come down

  • na.败落;退步;(飞机的)下降
  • 网络下来;病倒;降落

第三人称单数:comes down 现在分词:coming down 过去式:came down

come downcome down

come down


初三英语知识点_中考网 ... 求助 ask for help 下来 come down 某人需要做某事 sb needs to do sth ...


【资源】英语常用短语 ... come away 脱离、掉下 come down 下降 come forth 向前 ...

高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... come back 回来,想起来 come down ,下来 come from 出生(于),来自 ...


... come at 向...扑过来,向...袭击 come down 倒下,(温度,价格)下降,病倒 come forward 涌现,主动地响应要求做某事 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... come by 从旁走过;得到 come down 败落 come down on 申斥;惩罚 ...


初二英语下册短语 - 豆丁网 ... come over, 顺便来访 come down 落下,降落 hurt oneself 伤害某人自己 ...


Theme parks(Period 1 Reading) ... come out 出版,传出 come down 下来,倒下,流传下来 come through 经历(困难等) ...

He used to be managing director of his own company so it must be quite a come down for him to go and work for somebody else. 他曾经是自己公司的总经理,因此要他去为别人工作他一定觉得很坍台。
One is the sheer size of that particular group. As birth rates have come down, subsequent generations have turned out to be a lot smaller. 相比起那个特定群体的庞大规模,随后出生的一代由于出生率的下降,规模就小得多了。
He has come down in life. He used to be treated as a VIP but is now ignored. 他的社会地位已跌落,以往他被当作一个大人物,
Paik said that CNPC would come down in favor of Central Asia when and if it finally loses patience with Gazprom. Paik称,如果中国石油集团对Gazprom最终失去耐心,就将转向选择与中亚合作。
Sandra has never done anything wrong behind your back. Why should you bear her a grudge and come down on her like anything? 桑德拉在你的背后可从来没有做过什么错事,而你为什么要对她怀恨在心并如此对待她呢?
The elder, in particular, who had just come down from the university, thought he was a bit of an expert. 尤其是年长的那个,他刚从大学毕业,认为自己还算专业。
In the next room is a new instrument just come down for her -- a present from my master; she comes here tomorrow with him. 隔壁的房间里就是刚刚替她买来的一架钢琴,那是我主人给她的礼物,她明天会跟他一块儿回来。
The verdict was the second in a federal gay marriage case to come down in recent weeks. 此一判决是最近几周来,第二次联邦同性婚姻案件的裁决。
Then two more lines come down, in spurts, like little spiders gliding down on threads from a branch of the mango tree in our yard. 那两句下来,加速,像小蜘蛛滑翔下来的一个分支线程来自于我们的院子里的芒果树。
If I am a man of God, ' Elijah replied, 'may fire come down from heaven and consume you and your fifty men! ' 以利亚回答说,我若是神人,愿火从天上降下来,烧灭你和你那五十人。
Forests, the clouds of earth, hold their silence up to the sky, and clouds from above come down in resonant showers. 森林,这地之云,将其寂静奉献给苍穹,穹之云以骤雨与其共鸣。
I was an exquisite thief. I mean God Himself could have come down and I would have fucking blatantly lied to him with the most honest face. 我是一个优雅精致的贼。我是说就算上帝本人来到我面前,我也会用最真诚的面孔对他撒一个最嚣张的谎。
No real improvement is possible until unemployment levels come down, she said in an interview. 她接受采访时称,在失业水平下降之前,可能不会出现实质改善。
But before you come down with a case of culture cringe, understand that those standards aren't as high as you might like. 在你谈文化底蕴之前,要先了解它们可能其实并不是你所喜欢的那样。
Sorrow is like the wind, stop to do not come down, and again a blow burst from the family has blown, from GuoZiYi head blowing. 悲怆就像停不下来的风,刮起一阵又一阵,从这个家庭吹过,从郭子益的头顶吹过。
Well, as I said at the beginning, it really does come down to a matter of preference. 嗯,正如我在开始时说,它确实可以归结为一个见仁见智的问题。
He later said he imagined the Tramp to be a college-educated gentleman who'd come down in the world. 他后来说他曾把Tramp设想为受过大学教育的落魄绅士。
Well, for you, I can come down a little in the price. How much do you want to spend? 那好,为了您,价格我可以让一点。你打算花多少钱?
When he was bored, a hood would come down over his eyes and his nervous system would start churning. 当他觉得无聊,他的头巾可能会掉下来盖住他的眼睛,并且他的神经系统会开始作祟。
Mitchell said he filed the lawsuit mainly because he wanted team representatives "to be forced to come down and answer my claim. " 米契尔说,他提起诉讼的用意是「迫使球队代表放下身段正面回应我的要求。」开庭日订在二月二十日。
It is the task of the individual soul to follow through all that it has come down here to achieve. 从上到下,又回到开始…这是个体灵魂的任务,跟随整体任务所以来到这里达成这个目标。
"This year we would actually expect rice prices, which have come down from recent highs, to come down a bit further, " he said. 赫尔博林说:“实际上,稻米价格已经有所下跌,我们期待今年会进一步走低。”
John was sitting and daydreaming in class so his teacher told him to come down to earth and to answer the question. 约翰在课堂上做着白日梦,在此老师叫他别胡思乱想,回答问题。
He says magic words, looks up into the sky, claps his hands, and the most fabulous jewels come down! 他念些咒语,抬头望天,拍几下手掌,无数令人难以置信的宝石就从天而降!
One of them noticed a leaf-like impression in the rock and called to me to come down and take a look because I was interested in geology. 其中一个人注意到一块石头上有叶子形状的印记,就让我下来看看,因为我对地质学感兴趣。
Maybe I can subrogate him to come down to take up the matter. 也许我可以替他不顾脸面地处理这事。
George showed me to the guestroom which, he said, was rarely used. He told me to unpack my things and then come down to dinner. 乔治把我领进客房,说这间房间很少使用,他让我打开行装后下楼吃饭。
The cost of food and clothing has come down in recent years. Similarly, fuel prices have fallen quite considerably. 吃穿的费用今年有所下降。同样地,燃料价格也有大幅回落。
I tried to run outside, but pieces of glass and bricks fell down , and the walls began to come down. 我试图往外跑,但玻璃碎片和砖头砸了下来,墙开始坍塌;
My parents used to take much care of me and wish me to be a useful and great man, never thinking that I come down to the world like this. 我的父母亲早年对我爱护有加,他们都是望子成龙,望女成凤,断不会希望看到我,如此的穷途潦倒的。