set on

  • na.前进;嗾使;挑唆;挑拨
  • 网络袭击;攻击;着手

第三人称单数:sets on 现在分词:setting on

set onset on

set on


英语四级常考单词_百度知道 ... set in 开始 set on 袭击,唆使 a case in point 恰当的例子 ...


选修7 第一单元导学案_老霍_新浪博客 ... set down 记下,写下,放下 set on 攻击 set an example 树立榜样 ...


set ~ 的词组,短语有哪些? 要全啊。_百度知道 ... set off 出发,动身 set on 攻击,前进,怂恿 set out 出发 ...


Gossip Girl 绯闻女友 第一季 第十二集... ... get in trouble: 惹上麻烦 set on: 着手【决心要拿到】 assembly: 集合,集会 ...


英语四级常考单词_百度知道 ... set in 开始 set on 袭击,唆使 a case in point 恰当的例子 ...


请问几个短语的意思。谢谢_百度知道 ... set little store by 忽视 set on 开始 set the pace 领先 ...


心灵鸡汤:跟拿破仑学写感人情书... ... Love comes all of a sudden. 爱琴突然降临。 set on 把……置于……上 utterly 完全地 ...


Gossip Girl绯闻女友 第二季 第二十集... ... start by: 先做某事 set on: 决心 be about to: 即将 ...

She was an accomplished dancer with her heart set on following her mother's career in ballet. 她是一个有才艺的舞蹈演员,渴望继承母亲的芭蕾舞事业。
One day, Simba, the sun will set on my time here and rises with you as the new king. 太阳将会随着我的时代的结束而沉落,但会随着你做新国王的而升起。
In his company, my first business was to go to that part of the coast where my rebellious crew had ordered me to be set on shore. 我要做的第一件事就是让它陪着我到当初反叛我的那些水手逼我上岸的那一带海岸去。
He reached into a cardboard box set on the prefects' desk; I had not previously noticed it. 他把手伸进小桌上搁着的一只纸箱里,先前我并注意到这个箱子。
In fact, from what Janice told me of the mutiny, our Tesla seems to have his sights set on leadership of the Invid. 实际上,根据贾妮斯告诉我的关于这次叛变的情况,我们的泰斯拉把因维人的领导地位当成了理想。
A king's time is ruler rises and falls like the sun. One day, Simba, the sun will set on my time here and and rise with you as the new king. 一个国王的统治期就如同太阳升降的规律一样。总有一天,辛巴,太阳会在我的时代里落下并且伴随着你成为新国王的那天升起。
Half a century after the sun set on empire, the British still struggle to see themselves as a European rather than global power. 英帝国日落半个世纪后,英国人仍将自己看作一个全球大国,而不是欧洲大国。
That very same weekend I rented a truck, brought two friends to help me, and was out of the apartment before the sun set on Sunday. 就在那个周末,我租了辆卡车,叫上两个朋友来帮忙,在周日赶在太阳下山之前搬出了那个家。
Identical restrictions should be set on all the virtual terminal lines, because a user can attempt to connect to any of them. 在所有的虚拟终端机连线有相同的限制,因为使用者能尝试要连接任何一条线路。
there was no idol in it, nor image of any kind, but only a mirror of round metal set on an altar of stone. 这里并没有供奉偶像,或是任何有色相的东西,只在石头祭坛上设着一面金属的圆镜子。
As the sun begins to set on their first day in Sydney, they decide to take a romantic stroll along the beach. 在悉尼的第一天就快过去了,他们打算在海滩上散散步,浪漫一下。
Some SET PARTNER options can be set on either partner; others are restricted to the principal server or to the mirror server. 有些SETPARTNER选项可在任一合作伙伴上设置;而其他选项则仅限于在主体服务器或镜像服务器上设置。
It prospered as the hub of a commercial and trading nation when the sun never set on the British Empire. 早在日不落帝国时代,它就已经是这个商贸国家繁荣的港口了。
The poor woman was set on fire and her child ripped from her womb (Asklepios etymologically meaning to be cut out). 这个可怜的女子被放火焚烧和她的孩子从她的子宫(Asklepios词源含义,切出)撕裂。
And he said unto them, Is a candle brought to be put under a bushel, or under a bed? And not to be set on a candlestick? 耶稣又对他们说,人拿灯来,岂是放在斗底下,床底下,不放在灯台上吗。
As the sun begins to set on some of the most spectacular scenery of the whole trip, we race to reach Gouda before nightfall. 看着整个旅途中最壮观的景色,渐已是夕阳余晖时了,我们赶着要在天黑之前到达豪达镇。
Before I took the train back to Tokyo, I stopped at a ramen shop, an open-air stand with a few tiny tables set on raised tatami mats. 在我坐火车回东京之前,我在一家拉面店停了一下,这是一个露天摊位,只有几张很小的桌子放在抬高的塌塌米上。
Prepares the set of commands for a specified item prior to showing it, by calling any event handlers that might be set on the. 事件设置的任何事件处理程序,以便在显示指定项之前准备该项的命令集。
Yet even if politicians take their eyes off the ball at their feet, they have their sights firmly set on an ambitious horizon. 不过,即使政客们没有脚踏实地地关注眼下的实际任务,但他们显然坚定眺望着一条雄心勃勃的地平线。
They'd tried to talk him out of it, but he had his heart set on joining the team. 他们曾经试图劝他放弃这个念头,但是他铁了心要参加橄榄球队。
His twelve-dollar brownie sundae was placed before him in a white bowl set on a gold-rimmed plate. 在他面前的镶金的盘子上放着的白碗里是一份12美元的布朗尼圣代。
Have too many Favorite Pictures on Phone that you want to set on your Screen as Wallpapers? Now change it just with a Shake! 有太多的最喜欢的图片在电话中你想要在你的屏幕上,作为墙纸吗?现在改变它,只是震动!
LORRI took the images as the Sun was about to set on the Little Red Spot. LORRI拍摄的图片是“小红斑”快日落时的照片。
Properties set on elements that cause anonymous block boxes to be generated still apply to the boxes and content of that element. 导致匿名盒子生成的元素,其属性依旧会应用在这些匿名盒子及其内容上面。
I've got my sight set on you. And I'm ready to aim. I have a heart that will. . . Never be tamed. 我让目光投向你,准备好瞄准你的去向。我有一颗心,它永远不会被驯服。
Likewise the tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts. Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark. 这样,舌头在百体里也是最小的,却能说大话。看哪,最小的火能点著最大的树林。
The bear was about to set on the little fellow at once, and give him a hearty welcome with his paws. 熊立刻就要扑向小伙子,用双爪热烈欢迎他。“温柔点,温柔点。”
the sun will set on my time here and will rise with you as the new king. 太阳将会跟我一样慢慢落下,然后在你成为新国王时和你一同升起。
It dawned upon Mr. Briggs as a creditable fact he had hitherto not observed, that the sun never set on his dominions. 布里格斯先生开始领悟到,直到那时他还没注意到的一件值得赞扬的事实,那就是在他的领土上太阳永远不落。
She has her eyes set on 2012 when the August festivals overlap with the Olympic Games in London. 她目光着眼在2012年,八月艺穗节届时,伦敦奥运会亦将展开。