right away

  • na.立刻
  • 网络马上;立即;立即,马上

right awayright away

right away


大学英语四级常用词组 ... be aware of 知道,意识到,认识到 right away 立刻,马上 back and forth (前后)来回地,往返 ...


初中英语短语大全 ... 46.drive away (汽车)离开 47.right away 立刻 48.right now 此刻,刚才,现在 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... regardless of 不顾,不惜 right away 立即,马上 side by side 肩并肩,一起 ...


高中英语单词表_百度知道 ... earthquake 地震 right away 立刻马上 well 井 ...


英语短语大全 - 豆丁网 ... aware of 知道的,意识到的 236. right away 立即,马上 237. ban from 禁止 238. ...


医生病人英语会话... ... N:A sip of water is all right. 小口水 N:Right away. 马上就可以。 In two days. 两天以后。 ...


百度词典搜索_当 ... 当归[ Chinese angelica] 当即[ right away;at once] 当家的[ head of a family] ...


酒店英语培训资料 - 湛江雅思托福英语培训中心 ... to feel like 想、愿意、喜欢 right away 即刻 to lead to 通向 ...

We both understood that the publishing process would be slow, and I may not be able to see the fruits of my labor right away. 我们都理解作品发表的进度可能会很缓慢,而且我有可能不会立即能得到自己的劳动果实。
He said it so sincerely that his wife forgave him right away. 他很诚恳地说他很抱歉。
We told my aunt about it right away, and she said that there had been a FIRE in the cemetery the night before. 我们立即把这个情况告诉了姑妈,她说前一个晚上那片墓地发生火灾。
Thank you so much for the graduation check. I knew right away what I was going to do with it. 非常谢谢你赠送的毕业支票礼物,我马上知道怎样使用它。
We were able to check in right away and the front desk staff were very helpful. 我们能够马上登记入住,前台服务员非常有帮助。
Yes, I know. That's what I've been trying to tell you. Can you send someone out right away? 是的,我知道。我一直想告诉你这些事。你能派人马上来?
I watched her blush as she tried to count her money, and I could see right away that she was about a dollar short. 她试图数钱的时候脸红了,我马上看出她大概短缺了一元钱。
And, I'll tell you, we look right away to see if the body was dragged in after and maybe a knife got put into the corpse's hand. 并且,我跟你说,我们还要查看尸体是否在死后被拖拽过,也许死者手中还握着把刀。
Typically you're able to see the day of your surgery, but your vision won't necessarily be better right away. 你在手术当天就能看,但你的视力未必立刻好转。
Certainly, sir. If you need anything else, please let me know, and I'll be happy to get it for you right away. 当然,先生。如果你需要其他的,请告诉我。我很乐意立即给你上。
exactly how much I owe you, I'll pay you right away. 如果你能算出我欠你多少,我马上就付给你。
I promised him to see to the matter right away. 我答应他马上处理这件事.不定式
The city reminded him of his birthplace, Madurai in southern India, and he "knew right away that this was going to be my home. " 这座城市让他联想起他在印度南方的出生地马杜赖(Madurai),并“立刻知道这里会成为我的家。”
I saw right away he was a fine-appearing, gentlemanly young man, and when he told me he was an Oggsford I knew I could use him good. 我一眼就看出他是个仪表堂堂、文质彬彬的年轻人,等他告诉我他上过牛劲,我就知道我可以派他大用。
You pull in and find a parking place right away, which you think is a good omen. This must be where you're supposed to be. 经过农贸市场,你把车开进去,马上就找到了一个停车位置。你觉得这是一个好的征兆,这说明你本来就该来的。
You'd better get out of the bakery right away and go into the oil business or become a banker. 那你趁早别烤面包,做石油生意去吧,当银行老板去吧。
Should we have moment to be able to can hold its idea could it be said that when being owning a fine affection right away? 难道我们在拥有着一份美好的感情时就该有时刻可以放得下它的想法吗?
I'll inform the manger right away. He will look into the matter for you, sir. 先生,我将立即告诉经理,他会为您调查这事。
And of course she had gotten pregnant right away, like a good, old-style Italian wife was supposed to, and that helped. 不用说,她像人们对于一个旧式意大利贤妻所估计的那样,马上就怀孕了,这对家庭和睦起了一定的作用。
Robert was able to settle behind the Ferraris right away after the start, and it was really good to see him doing so well. 罗伯特能够跟在法拉利后面,并且,看到他做的那么好,真的很高兴。
The important thing here in the beginning was not so much to get hooked up with anybody in particular and get action going right away. 关键是一开始不能和某一个人走的太近并且不能过早采取行动。
This means that all of the planets revolving around the sun would fly out of orbit right away. 这就意味着所有环绕太阳的行星都会沿切线方向飞离环绕轨道。
He said he couldn't tell you right away and that you wouldn't understand. 他说他不能马上告诉你,你是不会理解的。
When Brett Sperry heard it for the first time, he said right away that it was the title track for the game. 当布雷特斯佩里听取了第一次,他马上说,这是本场比赛的主打歌曲。
Herefrom , that farmer looks down on right away the lion, is fear of him not in the least. 农夫马上开始看不起狮子了,至少不再怕它。
Thank you for telling us about it . I'll look into the matter right away. 谢谢您告诉我们。我马上去处理这事。
She didn't seem to be able to think ahead to solve the problem right away. 它似乎没办法先思考如何马上解决问题。
I was sure that he liked me a lot, because, anytime he would see me on the roof from his balcony, he came up to the roof right away. 我确信,他喜欢我多些,因为,无论何时只要他从他的阳台看到我在屋顶,他也就马上来到了屋顶上。
Mr Woodford was smart to take his story public right away, but the fact that he felt he had to take the next flight out speaks volumes. 伍德福德的聪明之处是立刻将自己的故事公诸于世,但他不得不乘坐下一个航班离开,则更能说明问题。
Especially if you have a problem that's too vague, investigating facts is usually more productive than trying to solve it right away. 尤其如果你的问题太模糊,调查事实往往比立刻解决更有作用。