set about

  • na.动手;开始;下手;着手
  • 网络散布;着手做某事;开始做

第三人称单数:sets about 现在分词:setting about

set aboutset about

set about


大学英语四级常用词组 ... in session 在开会;在开庭 set about 开始;散布(谣言等) set apart 使分离;使显得突出 ...


动词加介词词组,._百度文库 ... bring about 引起,使发生 set about 着手,开始 come about 发生 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... in session 在开会;在开庭 set about 开始;散布(谣言等) set apart 使分离;使显得突出 ...


--Are you ready to leave?_爱问知识人 ... C.go on 继续做, D.set about 开始,着手做某事. C.go on 继续 ...


高中英语常用固定短语_百度知道 ... put up 举(架)起,修建,张贴,留宿 set about 开始(着手)做 set an example 作出榜样 ...


在线英语词典,英文翻译,科技词典... ... 咨询的,劝告的: advisory 着手(开始)做某事攻击,乱揍set about 酌量;考虑到: allo…


英语短语大全 - 豆丁网 ... run into 偶然碰见,撞上 138. set about 开始,着手 139. set off 引起,使发生,动身,出发 140. ...

Pasteur was intrigued by these observations and set about to understand how the crystals differed from one another. 这些实验结果引起了巴斯德的极大兴趣,他决定搞清楚两种晶体为什么不同。
Freud simply set about trying to understand the nature of this helpless bondage to repeated anguish. 佛洛伊德仅是开始设法理解,这种无助承受重复痛苦的奴役。
Given that this was an MES upgrade and that wasn't going to change, I set about planning for the upgrade. 由于这是MES升级,所以我要制订升级计划。
Trying to find a space suit to do this has lead me to an area of technology that I never really expected when I set about doing this. 为了找到合适的太空服,我进入了一个我从未预料过会进入的科技领域。
We stayed up another half an hour talking, but only because we were too tired to set about going to bed. 我们又聊了半个小时,只因为太累,已没力气爬上床睡觉。
The young worker found a lot of shortcomings in himself and he set about getting rid of it. 那位青年工人发现身上有不少缺点,就着手进行改正。
Anna and I clambered into the bed and set about puffing, grunting and lip- smacking , all the while trying to turn the pages of our scripts. 安娜和我手脚并用爬上床,作出各种吹气,呼噜,和亲嘴的声音,与此同时还要翻一张张的剧本。
Tom had joined the company just a year before, at age 28, and he immediately set about getting noticed. 汤姆一年前加入了公司,那时他28岁,他随后立刻受到了大家的关注。
Then, just when he thought they might not know everything, they set about shaping a snowman on the crest of the hill. 正当他想这些孩子不可能什么都懂吧,却见他们开始在山顶堆起雪人来了。
In Brussels, he took responsibility for competition policy and set about breaking down economic barriers. 在欧盟委员会任职期间,他负责竞争政策,并着手打破经济壁垒。
If it turns out to be really good, people would set about recommending it to friends and the sales of this product will go up very quickly. 假如该产品经证实确实好,人们便会开始响朋友推荐,其销售也会快速上升。
I researched each animal in depth to see how I could transfer it to a hand, and then set about bringing it to life. 他说:“我深入研究了每个动物,看看是否能把它们画到手上。于是,我开始赋予一只手以生命力。”
The moment he took over in September as Japanese prime minister, Shinzo Abe set about repairing the fractured Sino-Japanese relationship. 从今年9月接任日本首相的那一刻起,安倍晋三(ShinzoAbe)便着手修复已破损的中日关系。
Once Henry had made it clear to the manager that he wanted to leave, the Arsenal manager set about getting the best deal for the club. 一旦亨利明确告诉主教练他想离开,那么这位阿森纳主帅将为俱乐部争取最好的价格交易。
At least the Thatcher government felt able to cut taxes as it set about privatiseing utilities and hacking back corporatist controls. 至少,当年撒切尔当局认为,着手开展公共事业私营化,割断社团主义控制的同时推进减税事业是可行的。
I had never done any of this before so I had her tell me what she knew and I set about doing my own research to get more information. 我从未做过这个,所以我得让她告诉我该怎么做,随后我就开始自己研究该怎么弄这个玩意儿。
Jirtle and Waterland set about to see if they could change the unfortunate genetic legacy of these little creatures. 吉透和沃特兰在开始时想看看这些小生物是否能改变这不幸的遗传病。
If I were to preach at all in this strain, I should say rather, Set about being good. 要是我也用这种调子说话,我就干脆这样说:去吧,去做好人。
When you set about to get something for nothing, what you end up with is nothing worth having. 如果一开始就想着不劳而获,你最终得到的也是分文不值的东西。
Then he hastily set about smoothing his hair and settling his ruffled shirt and his cravat which had slipped awry behind one ear. 接着他匆匆地梳理头发,拉平弄皱的衬衫和已滑到耳朵后面的领带。
We moved in, and set about replanting the garden with great gusto, buying tools, seeds, fertilizer, etc. 入住以后,我们购买了工具、种子、肥料等等,以极大的热情重建花园。
He set about transforming and reinventing the company from top to bottom, with a goal to make GE "the world's most competitive enterprise" . 他着手改造和重塑该公司从上到下,同一个目标,使通用电气公司“世界上最具竞争力的企业”
The first on-site session was to be held in mid-April at Coimbatore and I set about working on the project. 第一次定点会议将于四月中旬在哥印拜陀召开,我开始着手项目的工作。
But when he set about doing it, he came to a sudden awareness that nothing is so easy if one wants to do it better. 但当他着手做此事时,他突然意识到,凡事想做好都不容易。
A veritable mountain of scrupulously sorted battery cells. The next thing is to set about recovering the mercury. 这是一座精心分类后的废旧电池山。下面要着手提炼水银。
She would have wanted me to go on with my life, and set about finding another woman to give my love to. 她定会希望我重新开始我的人生,找一位我可以向她付出爱的女人的。
Then, in her 20s, she set about acquiring the tragic worldliness that the timbre of her voice conveyed. 而后来,二十多岁时,她的声音音色又开始表达出一种悲哀的世俗。
john set about his task with an air of quiet confidence. 约翰自信地开始了自己的工作。
This paper try to set about the background of Irish Famine, to analyse the depravation of Famine and the cause of this crucial tragedy. 本文试图从爱尔兰饥荒爆发的背景入手,浅析浅析饥荒恶化并造成重大灾难的理由,揭示其对爱尔兰人和世界其他国家产生的影响。
"Our estimates were set about three months ago. They may be a bit high in this environment, " said Mr Dolman. “我们的预估是在大约三个月前做出的,对现在的环境来说它们可能略高,”杜尔曼表示。