
  • 网络50多岁;50年代;用白边套装50张




我该不该接受自愿裁员?《金融时报》双语... ... Freedom calls 自由在召唤 Male,50s 男性,50多岁 Anchors away! 起锚上路吧…



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Despite years of hard work, he says, without adequate savings, Mr. Fox "still felt he had nothing to show for it as he went into his 50s. " 即使努力工作了多年,他说,因为没有足够的存款,Fox先生“让然觉得他当他50多岁时会一筹莫展。”
Back in 1954, Ray Kroc was already in his 50s when he persuaded the McDonald brothers to let him be responsible for a franchising operation. 早在1954年,雷·克劳克说服麦当劳兄弟让他负责经营一家专卖店时,他已年过50。
In her 50s, she, too, was laid off, from her supervisory job of 15 years, and she moved in with her elderly mother. 她50岁,被工作了15年的公司解雇了,搬来和老母亲住。
For a black woman who grew up in the 50s, you know, in a segregated Chicago, to watch her daughter become first lady of the United States. 她这么一个50年代里长大的黑人妇女,你知道,在种族隔离的芝加哥里长大,现在眼看着自己的女儿成了美国第一夫人。
Also, Italian fashion is more internationally acclaimed and French fashion has no longer the importance it had in the 40s, 50s, and 60s. 此外,意大利时装更国际知名的法国时尚已不再重视它在40年代,50年代和60年代曾。
She was in her 50s then, and looked as though the camera had outraged her. 那是她已年过半百,看起来镜头已着实惹怒了她。
I also do such 50s after practice a few times a week while I don't breathe at all . 一周做几次这样的50米(练习),直到我可以根本不换气。
I suggested that, unless the dress code was more strictly enforced, I would feel obliged to bare my own mid-50s midriff. 我放出话说,要是大家不严格遵守着装规范,我将不得不露出我55岁中年男人的肚子了。
Their fathers and mothers wound down gently into a quiet retirement. But today's over-50s have no intention of following suit. 他们的父母亲轻轻的抚平伤口,然后平静的退休,但是如今五十多岁的人们没有如此的打算。
At least, unlike Paris Hilton and her ilk, the Dumb Blonde of '50s cinema had a firm grasp on one thing: It was cool to be smart. 至少,这位50年代电影界的金发傻妞不像帕里斯·希尔顿和她的家族那样,她一直坚信一件事:聪明是件很酷的事。
I had trouble getting used to my new uniform, which consists of a super short '50s-style bowling skirt, boots and fishnet stockings. 我会觉得适应那种有50年代保龄球式的超短裙,靴子和带网眼的长袜的新校服是件麻烦的事。
With that said the logotype took notes from the classic 50s mark. 随着中说的标识了从50年代的经典标志说明。
Li Hua was a sturdy man with a chubby rough face, in his mid-50s, dressed in a blue jacket and jeans. L身材强壮,略微发福,大越50多岁,穿一件蓝色夹克和牛仔裤。
"The typical patient is male, probably in his 40s or 50s, who suddenly develops searing pain in one of his big toes, " Sundy said. Sundy表示:“病人通常为40-50岁的男性,其大拇趾处会出现突发性烧灼痛。”
At the other end of the age spectrum, 92 per cent of the over-50s said they believed that Britain used to be more friendly. 在年龄谱的另一端,50岁以上的受访者中,92%的人认为英国曾经很友好。
When their father died in his mid-50s, the sisters grew closer and decided to go into business together. 当他们的父亲死后,这对姐妹互相扶持长大,最终决定一起经营。
The woman and man, both in their 50s, are in the early stages of a neurodegenerative disease called multiple system atrophy. 这两位50多岁的老人现在正处以一种叫做系统萎缩症的神经退化性疾病的早期。
Known for her seductive stripteases and glove-tight lingerie in classic films of the late 50s and 60s. 她的出名源自上世纪50到60年代经典电影中诱人的脱衣舞秀和紧致手套搭配贴身内衣。
Despite the popularity of the Internet among the over 50s, print newspapers and magazines are still their preferred source for news. 尽管网络在50岁以上的人群中颇为流行,但报纸和杂志仍是他们首选的消息来源。
It's a genetic defect, and back in the '50s, the one white cub was found in India, and it was brought to the United States. . . 那是一种遗传基因缺失现象,回到50年代,一只白虎幼兽在印度被发现,然后就被带到了美国。
For men in their 50s, their chance of fathering an autistic child is nine times the risk of men in their teens and 20s. 当男人50几岁时,他们的小孩发生孤独症的机率是他们年轻和20几岁时的九倍。
Most were released after their relatives paid "bail" of Rmb50, 000 each, but five, including a woman in her late 50s, remain in custody. 在家属支付了5万元的“保释金”后,多数人被释放,但至今仍有5人在押,其中包括一位年近60岁的妇女。
A study suggests that we tire of our partners far sooner than we did in the 50s, when the danger point was the 'seven-year itch'. 研究表明,我们对伴侣感到厌倦的时间比50年代提前了,那时候婚姻的危险期还是“七年之痒”。
Nationwide, about one-third of women in their 50s have had a hysterectomy. 全国范围里,大约有三分之一的女性在她们50岁左右进行了子宫切除术。
Switching to decaf after 3 p. m. and making an effort to get to bed earlier helped me bring my score into the 50s the second week. 下午三点以后改喝不含咖啡因的咖啡、尽量早点儿休息让我在第二周将分数提高到了50多分。
A tough, capable Asian man in his 50s, he's a 20 year veteran of the Honolulu police force who was a close friend of McGarrett's cop dad. 陈,一个顽强而有能力的亚洲人,50多岁,他是檀香山有20多年经验的警察,也是史蒂夫父亲的好友。
This discovery suggests that a woman in her early 50s can safely use the therapy if her symptoms are intense. 该发现建议女性在其50岁出头时候能安全的使用激素替代治疗,如果她的症状是强烈的。
A big issue across the region is low labour-market participation, particularly among the over-50s in Poland and Roma (Gypsies) everywhere. 低的劳动市场参与度是这一个区域的大问题,特别是在波兰和罗马(吉普赛),超过五十岁的人随处可见。
As early as the 50s in the last century, batter pile has been applied to construction, to resist horizontal loads. 早在上世纪50年代,倾斜桩就已经应用于工程,来抵抗水平荷载。
Since the 50s, this work quilt "has discovered" , and is regarded as the West Marxism "the Holy Bible" . 50年代以来,这部著作被“重新发现”,并被视作西方马克思主义的“圣经”。