in regard to

  • na.“in regard of”的变体
  • 网络关于;至于;对于

in regard toin regard to

in regard to


介词用法口诀 ... in depth 彻底地 in regard to 关于 in the neighborhood of 大约、邻近 ...


CET4词组_百度文库 ... in quantity 大量 in regard to 关于,至于 in return 作为报答/回报/交换 ...


雅思写作词组_百度文库 ... in contrast with/to… 与…成对照 with/in regard to对于…,就…而论 have/gain access to… 可以获 …


政府公文写作手册 - 免费文档下载 ... in due course 稍后;稍后时间 in regard to 有关 in respect of 有关 ...


英语短语大全 - 豆丁网 ... in question 正在谈论的 307. in regard to 关于,至于 308. in relation to 关于,涉及 309. ...


【英语动词学】_luziasilazixiutai吧_百度贴吧 ... in depth 彻底地 in regard to 关於 in the neighborhood of 大约、邻近 ...



To后加动词原形或是动名词 -... ... 基本的 Essential to 有关的 In regard to 漠视去做 Indifferent to ...

Race capital and the capital of the development privately owned economy, in regard to its kind, is all a privately owned capital. 民族资本与发展私营经济的资本,就其性质而言,都是私有资本。
In regard to the question of further strengthening and improving the Party leadership, we shall discuss it in full. 关于进一步加强和改善党的领导的问题,我们将充分地进行讨论。
sexual intercourse and with it a more tolerant public opinion in regard to a maiden's honor and a woman's shame? 这会不会成为更自由的性交和随之而来的社会舆论对于处女荣誉及女性羞耻的更加宽容的态度逐渐产生的原因呢?
In regard to the claims over the patents, Tang said he developed the theory, software, hardware and applications for the karaoke machine. 关于专利,唐骏声称自己研发了卡拉OK机的相关理论,软件、硬件,并申请了专利。
This means all the delays and sluggish progress in regard to your career will end - you will be ready to zoom soon after this happens. 这意味着所有的延误和关于你的事业进展缓慢将结束-你将准备放大后不久,发生这种情况。
Certain country often loses face in regard to its relations with small weak countries on account of its dirty tricks. 某个国家在与弱小国家交往中因其使用卑鄙手段而总是丢脸。
He had told her so very little that she was all at sea anyhow in regard to the whole procedure. 他没有告诉过她,关于整个事情的进行,她简直什么都不知道。
Likewise, it will not be easy to deal with multiple and sometimes competing priorities in regard to access-related library projects. 同样,用它来处理一些关于图书馆项目存取的复杂多样的,或一些具有挑战性的任务时并不容易。
I suppose you have come in regard to the matter we were discussing this morning? 我想你是为了今天上午我们讨论的那件事情来的吧?
I have never met this person, and most likely never will, but I had been exchanging heated mails with him in regard to the matter. 我从来没有见过他,也许永远都不会。但是对于这件事我发了一封充满恨意的邮件给他。
Andrew: I'm afraid Charles is out of the office for a few days. May I ask what your call is in regard to? 安德鲁:恐怕他这几天都不会进办公室。请问来电有什么事吗?
In regard to this change, I shall have more to say in the last chapter of this book. 关于这个变化,在本书末章我将要多说一些。
No federal regulations exist in regard to EJ, therefore leaving it up to the states and communities to take action. 没有关于EJ的联邦法规存在。因此,法规由州或社区制定采用。
The lesson that we find here in regard to the sun is one of the deepest truths of God's Word. 刚才我们讲到有关阳光的比喻,是圣经深奥真理之一。
In the light of recent research, therefore, I have formed a theory of my own in regard to the origin of the philosophic schools. 根据最新的研究,我才得以形成自己的关于各家哲学起源的理论。
But Washington is focused on the wrong issues in regard to U. S. trade with China, and for that matter, the rest of Asia. 但对于美国和中国及亚洲其他国家的贸易问题,华盛顿方面关注问题的角度是错误的。
You and your roommates will need to sit down , and discuss about the arrangement in regard to the cleaning of your room. 你和你的室友要坐下来,并讨论了有关安排在打扫你的房间。
We are now writing to you in regard to the packing of these nails, which we feel necessary to clarify for our future dealings. 兹写信与贵方商谈有关铁钉包装之事,我方认为向贵方表明我方今后交易的包装方法很必要。
Yet, having a due regard for these, they desire a policy in regard to it that looks to its not creating any more danger. 然而,由于对这些问题有正确的认识,他们渴望就此制定一条方针以确保奴隶制不会产生更大的危险。
However, in regard to Lifestyles Condoms, men continue to maintain that this product does not detract from their sexual pleasure. 但是谈到生活方式这种安全套时,男性们一直觉得这一产品丝毫没有减少他们的性愉悦感。
In regard to capitalism, we observe first that it was obedience to its principles that contributed so largely to England's failure. 说到资本主义,我们首先看到,它受到对于英国的失败要负主要责任的种种原则所支配。
The car's performance this weekend varied too greatly and its limits, especially in regard to grip, were all to evident. 赛车在这周的表现实在是不能让人接受,其表现特别是在抓地力方面。
The new corporate design reflects the uniquely flexible approach of the company in regard to individual customer requirements. 新公司设计反映了关于个别客户要求该公司独特的灵活方式。
A business meeting was held to discuss correspondence from a major stock holder in regard to the liquidity of the company's assets. 公司召开了一次业务会议,为讨论来自大多数股东关于公司财产流动性的信件。
A breakthrough not only in regard to the content of his films, but also quite important was that someone with a camera had stood up. 这个突破不光是影像内容上的突破,很重要的是:一个拍摄者站起来了。
and the tessellated bits of this substance are, as it were, similar in regard to position to a scale. 并且这种带花纹的物质小块,仿佛某种程度上分布的位置类似。
It is extremely difficult to come to any conclusion in regard to the extent of the changes which have been thus definitely induced. 不过对于这种一定地诱发出来的变化的范畴,要下任何结论都是非常困难的。
In any case, it is always artificial to talk about "reality" in regard to a fictional character. 不管怎样,对一个虚拟的角色谈论‘现实’总会让人觉得假的不得了。
Each of the parties shall respond promptly to reasonable requests for information in regard to any and all transactions. 各方应及时响应有关任一或全部交易的合理要求。
The masses must not develop self-respect in regard to the concept of determining their own fate through honest labor. 民众不该发展自尊心,而该认定命运取决于诚实的劳动。