put aside

  • na.“set aside”的变体
  • 网络储蓄;撇开;放在一边

第三人称单数:puts aside 现在分词:putting aside

put asideput aside

put aside


关于put的短语有那些?_百度知道 ... put across 解释;表达 put aside 节省(钱、时间);储蓄;储存…备用 put back 拨回; …


初中英语中与put有关的短语_百度知道 ... put across 圆满完成 使被接受 put aside 撇开 存储。。。。备用 put in for 申请 ...


动词和动词短语 - 豆丁网 ... put put across 解释清楚;使人接受 put aside 放在一边;储存;保留 put away 放好;收好 ...


英语 常用介词汇总_百度文库 ... lay aside 暂放一边 put aside 搁置 V + at laugh at 笑 ...


大象教育资源网---学习辅导 ... put 的常用词组有: put aside 节省(钱、时间);储蓄;把……放在一边 put away 储存(钱)…


大学英语4级英语词组 ... pull up (使)停下 put aside 储存,保留;暂不考虑,把…放在一边 put away 放好,收好 ...


英语四级常考单词_百度知道 ... put in 花费;正式提出 put aside 储存,保留;把…放在一边,暂不考虑 put forward 提出(要求 …


初中英语动词短语归纳_百度文库 ... put on 穿戴,上映, put aside 放到一边 1 put back 放回 21. ...

You see, it takes a real man to put aside his own desires and dreams and to take care of his wife and family's needs. 你看,这需要一个真正的男人把自己的愿望和梦想放在一边,去满足他妻子和家庭的需要。
It was a bitter thing to her to be put aside by life. 被生活遗弃对她来说是件痛苦的事。
Even if I accept that I need to do something like this, do I have to invite everyone? And how much money do I put aside? 就算我承认这么做不无必要,但必须邀请所有人吗?需要准备多少钱呢?
Ask yourself. Have you put aside enough time for her, to listen to her "blues" of working in the kitchen, her tiredness? 扪心自问,你是否曾经抽出过足够的时间陪伴她,听她讲围着灶台转的“伤心事”,讲她也会疲劳?
The company has had a very profitable year, but large sums have to be put aside to meet. 公司今年已取得很大效益,但大量资金不得不储备起来以供资本应付款项之需。
Did Nostradamus predict how much we'll need to put aside for our retirement? 预言家预测我们以后需要存多少钱为我们自己退休用呢?。
How good, though, depends as much on where people put their savings as on how much they put aside. 至于有多好,取决于人们将存款放在哪里以及储蓄多少。
Many of you I know have different views and attitudes, but I urge you to put aside these differences, and gather as one body. 不同人总有不同的想法跟态度,但我鼓励你们排除这些不同而团结一心。
Human righteousness, but in the righteous cause of the front, to put aside personal affair. 为人仁义,但在大义面前,可以或许放下小我私交。
Regulators use VAR calculations to work out how much capital banks need to put aside for a rainy day. 监管者利用VAR来计算银行究竟需要多少资本以防不测。
Savings: Try to put aside at least 15% of your income for savings. 设法至少存下你收入的15%。
You are one family on Earth, and the time has arrived to put aside all that has created separation between you all. 你是一个地球上的家庭成员,时间已经到了放下所有那些在你们中间造成分裂的言行的时候了。
This shows that the activity is important enough to you to put aside everything else you have to do and just focus on the other person. 这表明这种行为很重要,足以能够让你暂放其他的事情,而只去关注对方。
At such a time of crisis, we must try to put aside all differences of party or class. 在这样的危急关头,我们必须设法放下党派阶级的分歧。
And just how much money do I have to put aside? 还有,我需要准备多少钱?
Figure out how much of your allowance you want to save and how much you want to spend. Put aside a percentage for your long-term goals. 把零用钱分配好,想要存多少,想要花掉多少。把一部分放起来用作长期目标。
Tragically, her mother and father died in a car crash when Twain was 21, forcing her to put aside music to support her younger siblings. 唐恩21岁的时候,父母不幸在一场车祸中丧生。这迫使她不得不把音乐放到一边,承担起抚养年幼弟妹的责任。
I said I could get Warner Bros. to put aside a studio just for us to watch films in private, but she forces me out. 我说我可以在我的私人影院为我们放映华纳兄弟的电影,但是她一定要逼我出去。
Did Nostradamus predict how much we will need to put aside for our retirement? 占卜者预言我们需要为我们退休准备多少钱了吗?
Just as they must put aside their prejudices, so we must be prepared to accept their good faith. 正如他们必须抛弃成见,我们也必须准备接受他们的诚意。
Please put aside what you think you know and listen to the professor's lecture. 请将自认为所知的一切搁在一旁,好好听教授上课。
One thing he needs to do is put aside his hobby of horse racing - likely to be his livelihood in retirement - at least for a season. 他需要做的一件事情就是暂时把他的兴趣——赛马——很有可能是他退役后的生计——放到一边,最起码一个赛季。
PUT aside the cruise brochures and let the garden retain that natural look for a few more years. 先将海上巡游的宣传册放一放,让花园的自然面貌多保持几年吧!
And, in the decades to come, they and their children stand ready to contribute so much more -- if we put aside our prejudice and let them. 而且,在未来的数十年,他们和他们的孩子随时准备贡献更多-如果我们抛开偏见,允许他们这样。
The money he put aside every month soon mounted up to quite a sizable amount . 他每月积累的钱很快就达到一笔可观的数字。
It is possible to put aside deep divides of language, culture, religion, centuries of conflict and war. 将语文、文化、宗教、几世纪的冲突与战争所造成的深刻嫌隙扔到一边是可能做到的。
As much as Chinese do not believe in their own state media, when their country is under attack, they temporarily put aside criticisms of it. 尽管他们不信任自己的官方媒体,但当国家遭到攻击的时候,他们会暂时把批评搁置。
So put aside your worries and concerns, as all is going to work out well and move you into a new series of experiences. 因此把你们的忧虑和担心都抛向一旁吧,所有的工作都进展顺利,将把你们带入到一系列新的体验之中。
Lavish parties tend to leave a hangover as the problems of daily life, put aside for the celebrations, come crowding back. 奢华的体育盛事往往会让日常生活中的很多问题,因为庆祝活动而被搁置,但迟早这些事还是要面对的。
I guess it never occurred to you to put aside some money for a rainy day . 我想你从不会留出点儿钱来以备不时之需的。