settle in

  • na.定居;殖民;搬入(新住所);使某人搬进(新住所)
  • 网络安顿下来;迁入;适应新环境

第三人称单数:settles in 现在分词:settling in 过去式:settled in

settle insettle in

settle in


英语造句_百度知道 ... 5.succeed 胜利 6.settle in 安顿下来 in 相适应 ...


Drop - 英汉词典 ... step in 走进 settle in 迁入 smuggle in 偷偷运进 ...


希斯猫 2009 Heathcliff | 爱酷英语|iCoolEN ... used to: 过去常常 settle in: 适应新环境 the same as: 与…相同的 ...


特立独行的网球明星阿加... ... n. 职业运动员 1.settle in 在新居安顿下来 2.might as well 倒不如,(满)可 …


2010高考英语作文全攻略 ... settle for 勉强同意,接受 settle in (使)习惯(环境等),定居 settle up 付清,结账 ...


高三英语重要短语分单元复习 - 豆丁网 ... U 5-6 consist of/ make up of 由……组成 settle in 在……定居 in general 总体来讲、 …

Some of the children of these immigrants moved away from their old neighborhoods to settle in various parts of the United States. 这些移民的后代则离开了他们原来的居住地散住在美国各地。
Critics say the bill would have made it much tougher for genuine refugees to be able to settle in Australia. 评论家们认为这一法案使得真正的难民要在澳大利亚定居变得更为艰难。
Obama reportedly insisted on a date certain for beginning to withdraw U. S. troops and told his generals not to settle in for a long war. 据报道奥巴马坚持要明确美军撤离日期,并授意美军将领不可将其演化成长期战争。
Klinger warns: "It's easy to take the policy implication too far and start trying to pick and choose where to settle in the product space. " 科林格提醒道:“人们很容易把政策含意理解得过远,开始尝试在产品空间中挑选栖身之地。”
After years of travel, we decided to settle in London. 多年漂泊之后,我们决定在伦敦住下来。
This time next year will be a better time to judge them after they've had a bit of time to settle in and get to know each other better. 等到明年他们稳定搭配出场,并且彼此知根知底以后,我们就能对这对组合做一个完整的评价了。
Just as I was about to settle in, we would move, and I would once again say goodbye to my friends, teachers, and home. 我刚适应了新的环境,接着就要搬走,而我就要向自己的朋友、老师和家再次告别。
Give him just a little time to settle in England, on and off the pitch, and he will be a sensational player. 给他在英格兰适应的时间,无论子啊场上还是在场下,他将会是一个不可思议的球员。
But even then we often do not know God well enough, and that's when doubt and anxiety can settle in, replacing serenity and trust and peace. 不过,即使这样,我们对神的认识往往只是皮毛,结果是疑惑和担忧乘虚而入,叫我们失去平静、信任和平安。
It has been easy to settle in and this has allowed me to express myself and that's very important. 没啥过渡期我就适应了这,他们让我可以敞开心扉,这是非常重要的。
Danny is a very popular lad in the dressing room and he took no time at all to settle in. 在更衣室里辛普森很受欢迎,他没花什么时间就适应下来了。
After years of travel, I settled on this wonderful place to settle in. Besides, I found a job and settled down to doing it well. 多年的旅行后,我选择了这样的好地方定居下来。此外,我还找到了一份工作并认真做好它。
However, he finally decided to settle in Beijing where he met his wife, a Canadian journalist, and has kids. 然而,他最终决定把家安在北京,他在北京遇到了现在的妻子,一个加拿大记者,并有了孩子。
As the dust began to settle, in their indifference Germans had no country, . They just had each individual. 当尘埃落定,德国人的淡定中没有国家,只有一个一个的个人。
Even foreign people can be allowed to settle in Chinese social life community as the new members to do peaceful labor work. 甚至于,外国人也允许到中国的社会生活共同体中安家落户,从事和平的劳动。
If you are traveling to the United States with your family, it also provides information to help you help them settle in your new home. 如果你和全家来美国旅游,这些信息也对你非常有用。
"We're the only species toemigrate through the entire world and settle in the most inhospitableplaces, " he said. “我们是唯一在全世界各地迁移,并在最不适宜居住的地区定居的物种,”他说道。
And far from going ape when he saw his offspring , Tango's father Neo was gingerly helping the little monkey settle in . 猴爸尼奥看到这只金色的小家伙并没有发疯,而是小心翼翼地帮着小猴子适应新环境。
My mother, who hasn't been used to living in the city, has made up her mind to settle in the country. 我妈妈由于不习惯于住在城市,决定到乡村定居。
It's just people expect too much in his first year. No-one gave him chance to settle in and become familiar with the Premier League. 人们对他在英超的第一年期望过高。没有人给他机会适应和熟悉英超联赛。
In essence though, pleural mesothelioma develops when jagged asbestos fibers are inhaled and settle in and around the lungs. 本质上,当石棉纤维被吸入并在肺内或周围持续存在使得胸膜间皮瘤发展。
We trust that you will take your place in our team and settle in to become an active, efficient and productive member of the team. 我们相信,您在我们团队中会找到自己的位置并且一定会成为我们这支队伍中有着积极高效和创造精神的一员。
The man, whose current nationality was not given, needed citizenship to settle in France with his wife. 那个男人没有给予当前的国际,需要公民权来与其妻子在法国定居。
Finally, they were allowed to settle in Nebraska, though many eventually returned to Wisconsin. 最后,他们终于被允许落脚、定居于内布拉斯加,尽管如此,仍有许多人最终还是回到了威斯康星州。
Immigrate: to enter and settle in a country or region to which one is not native. 移民:进入并定居于不是某人本土的别国或别的地区仅用于指人。
In the beginning of the 1st Century AD Arab tribes began to settle in Oman. 在公元1世纪,阿拉伯人开始在阿曼地区定居。
He can't seem to settle in a steady job; every two years or so he pulls up skates, moves to another city and starts again. 他似乎不能找一份固定的工作安定下来,大概每隔两年他就离开去另一个城市重新开始。
For you will spread out to the right and to the left; your descendants will dispossess nations and settle in their desolate cities. 因为你要向左向右开展;你的后裔必得多国为业,又使荒凉的城邑有人居住。
When I said yes, he asked how long will I be in Canada. The answer was maybe forever, we were going to settle in Canada. 我说是的,他问我在加拿大会待多久,我说可能是永远,我们要在加拿大定居。
Seihan Corporation has also prepared a trap " " improved indonesian live to help settle in and run the registration agencies. 制版公司还准备了一个“改进陷印”的印活,来帮助适应和运行套准机构。