come to life

  • na.苏醒过来
  • 网络复活;活跃起来;恢复生气

come to lifecome to life

come to life


大学英语四级常用词组 ... bring to life 使苏醒 come to life 苏醒过来 for life 终身 ...


高中英语词汇_1-3册_单词速记 - 豆丁网 ... chick tick; 打钩; come to life 复活;苏醒; bronze; n. 青铜; 联想: ...


求高一英语必修4短语词组大总结_百度知道 ... along with 连同……;伴随…… come to life 活跃起来 have sth done 使得……; …


人教版高二英语各单元词组归纳 ... 9.依赖,依靠 rely on 10.恢复生气,活跃起来 come to life 11.提出(主意、计划等) put forwar…


中考英语重点词汇短语 ... 80. come to know 知道 81. come to life 显得逼真; 苏醒 82. come true 实现 ...


高中英语短语大全 有中文解释 - 豆丁网 ... for sure 肯定地 169. come to life 活过来 170. make…out of… 把……做成 171. ...


高中英语动词短语汇编-如皋市城西中学 ... come to an understanding 取得谅解 come to life 苏醒,栩栩如生 come to oneself 苏 …


北京高中英语会考词组_百度文库 ... come to an end 结束 come to life 复苏,活跃 come to oneself 苏醒过来 ...

Jack turned around in time to see an image come to life in the heart of the sphere. 杰克及时地回身看见通讯球的中心出现了一幅逼真的图像。
The insects seemed to come to life, moving up and down, when a handle at the side of box was turned. 这些昆虫看起来像真的一样,当盒子旁边的扶手被操作的时候它们就上下飞动起来。
All the exhibits are so vivid that all the dinosaurs seem to have come to life. 所有的展品都惟妙惟肖,好像所有的恐龙都已复活。
If you sat on her lap at night, the statue would come to life and crush you to death in her dark embrace. 如果您坐她的膝部在晚上,雕象将来到生活并且击碎您对在她黑暗的容忍的死亡。
It's an instant introduction to how much fun it can be to create your own artwork, then see it come to life in a game. 这是一个有趣的入门让你感到对自己的创作有兴趣然后看着它在游戏中变得活灵活现。
John and his father stared at each other, struck dumb and still and with something come to life between them. 约翰和父亲面面相觑,都一动不动地楞在那儿,在他们之间有某种东西复苏了。
You make me feel so special and rejuvenated as if I come to life again. 你让我感觉是如此的特别和充满活力正如我重新再生。
And if only this had not happened, everything would have come to life again. 只要不发生这件事,那就一切都会复活,我们就会和好如初的。
Doha may have been taken out of the cryogenic deep freeze, but whether it will come to life once it has thawed remains unclear. 多哈谈判也许已经脱离了深度低温冷冻,但在解冻后能否复活,仍是个未知数。
These techniques for both children and parents provide the fuel to realize the kind of dreaming that makes Harry Potters world come to life. 这些为父母和孩子提供的办法提供了生活的动力,它使得哈里波特的世界在现实中成真
But on the whole, beginning in the 1980s, some of constitution's liberal elements began to come to life, largely led by Egypt's judiciary. 但总的来说,自从二十世纪八十年代起,宪法中一些自由主义元素开始重拾生气,而这主要是由埃及的司法层领导的。
When the Soviet Union existed, it was thought to be the place where the imaginary world of George Orwell's 1984 had come to life. 当苏联存在时,其被认为是乔治.奥威尔在《1984》一书中描绘的那个虚构世界的真实呈现。
They should be a combination of artist and engineer: with the vision to imagine a new device, and the ability to make it come to life. 他们应是艺术家和工程师的综合体:他们应具备设想新装置的想象力,也应具备让其变为现实的能力。
At this point, your personas should be starting to come to life . 从这时开始,你创建的人物角色们应该开始变得生动逼真起来。
Then, as you begin moving from one asana to the next, you notice your face come to life. 然后,当你开始练习,从一个体式过渡到另一个体式,你看到你的脸恢复了生气。
But as the door banged, she seemed to come to life again. 可是当门“砰”地关上的时候,她好像又清醒过来了。
The story focuses upon the relationship between a medical student and a community of cadavers who come to life for the evening. 这个故事的重点之间的关系学医和社会谁的尸体来生活晚上。
If the boy wanted the horse to help him, he had to find a one-thousand-year old cereal grass to let the horse come to life and offer help. 动词混乱。白马脱缰的传说中描述:如那少年有所求,只需找到千年谷草让它吃下,立刻就能显灵。
A young girl's childhood memories come to life as she thumbs through her family photograph album. 一个年轻女孩翻阅着家庭相册,记忆中的事物重回眼前。
Summer is too hot, let me die some time, come to life in spring. 夏天太热了,让我死一段时间,春天再活过来
Magic exists within each of us, all it needs, is to be acknowledged and believed in to come to life. 魔法存在于每个人身上,重要的是要相信其存在并让其苏醒。
A good animator can make an average model come to life, while even the best model can be made to look amateurish by a poor animator. 一个好的动画能使平均模型来生活,而即使最好的模型可由贫穷到看动画技术。
some graphical elements make the game come to life: birds flying over, cables swaying in the wind, a lot of explosions, etc. 一些图像元素让游戏看起来很逼真,如飞翔的鸟类,在空中摇荡的电缆。
The cautious scientist in him can't see how the mirror cell, once full of chirally flipped molecular machinery, will come to life. 他表示,以科学工作者秉承的谨慎态度来看,很难想象完全以手性反转分子结构形成的镜像细胞会成为现实。
We would wander through the woods and he would have me sit quietly beside him and we would watch the woods come to life around us. 我们会在森林中散步,他会让我安静地坐在他身边,我们会观察森林在我们身边变得充满生机。
Let your passion come to life. The more fully you express it, the more quickly you will move toward the fulfillment of your deepest desires. 让我们的人生充满激情。在内心深处最渴望的大业,我们越充分去表达它,我们越可以更快的实现。
e. g. As spring has arrived, the flowers in the garden begin to come to life. 春天来了,花园里的花草又苏醒过来了。
"But extinct volcanoes may come to life again, " the little prince interrupted. "What does that mean-- 'ephemeral'? " “但是熄灭的火山也可能会再复苏的。”小王子打断了地理学家。“什么叫短暂?”
It was quite exciting for my team to watch them work their magic and see our designs come to life, system by system. 当我的团队看着他们展示出他们的魔法将我们界面设计中的系统一个接一个地变成现,实在是太让我们激动了。
Reading a play out loud so that the various characters are more or less recognizable and come to life takes a certain concentration. 大声地朗读剧本,可以或多或少地了解各种各样人物,变得生动有趣还需要一定的聚精会神才行。