in the way of

  • na.妨碍;在…方面;使能于
  • 网络在……方面;关于;至于说

in the way ofin the way of

in the way of


介词短语_百度百科 ... in no way 决不 in the way of 妨碍 after a while 过了一会,不久 ...


WAY_百度百科 ... in the way 挡住路,妨碍,多余的 in the way of 至于说...,在...方面 in this way 这样,以这种方式 ...


UNIT 7. The Shelter_旺旺英语教学网 ... pile up 堆起 in the way of 在……方面; 关于 go on (灯)亮 ...


WAY_百度百科 ... in the way 挡住路,妨碍,多余的 in the way of 至于说...,在...方面 in this way 这样,以这种方式 ...


含有way的词组及含义_百度知道 ... in a way 在某种程度上;有点儿;[口]十分激动 in the way of 妨碍;关于…方面 any way 无 …


高教自考英语二完整讲义:第一章精讲—中国... ... in no way 决不;一点也不; in the way of 按照; 就…。 而言 by way of 取 …


外贸英语为什么要进行国际贸易_乐天_新浪博客... ... 22. in this event 如果这种情况发生 23. in the way of 关于,有关 ...

Mr. Obama said he does not want to see - what he called - "petty politics" get in the way of reform. 奥巴马说,他不希望看到他所说的“政治把戏”阻碍改革。
Let me once more thank you for the constructive way you helped to settle all the problem that were in the way of signing the contract. 您本着建设性的求实的态度,协助解决了影响签订合同的若干问题,请允许我再次向您表示感谢。
It's all too easy to let everyday life (stress, boredom, kids) get in the way of sex. 生活中的那些事(压力、厌倦、孩子)都太容易妨碍性生活了。
And he did evil in the sight of the LORD, and walked in the way of Jeroboam, and in his sin wherewith he made Israel to sin. 他行耶和华眼中看为恶的事,行耶罗波安所行的道,犯他使以色列人陷在罪里的那罪。
Worst of all, such a journey would get in the way of him going into the clergy. 最严重的是,这样的一次旅途将妨碍他成为一名牧师。
Understanding I was a surgeon, he was contented to take half the usual rate, on condition that I would serve him in the way of my calling. 听说我是外科医生,他愿意只收半价,条件是我为他做医务服务工作。
Nothing is allowed to block the sun or get in the way of the equipment. And that means getting rid of the trees. 不允许有任何阻挡阳光或者妨碍设备运作的东西,这意味着必须除掉树木。
Tell them that if they want your vote, then they need to stand with you and not in the way of our recovery. 告诉他们如果他们需要你们的投票,那么他们就需要与你们站在一起,而不是挡住经济复苏的道路。
I beg of you to consider it, and do not stand in the way of your own safety and prosperity . 我求你把这事仔细想一想,不要妨碍了自己的安全和幸福。
She clasped her hands with an expression which contained all that is possible to prayer in the way of violence and tenderness. 双手合十,这种神情具有祈祷所能包含的最强烈而同时又最柔和的一切情感。
This construction worker wasn't going to let the small matter of not having adequate safety equipment get in the way of his job. 这位建筑工人不想让没有适当安全装备这种小事阻碍他的工作。
Jason: The point is, Mike, that Aaron just being there was getting in the way of me getting back with your mother again. 杰森:问题就在于迈克,艾伦这家伙的行动,差一点妨碍了我跟你妈重归于好。
That's one reason why we certainly won't stand in the way of him joining a bigger club. 这也是为什么我们不会阻碍他加盟一家大俱乐部的原因。
Just now, I have got after a colleague of financial department in the way of email because he made some mistake but he never apologized. 刚才发邮件教训了一下财务部的同事,那个同事几次犯错,还出现完全相同的错误,要命的是从来不知道道歉。
Their duty was no longer one of waiting, but of rising up from bended knees and going forward in the way of heroic faith. 他们的责任不是等待,乃是鼓着勇敢的信心起来往前走。
You may be able to break old patterns that have come in the way of love, and also be better at spotting the one that is right for you. 你可能会打破阻碍爱情的旧习惯,同时也将更加善于找到适合你的人。
He had been told at the start of the meeting to behave themselves and not get in the way of others, so he did not have a good time. 聚会一开始,他就被告知要行为规矩点,不要妨碍别人,所以他玩得不痛快。
When your day job gets in the way of your dreams, it's easy to start feeling resentful. 一旦你的工作阻挡了你追逐梦想的道路,心存怨恨便是在所难免的了。
The enhancements to the S2000ES seem to be more in the way of manufacturing, with dual shield construction and a rigid beam chassis. 应该是从它的做工方面,它配备了双层结构防护,并拥有一个坚硬的底盘。
Tell them that it's time for Congress to stop standing in the way of our recovery and to start standing up for you. 告诉他们,现在是国会不要挡住我们复苏的道路,站出来帮助大家的时候。
"If we just leave it to the developers of buildings, we cannot expect to see much in the way of cutting-edge, high-level art, " he said. “我们才刚刚把这项任务丢给建筑物的建设者们,是很难期望看到很多前沿的高水平的艺术的,”他说。
Do me a favour. He has stood in the way of any progress for seven years -- everyone is waiting for him to leave. 请帮帮忙,他已经挡在路上七年了--所有人正在等他走开。
At the moment, Tha Na Lang is just a bright, shiny railway station; there is not much in the way of a village or town or anything else here. 目前,ThanaLang还只是一个阳光明媚的车站,暂时还没有太多村庄和小镇或其他内容。
He walked in the way of Asa his father and did not turn aside from it, doing what was right in the sight of the LORD. 约沙法效法他父亚撒所行的,不偏左右,行耶和华眼中看为正的事。
To a child, a stepmother is the personification of the end of that dream. The stepmother stands in the way of their happiness. 对一个孩子来说,一个继母是这个梦想的终结者,她站在幸福之路的中间,挡住了道路。
But "Aerotropolis" tends not to let the messy business of human desires and worries stand in the way of a good plan. 但是,《航空城》倾向于别让人类欲望和忧虑的各种麻烦事阻碍一个好计划。
"This jurisdictional split threatens to for ever stand in the way of rationalising the regulation of these products and markets, " he said. 他说:“管理权的分裂阻碍了这些产品和市场监管的合理化。”
Another option would be to encourage, or at least place no antitrust or other obstacles in the way of, mergers between airlines. 另一个选择是鼓励航空公司间的合并,最少也要保证没有反托拉斯法或其它阻碍。
Existing shareholders will no doubt resist dilution, but they must not be allowed to stand in the way of a solution. 现有股东无疑会反对股权稀释,但银行不能让他们阻碍问题的解决。
Nothing stands in the way of this, and a total force of will can be used for good or not so good. 没什么可以阻挡,而且倾尽全部的意志之力可以用来做好的或者没那么好的事。