说他在30年代后就一直在走下坡路。
Hailing from Montreal, Cohen was an acclaimed poet and novelist long before he started recording his songs professionally in his mid-30s. 在他35岁左右开始专业地录制歌曲之前很久,他是一位来自蒙特利尔的著名诗人和小说家。
One protester at the scene said the man was in his 30s and died of natural causes, the Press Association news agency reported. 一个在现场的示威者说这名男子大概在30来岁,是由于自然的原因去世的,英国通讯社报道。
Like a number of readers, my husband and I waited a while before we chose to have kids in our mid-30s. 和许多读者一样,我和丈夫等到三十多岁才决定要孩子。
Ms. Tahara says the company is profitable. Theirs is the only agency in Tokyo that caters exclusively to working women in their 30s. 田原说,公司能够盈利,这是东京唯一一家为30多岁工作女性提供服务的地产中介。
Through my 20s, and into my 30s, I began to become aware of how so much of my art and architecture has a decidedly Eastern character. 通过我20多岁,和我30多岁,我开始认识到如何使我很多的艺术和建筑具有决定性东欧性质。
Louise has straight, auburn hair and, judging by the only photograph I have of her, she's in her 30s. 从我手上唯一一张她的照片可以看出,路易莎一头赤褐色的直发,30岁上下。
In the '30s an airplane had two wings and a round motor. And was always flown by a guy who looked like Cary Grant. 在三十年代,飞机有两个翅膀和一个圆形发动机并且总是由一名酷似加里.格兰特的家伙驾驶着飞行。
A woman in her 30s went to a cosmetic surgeon in Lyon in October for an operation to flatten her stomach following two pregnancies. 一名30多岁妇女去年10月在里昂一家整形外科动手术,整平她怀过2次孕的肚子。
"She had a breakdown in a car when she was in her 30s. She was in a mental institute. She died there. " “当年她三十出头时,某次开车外出的时候突然出现了一次精神崩溃。然后她被送到一个心理研究所。她刚刚在那里去世。”
His hero, David, is a successful video-game designer in his 30s whose marriage has "existed in a state of stasis" for years. 书中的主角大卫是一名30多岁,事业有成的视频游戏设计者,他的婚姻已经多年如同一潭死水。
In Germany the age tends to be about 30, while in North America people tend to be in their early 30s or older. 在德国,这一年龄大约为30岁,而在北美一般在30出头或者更晚。
Particularly in their 20s and 30s, people tend to not think about getting older while they're busy trying to get established in their lives. 特别是在20岁到30岁之间,人们往往不是变老觉得在他们忙着在他们的生活得到确立。
I think it was that as I got into my mid-30s, I started feeling like it was harder and harder to make new friends . 我好像又回到了30多岁,并且开始感觉要交新朋友是越来越难。
He made a lot of acquaintances, and then he found his lover, a designer in his 30s. 他也认识了很多同志,后来他找到了他的真爱,一位设计师。
I spoke to a man in his early 30s who had lost four daughters. He was just completely heartbroken. 我问了一个30余岁的男人,他的四个女儿都遇难了,他非常伤心。
Many young adults who are in their 20s and 30s are now at a time of panic and self-doubt as they suffer a 'quarter-life crisis'. 现在很多二三十岁的年轻人因过早遭受着“中年危机”而处于恐慌和自我怀疑的状态。
"It's never too early or too late to reduce the risk of falling, " she said. "People in their 30s should be doing yoga and dance. " 她说,“降低摔倒的风险绝不会过早或过晚,30多岁的人就该开始做点瑜伽和舞蹈。”
Further exploration led to the discovery of the remains for an adult female in her late 20s or early 30s weighing around 73lb. 经过遗骸的进一步研究,科学家发现成年女性在30岁左右时体重在73磅左右。
The married couple in their early 30s are always reminded of that by family when they return home for the spring festival holidays. 这对夫妇在他们30岁左右时,每年春节回家,家里人都会催他们赶紧生个孩子。
(In truth, women tend to be the most well-rounded and sexiest during their 30s. #justsayin) Still, it has a way of focusing people. (事实上,女性在她们30多岁的时候往往是发展得最全面,也是最性感的)然而,还是有很多关注这个的人。