
美 [ˈperənt]英 [ˈpeərənt]
  • n.父亲;母亲;母本;创始机构
  • 网络父母;双亲;父代


single parent,concerned parent,former parent,black parent,elderly parent
become parent,see parent,buy parent,hold parent,lose parent



1.[usupl]父亲;母亲a person's father or mother

2.(动、植物的)亲本,亲代,父本,母本an animal or a plant which produces other animals or plants

3.创始机构;母公司;总部an organization that produces and owns or controls smaller organizations of the same type


初一上册的英语单词表_百度知道 ... father 爸爸;父亲 parent 父母 brother 兄;弟 ...


初中英语单词表大全2182个带音标 - 豆丁网 ... son 儿子 238 parent 父(母)亲 239 parents 父母亲,双亲 240 ...


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新大纲四级 - xieyuchao670的日志 - 网易博客 ... paragraph 段落 parent 父亲,母亲,家长 parliament 议会,国会 ...


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普通英汉小词典_翻译家( ... pare 剥掉 parent 父母亲 parenthesis 括号 ...


父节点(Parent)--处于当前节点和根节点之间的是父节点,该类型节点有一个或多个子节点当前节点(Current)--表示当前所显示 …

My father did not swear. He was a man of honor and competence and humor, and he was the parent I sorely wanted to please. 我爸爸绝不会讲脏话,他名声好,既有能力又很幽默,是我想方设法要取悦的家长。
I appreciate the family togetherness, I especially, I don't have children, but if I did have kids, I suppose I would be a very tough parent. 我享受家庭的凝聚力。我,现在没有孩子,但是如果我有孩子,我想我一定会是那种强硬的家长。
A year ago, Mr Shan said he didn't have high expectations for the Japanese parent. 一年前,单伟建表示,他对日新集团期望不高。
It is no stretch, then, to say that having a toxic parent may be harmful to a child's brain, let alone his feelings. 毫不夸张的说有一对有负面影响的父母可能伤害孩子的大脑,更别提对他的情感上的伤害了。
The most important thing a parent can do to teach a child to love reading is for the parent to let the child see how much you love reading. 对于家长来说,能够帮助小孩培养读书兴趣的事情最重要的就是让小孩看见你自己是多么的喜爱阅读。
Sometimes it's easy to get consumed by worries about your grades or the fight you had with your friend or parent. 有时它可以轻易地稀释掉你对成绩的担心或是对与朋友或父母相抗衡的忧虑。
The name and the title of the parent are stored in an information dictionary, so that the data can be easily retrieved in a page template. 如果是的话这个父对象的名称和标题将被存放在字典中,以至于能够比较轻易的在页面模板中重新得到数据。
Parent alert: the Walt Disney Company is now offering refunds for all those "Baby Einstein" videos that did not make children into geniuses. 父母们注意了:华尔特迪斯尼公司现在正为那些没有将孩子们变成天才的音像制品提供退款。
You may have to plan activities which you know interests them so they don't just see you as their parent, but as a cool parent. 那么,你就要安排计划一些他们有兴趣的活动,这样他们就不会只把你当做传统意义的、一般的父母,而是觉得自己的父母很酷。
It is expected that, for any new European deals this year, the equity slice is likely to be farmed out to a parent company or bigger group. 对于今年欧洲任何可能出现的新交易而言,这部分股份都可能会被转给母公司或规模较大的公司。
The normally super-cool Manny gets thrown for a loop as he gets ready to become a parent. 在通常超冷曼尼得到抛出一个循环,他得到准备成为父母。
The annual output of the foreign affiliates that year increased by more than twice that of the parent company in the United States. 这一年,境外分公司的年产出增长率比在美国的母公司高出一倍以上。
Just trying to get boys to sit still and pay attention is a real challenge for any parent or teacher. 只是让男孩子安安静静地坐下来专心,就让父母和老师头疼了。
This means accepting the role of parent and realizing what you do or say will not always be to your child's liking. 这意味着你接受了父母这个角色,并明白自己所做的或者所说的不会始终满足孩子的喜好。
'Here's Mr Pip, aged parent. Nod your head at him, Mr Pip, he's completely deaf, but he likes to see people nod at him. ' 这是匹普先生,老父亲。向他点点你的头,匹普,他完全耳聋。但是,他喜欢看到人们向他点头。
As a modern parent, I know that it's not how much you give children those counts, it's the love and attention you shower on them. 作为一个现代的父母,我很清楚,重要的不是你给孩子们多少物质的东西,而是你倾注在他们身上的关心和爱。
that they talk too much about certain problems - and that they have no sense of humor, at least in parent-child relationships. 他们有关某问题说话太多-而且他们没有幽默感,至少在父母-孩子关系中。
You see, little sister, Dad, as a single parent, is just trying to make sure that you have the proper guidance. 你应该明白,小妹妹,老爸作为一个单身父亲,就是要让你得到正确的引导。
And I can tell you exactly which shower tile I was looking at in my parent's bathroom on a trip home when it hit me like a lightning bolt. 至今我还能确切地告诉你,在一次回家时,在父母的浴室中,我正凝视着哪一片檐瓦,一个念头像闪电一样击中了我。
The hearing had been listed to resume today, but neither parent had been expected to attend for a third day in court, she said. 听证会原定于今天再次听审,但孩子的家长均未出席第三天的家庭法庭,她说。
Amy knew that she needed a firm parent, but it often seemed easier to avoid a fight than to stand up to her in public. 艾米知道她需要一个意志坚定的父母,但是看起来避免一场打斗比面对公众要容易得多。
First, while the aging parent is still vital and lively, children must not fool themselves that this happy situation will last forever. 首先,尽管衰老的双亲现在生命仍然充满活力,但孩子们不要愚蠢的认为这种乐观的形势可以永远持续下去。
He lives in a single-parent families, but he was more love for his mother and sister. 他生活在一个单亲家庭,但是他却更加的爱自己的妈妈和姐姐。
The parent item is not fully loaded because its children attribute is not an array that lists all the children of this item. 父条目不能被完全加载,因为其children属性不是一个列出所有子条目的数组。
If you were younger than 18 years of age when you left the UK, your parent or guardian must have been registered. 如果你离开英国时年尚不满18岁,那么,你的父母亲或监护人必须是已经登记过的。
As a parent, learn to praise others. Even when the child is of a young age, teach him not to envy but to be genuinely happy for others. 父母应有赞美他人的修养,即使在幼儿期,也要教导孩子不应忌妒,而要真心为他人的成就感到高兴,以培养其高贵的情操。
She would hear people walking around in her parent's home and when she looked, there was no one there. 她听到有人走动,她父母的家里,当她看着,没有一个人有。
Saturday, the parent of a child gunned down in that shooting delivered President Barack Obama's weekly address. 星期六在那次枪击事件遭射杀孩子的父母在总统奥巴马每周电视讲话中发表讲话。
It was a meaning of social divisions of people into a hierarchy that the Latin parent word classis referred to. class在拉丁语中的词源classis就是社会等级划分的意思。
She said the sole parent pension was a ''reasonable payment, at least compared to the US''. 她认为单亲家庭津贴是“合情合理的补贴,至少相对于美国来说是如此的。”