commit suicide

  • na.自杀;自尽
  • 网络寻短见;自裁;自杀身亡

commit suicidecommit suicide

commit suicide


TOEFL词频表 - 豆丁网 ... commit crime 犯罪 commit suicide 自杀 commod 方便 ...


Sinograma « 见 » - Diccionario de Sinogramas ... 能见度[ visibility] 寻短见[ commit suicide] 眼见得[ be evident] ...


百度词典搜索_自 ... 自播[ self-sow] 自裁[ commit suicide;take one's own life] 自惭[ feel ashamed] ...


自_互动百科 ... 自禁【 restrain oneself】 自尽commit suicide;take one's own life】 自刭【 sever the neck by oneself】 ...


卫教文章... ... ?Suicidal attempt( 自杀的企图) ?Commit suicide( 自杀身亡) ?recurrent suicidal ideation ?行为与反应: ...


commit有几种词组搭配... ... commit suicide 自杀;抹脖子;寻短见;自寻了断 phase commit 两阶段交易认可;两相提交;两 …


生 translation English | Chinese... ... 亲 生 , one’s own 轻 生 , commit suicide 认 生 , be shy of strangers ...


博文_李云枫_新浪博客 ... 魇 Nightmare 自戕 Commit Suicide 共同的记忆 Common Memory ...

Nina notifies the rest of the office that Jamey tried to commit suicide, but she urges everyone to get back to work. 尼娜向办公室的其他人员宣布——杰米试图自杀,但是她敦促工作人员们继续工作。
If he wanted to commit suicide, why rehearse for his concert? And why will he want to see his dancers the next day? 假若他想自杀,为何他仍为他的演唱会排练?而且翌日他为何想见他的舞蹈员呢?。
Albert Camus once said, 'The only serious philosophical question is why should I not commit suicide? '. 阿尔伯特·加缪曾说,‘唯一需要重视的哲学问题是,为什么我不应该自杀?’
Police said the shooting left those letters, the contents of said he wanted to commit suicide. 警方表示,开枪者留有信件,内容说他想自杀。
He had promised him that he would keep his secret from us, but when Bobby tried to commit suicide, he knew that he had to tell. 他向Bobby保证过会保守秘密,单当Bobby尝试自杀后他觉得应该告诉我们。
Whereas we, sitting in a safe house or in a laboratory, asking whether a man should or should not commit suicide, has no meaning. 而我们,坐在安全的房子里或实验室里,问一个人应该还是不应该自杀,这毫无意义。
I get the phone call when the child is going commit suicide, and I've got to do something right now. 或我会接到个电话说有个小孩要自杀而我必须马上做些什么来帮助他。
Actually, Betty had watched her commit suicide while neighbors, believing she was "playacting, " did not intervene. 事实上,贝蒂已经看到她正在自杀,而邻居们都认为她就是“做做样子”,就没有阻止。
When they refused, she returned to her village anyway and threatened to commit suicide if they forced her to go back to her husband's home. 倔强的苏西拉逃回了娘家,并以自杀相威胁拒绝回到夫家。
Any mention of suicide should be taken seriously. If someone you know is threatening to commit suicide, try to find out whether the person. 任何对自杀的提及都应当严肃对待。如果你所认识的人说到去自杀,看看这个人是否。
Did she overdose? Was she trying to commit suicide? It was only after she recovered that doctors were able to piece the story together. 是她用药过度了吗?还是她想自杀?直到她康复之后,医生们才了明白了个中缘由。
Question: If someone with multiple personalities tries to commit suicide, do the police consider it a hostage situation? 问题:如果一个具有多重性格的人想要自杀,警察是否会认为发生人质劫持情况?
'Going out in a peaceful demonstration means you want to commit suicide, ' he said. 他说,举行和平游行意味着你想自杀。
In the case of a painful incurable disease, the patient is advised to commit suicide, but is carefully tended if he refuses to do so. 有人患了痛苦的不治之症,便劝告他莫如自杀,但是假若病者不肯自杀,便给他细心周到的照料。
He said people who commit suicide tend to have a psychiatric condition, even if it has not been formally diagnosed. 他表示即使有些人未被正式的诊断,那些自杀的人们都倾向于有精神异常的状况。
Immature students may be unable to cope with the grief of a breakup and may attempt to harm themselves or even commit suicide. 不够成熟的学生可能无法应对分手带来的伤痛,并可能企图自残,甚至是自杀。
Mumpy had taken elder sister Monica, a Class VIII student, into confidence and had urged her to commit suicide as well for the "cause" . 蒙佩还曾悄悄地把她的姐姐——八年级学生莫妮卡拉到一旁,要求姐姐也为这个“计划”一起自杀。
When PKB attaches to the surface membrane, it becomes active, triggering a signal that tells the cell not to commit suicide. 当蛋白激酶到达细胞膜时,就被激活,促发细胞不要自杀的信号。
It's strange that such an outstanding actor should commit suicide when he was on top of his career. 奇怪的是,如此优秀的演员在他的事业的顶峰时期却选择了自杀。
As a sensible member of the Scottish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals told The Times: "Animals do not commit suicide" . 一位苏格兰反动物虐待组织的明智的成员告诉时代周刊说:“动物绝对不会自杀。”
Ms. Feng is now "in a very bad mental state" since the abortion, Ms. Ling said. "She wants to commit suicide. " 玲小姐说,冯小姐堕胎以后到现在“精神状态很不好,她想要自杀。”
The news is to see someone (said) sex is a man after death, commit suicide, commit suicide by hanging suicide. 新闻上也看到有人(说的是一个男人)做爱过后猝死了,有跳楼自杀的,有上吊自杀的。
They then drank Dichlorvos, a highly toxic pesticide, in an attempt to commit suicide, but were saved in a nearby hospital. 两人随后喝下剧毒农药敌敌畏自杀。10分钟后,她们被送往附近的医院。
Her parents divorced when she was seven. Later her mother tried to commit suicide. 她也是七岁的时候父母离异,然后母亲企图自杀。
Watch for stalking or menacing behaviors or threats, including threats to harm you or your supporters, or to commit suicide. 留心跟踪或带毒的行为,或威胁,包括威胁你或你的支持者,或者,要自杀的威胁。
The official press has been highlighting another case in Beijing involving a man whose affair allegedly prompted his wife to commit suicide. 官方媒体还报道了北京的一个案子。该案涉及的男子因有婚外恋而导致其妻自杀。
The court got to be cautious for fear some divorces might commit suicide because of social pressure. 由于害怕离婚者出于社会压力自杀所以法院会非常谨慎。
The worst of the credit squeeze this year has compelled at least a few business people to flee the country or even commit suicide. 今年的信贷缩紧,导致了好几起恶性事件,一些企业家迫于资金压力逃亡国外,有的甚至自杀。
The poor guy can't even commit suicide without asking his wife's permission. 到了最后,他成了一个可怜的家伙,连想要自杀,都必需先问问老婆同不同意。
Her heart rate sped up as she realized she only had a matter of minutes to commit suicide. 她的心率加快,因为她意识到她只有几分钟内自杀。