
美 [ɪd]英 [.aɪ'diː]
  • short.I had;I would
  • 网络本我;标识(identification);编号

复数:IDs 现在分词:IDing 过去式:IDed



n. v.

1.[u][c]身份证明(全写为 identity 或 identification)the abbreviation foridentity oridentification (an official way of showing who you are, for example a document with your name, date of birth and often a photograph on it)


本我ID)去哪也该带自我(Ego)同去”,这是心理学大师弗洛伊德论及心理治疗时的一句名言。本我代表人潜意识中的焦虑 …




分别是编号 (id) 为 1 、 2 的 Android 1.1 、 1.5 模拟器,与编号 (id) 为 3 的「 Google APIs 」, Google 把自己提供的应用程 …


...会生存的作为,但对待咱们公司来说,须要供给注册人的身份证(ID)扫描件都是属于安闲题目、平常支款是什么都是不须要供 …

内径(inside diameter)

5轴套和轴的配合尺寸公差 第一版提出密封轴套的内径 ( ID) 与轴的外 径( OD) 之间间隙为 0. 001 ~ 0. 003, 包括轴套和 轴的尺 …


如对用户名ID)的唯一性检查和对email 的唯一性检查(防止不同会员重 复使用)等。其中对用户名(ID)的检查代码如下…


型号标识符 (ID):iMac11,12 型号标识符 (ID):iMac10,1 若要识别您所持的是哪款 iMac(27 英寸,2009 年末),请选取 Appl…

工业设计(Industrial Design)

提供从工业设计id)、结构设计(me),硬件设计(hw)、软件设计(sw)、生产制造(manufacturing),测试(te)、品 …

Local NCP-run authorities, known as "popular committees" , had the power to approve voters at the stations, many of whom had no form of ID. 当地有全国大会党领导的政府,被称为“人民委员会”,能够为投票站选民提供证明,因为他们中的很多人都没有身份证。
In particular, the query returns the company's ID and name, as well as the name and email address of the company's contact person. 该查询返回公司的ID和名称,以及公司联系人的姓名和电子邮件地址。
In the age of caller ID, this is an easy method to adopt as you know he's calling without answering the phone. 在“来电显示”的年代,这是一个简单可行的方法,因为你不用接电话就知道是他打来的。
Why id you invite him to the symposium? It was not as if he were an expert? 你为什么邀请他参加研讨会?他又不是什么专家!
Otherwise please take to bring with your ID card to be able to be unable to enter. 请带上你的身份证否则会无法进入。
So the question of what ID is held by the subject of one's fancy has to be asked before one falls in love with her or him. 因此持有什么身份是一个人在爱上另一个人之前的一个必定要问的问题。
In this usage, the name associated with the id attribute must be unique with respect to all other style IDs within the current document. 这样用时,id属性的值必须与当前文档中所有其他样式ID的名称都不同。
Mary lost her handbag, and the devil of it was that the handbag contained her ID card and passport. 玛丽丢了提包,更糟的是提包里有她的身份证和护照。
Otherwise, it loads the modified back end into a SimpleXML object and searches the transactions for that accounting ID. 否则,它将修改后的后端加载到一个SimpleXML对象中,并在交易中搜索这个会计ID。
The only trouble was that more Chinese ID, SITE command in identifying areas not particularly perfect. 唯一比较麻烦得就是中文ID,SITE命令在识别方面还不是特别完美。
The data identifying the client includes at least one of a transaction ID, merchant ID, user ID and order ID. 用于识别所述客户端的数据至少包括交易ID、商户ID、用户ID和订单ID之一。
The Jobs table can then be indexed by student ID, and retrieval of every job worked can be completed in an orderly and efficient way. 随后可以通过学生ID对Job表建立索引,且检索每份从事过的工作将会以一种有序且高效的方式进行。
To generate this key, a password must be associated with this ID; however, this ID should not be able to log onto the system. 要生成此密钥,必须将密码与此ID关联,此ID应该不能登录到系统。
You're going to put together some PHP image-manipulation code that will allow you to create an ID-card image suitable for lamination. 您将整合一些PHP图像处理代码,这些代码将允许您创建适合贴膜(lamination)的ID卡片图像。
And instead of him swiping an ID card to enter his building, he just needs to wave his hand to gain entrance. 不再需要刷ID卡,如今他只需晃动手臂,就可以轻松进入门禁。
If the text of any of the extracted strings ever changes, a new message ID will be created the next time a message file is generated. 如果任何已提取的字符串的文本在任何时候发生更改,则在每次生成消息文件时将创建新消息ID。
The contact ID number is automatically looked up in a source table or query and replaced with the contact name. Access自动在源表或查询中找出联系人ID并替换为联系人姓名。
i said id pass on his decision , and i promised id make you see sense. 我说我会把他的决定告诉您,而且我还答应要让您明白事理。
The only time an affiliate id can be present on a certified site is if it is a clear advertisement of a third party product. 只有当它是一个单纯的第三方产品广告时,代销商ID才会出现在认证的网站上。
If you reload (or reopen) the page, you'll see nothing different at all; the addition of an id attribute has no visual effect on a Web page. 如果重新加载(或者打开)该页面,可以看到毫无变化,增加id属性对网页的外观没有影响。
Remember that this is likely to be a service ID used by the system calling your service. 调用服务的系统将其作为服务ID。
Should an ID become compromised, a new public key can be generated by the creation of a new ID, locking the old ID out of the system. 如果一个ID存在安全危险,那么应该通过创建一个新的ID生成一个新的公钥,在系统中锁定老的ID。
I need you to endorse the back of the check you want to cash and I'll need to see an ID. 麻烦您在要兑现的支票后面签个字,并把您的身份证给我。
If you emitted the keys at this point, you'd also see a pair of [studio doc-id]s for each document in the database. 如果您在这个点发出键,您还将看到针对数据库中的每个文档的一对[studiodoc-id]。
I do not know anything about ferns and if you can assist to ID their names, I shall be very appreciative. 我对蕨类植物一窍不通,我会很感谢有谁可以协助指出它们的名字的。
The best practice in reading a WebSphere Application Server trace is to follow the thread ID in question to understand the flow of events. 阅读WebSphereApplicationServer跟踪文件时的最佳实践是,跟踪所涉及的线程ID,以了解事件流。
The result of that expression is then used to create a new expression and select all the cd elements with that ID. 然后使用该表达式的结果创建一个新的表达式,选择具有此ID的所有cd元素。
There is always a clear mapping between any given system authorization ID used to establish a connection and a specific trusted context. 在用于建立一个连接的任何给定系统授权ID与一个特定的受信任上下文之间,总是有一个明显的映射。
This parameter specifies whether diverted calls without a caller ID will be allowed to leave a message. 此参数指定是否允许没有呼叫人ID的转向呼叫保留消息。
When the police turned up, they checked his ID and discovered he'd been a naughty 37-year-old boy and was wanted for a string of robberies. 当警察过来检查了他的身份证,发现他是一个37岁的捣蛋鬼,而且还因为一系列的偷盗行为正在被通缉。