in charge

  • na.主任[主管]
  • 网络负责;在…掌管之下;看管

in chargein charge

in charge


大学英语四级常用词组 ... stand a good chance 很有可能,大有希望 in charge 主管;在…掌管之下 in full charge 负全责;勇猛 …


新编许国璋英语(第一册) - 豆丁网 ... engineer n. 工程师 in charge 主管, 负责 slightly ad. 微量地; 少许地 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... stand a good chance 很有可能,大有希望 in charge 主管;在…掌管之下 in full charge 负全责;勇猛 …


高中英语必修2_百度百科 ... character n. 性格;特点 in charge 主管;看管 come into being 形式;产生 ...


Healthy eating教案 ... in trouble 处在困境中 in charge 管理;负责 in detail 详细地 ...


确定了team后,指定一个现场负责人in charge),一般项目经理不会去现场做业务,大项目除外,有的项目甚至是合伙人现 …


charge是什么意思 - 已解决 - 搜搜问问 ... charge at 冲击;猛攻 in charge 负责,主管;在…看管下 in charge of 负责;主管 ...

What a woman really wants is to be able to be in charge of her own life. 女人真正想要的是能够主宰自己的命运。
And if you know of any among them with special ability, put them in charge of my own livestock. 你若知道他们中间有什么能人,就派他们看管我的牲畜。
Then she was placed in charge of a small hospital in London. 接着她被派去管理伦敦的一座小医院。
When he's in charge of Liverpool games we don't seem to do well. The big decisions always seem to go against us. 只要是他执法的利物浦的比赛,我们都没怎么赢过。每回他做出重要的判罚,都与我们对立。
I call teacher in charge teacher said, in a telephone call in to my request too, so I don't allow me to leave! 我打给班主任,在电话中班主任说到我的要求太过了,所以我不允许我请假!
Port Authority official said the National Transportation Safety Board is now in charge of the investigation. 港口事物管理局的一位官员说,国家运输安全委员会现在正在负责调查工作。
Example: Mike has never worked in advertising before. Having him in charge of the new recruits is like the blind leading the blind. 迈克以前从没做过广告工作。由他来带新人那纯粹是不懂瞎指挥。
Cronus is time creativity and destructive combination, his wife is in charge of the goddess of deserting Rhea. 克洛诺斯是时间的创造力和破坏力的结合体,他的妻子是掌管岁月流逝的女神瑞亚。
He said the Americans are in charge of security in the Green Zone, but no one dares to hold them responsible for this attack. 他说美国人负责绿区的安全,但没人敢让他们为此次袭击负责。
Being an administrator or in charge of the IMF used to be a position of great power, but this is no longer the case. 作为IMF的主管或行政官过去一直占据着巨大的权力,但情况不再是这样了。
She also claims she was beaten with a tree branch from the garden by the nun then in charge. 她也指出她被照顾她的修女用花园的树枝殴打
That victory saved my job and kept me in charge for the World Cup because the DFB had been ready to make a change. 这场胜利让我得以继续在世界杯期间执教,因为德国足协准备好了做出改变。
I often cried and felt unwanted, but I knew the Lord was in charge of my life, He was on my side and working on my behalf. 我常常会哭,感觉自己是多余的,但我知道主掌管着我的生命,他站在我这边,以我的名做工。
Occasionally, someone would be surprised that I, the priest, was not in charge, but most people did not consider it unusual. 偶尔有人会感到惊讶,我是神父却不是主管,但大部分人并不认为这不寻常。
The action is often aided by the investment banks which are in charge of the merged departments. 收购通常由投资银行内负责收购合并的部门来协助进行。
The present one finds himself in charge of a revolution he did nothing to discourage but did not create. 而现在的这位发现他自己在负责着一个不是他所发起,也无法阻止的革命。
Don't talk back to me, troll. You know who was left in charge here. Haven't you stopped to ask yourself why Thrall chose me instead of you? 别跟我回嘴,食人妖。你知道现在这里谁是老大,难道你不曾想过为何索尔会选择我担任大酋长,而不是你呢?
"The eight people we were in charge of were glad to be out. It showed in their faces they were tired, " he said. 他说:“我们负责帮助的8个人都获释了,这让人高兴。很显然,他们都非常疲倦。”
Cook was to be in charge of this expedition as captain of the ship Endeavour. 库克将作为“奋力”号船长负责这次考察。
"We get people from all over: Spain, Greece, France, Britain, even the US and Japan, " said the young man in charge. 一个年轻负责男人说:“我们这里有全世界的工人:西班牙,希腊,法国,英国,甚至是美国和日本人。”
If you are aware of when your higher self is in charge of you, and you ask the right question of it, you will get the right answer. 如果你得知你的高我在照顾你,而且你向它提出合适的问题,你就会得到正确的答案。
From Mr. Ishihara's vantage point, those geopolitical realities make now the perfect time for Japan to put him in charge. 在石原慎太郎看来,地缘政治的现实问题使现在成了日本人选择他担任首相的最好时刻。
Daniel was so clever and wise that Darius decided to put him in charge of the whole kingdom. 但以理是如此的聪明和博学,以至于大流士决定让他管理整个王国。
Caretaker boss Kenny Dalglish had to wait until his fourth game back in charge for a victory due to a clutch of rearguard lapses. 临时教练肯尼达格利什自从回归接管球队以来,由于一系列的后防失误,需要等到他的第四场比赛才取得胜利。
It's ridiculous to put him in charge of murder as he was with me when this crime occured. 控告他杀人是件荒谬的事,因为案发当时他正和我在一起。
None of these difficulties is easily soluble, at least while Mr Bainimarama remains in charge. 至少在巴伊尼玛拉马下台之前,这些问题都很棘手。
Paolo Silvio Mazzoleni will be the referee in Fiorentina-Milan. With him in charge, Milan have never lost (5 wins, 3 draws). 马佐莱尼将在佛罗伦萨与米兰的比赛中执法。他过去和米兰在同一块球场的比赛中,米兰保持不败(5胜3平)
Before joining the bank, Wang was a chairman of the China Securities Regulatory Commission in charge of stocks and investment funds. 王益在中国开发银行任职之前担任中国证监会副主任,负责发行和投资基金业务。
This article shows that it is possible to let the developer be in charge of the framework by creating JSP-based components. 本文将展示开发人员可以创建基于JSP的组件来管理框架。
Minister in charge of the candidates who are not anxious to hear Wang Zhaojun is going, so she submitted the name of Emperor Hanyuan. 管事的大臣正在为没人应征焦急,听到王昭君肯去,就把她的名字上报汉元帝。