relate to

  • na.有关联;与…有关;理解
  • 网络涉及;与…有联系;与……有关联

第三人称单数:relates to 现在分词:relating to 过去式:related to

relate torelate to

relate to


Smoking and Health_英语论文范文_英文阅读网 ... blood vessels= 血管; relate to = 涉及; narrowing= 缩小; ...


人教版高中英语必修5单词表_百度知道 ... relate sth 理解或同情某事物 relate to 有关;涉及 与……有关;涉及 ...


自考“基础英语”复习资料(2) - 豆丁网 ... be aimed at: 以…为目的 relate to与…有关 associate with: 与…联系在一起 ...


四级常用动词固定搭配总结 - 豆丁网 ... register with 注册,登记 200、 relate to 有关联 201、 rely on/upon 依靠,依赖 202、 ...


求新目标英语初中语法_百度知道 ... regardless of 不管,不顾,不理会 relate to 涉及;理解 remind sb. of sth. 使某人回想起某 …


牛津高中英语词组汇编 ... 27. resign oneself to 听任……,顺从…… 28. relate to 与……有联系,与……有关联 29. take place …


牛津高中英语词组汇编 ... 27. resign oneself to 听任……,顺从…… 28. relate to 与……有联系,与……有关联 29. take place …

"We are just beginning to understand biological networks and how they relate to disease, " Dr Inouye said. “我们只是刚刚开始理解生物学网络和他们如何与疾病相关联,”Inouye博士说。
"Virtually the entirety of the raises relate to the VIP segment, which is showing better-than-expected resilience, " he said. 他说,实际上增长完全来自VIP业务,这部分业务显示了强于预期的抗冲击能力。
Examining one of her paintings, head tilted to the side, she explains, "I suppose you could say I relate to them a lot. " 在歪着头欣赏自己的画时,她又说,“我猜你会说我与他们息息相通。”
We have to know a little bit of history and geography, because we need to have an environment in which to relate to the people around us. 我们必须知道一点历史和地理知识,因为我们有必要去了解与我们周围人息息相关的环境氛围。
Woke up in morning, I thought, my second dream, might be relate to the memories in my childhood. 早晨起来,我想,我的第二个梦,或许与我的童年时代的记忆有关吧。
Check out the ads. Do they seem to be the main purpose of the site? Do they relate to the content or not? 检查广告。看看这个网站的主要意图是不是做广告?广告和网站内容有没有关联?
I absolutely loved the five lessons given by the very easy-flowing story of this book, and I can relate to every one of them. 我十分喜欢书中易懂流畅的故事教给我的五则经验教训,而且我可以把每个教训联系起来。在此为你提供其中的一则。
Being comfortable with all of your different dimensions allows other people to be able to relate to you. 对你所有的不同的方面的认可,才能允许别人与你有联系。
An order under subsection (1) may relate to a specified person or office or to persons or offices falling within a specified description. 根据本条第(1)款的命令可能涉及特定的人或机关,或特定描述中的人或机关。
It's important for me to see a team I can relate to and enjoy and draw optimism from -especially after the Aston Villa game. 对我来说,看到我的球队能享受比赛很重要--尤其是在与维拉战后。
But I wasn't expecting to see a loads of squeegee jelly babies sweets here so how do these relate to fingerprint recognition? 但是我没有料到会在这里看见很多橡胶果冻豆形软糖,这和指纹识别有什么联系?
He has no ability to relate to people on any kind of normal level. . . He's a bit of an innocent. Vulnerable. 他没有能力用某种正常的方式接近人们…他有点天真和脆弱。
About a year ago I found myself trying to figure out how video games relate to traditional, non-interactive forms of artistic expression. 大约一年之前,我一度努力尝试找出电游与传统的非交互性艺术表达形式之间的关联。
For one, they did not seem to relate to her day-to-day work. 原因之一是这些问题和她的日常工作似乎没有什么关系。
I mean, you want to hear the reason, but you don't want to be able to relate to it. 我是说,你当然想知道原因,但是你不会愿意把前后两者联系起来。
Let's take a look at a few implications of factory farming, as they relate to each of the four categories mentioned above. 让我们分别从上面所说的四个角度,来看一看工厂化农业到底意味着什么。
The scene is funny, but a bit difficult to watch because we can all relate to how quickly things can get out of control. 场面变得有趣,但却不太取悦人,因为我们都可以想象得到这一切将多快会失去控制。
The abstract concept of economic man came from human nature so that this category must relate to morale and ethic principles. “经济人”的抽象定义正是来源于人性,“经济人”必定是与道德伦理相联系的范畴。
The "one" to "four" are pretty easy to do and relate to sequential repositioning of the picks and crampons that hook you to the ice. 从“一”到“四”都很容易做到,就是按顺序挪动那些把你挂在冰川上的冰镐和冰爪。
Well, when I saw this in the front page of the Times, I thought, "Great. Finally something I can relate to. I can sink my teeth into this. " 我看到报纸的这篇头版时,我心里想着,“太好了,总算有类似的东西了。我可以拿出来大讲特讲。”
I have no idea if that's true, but regardless of how one might have felt about her politics, I can certainly relate to that statement. 我不知道这是不是真的。但无论人们对她的政治有何感受,我对这一说法深有同感。
You are able to see possibilities far in the future and yet don't always know how to relate to your immediate circumstances. 你能预见未来的可能性但不是总是知道如何和现下的环境做出对应。
After listening to her for the first time in two years I felt lucky to have at least pictures to relate to the world. 第一次听她说这番话后的两年,我觉得我幸运的至少还拥有联系这个世界的图片。
MORE than anything since the invention of the postal service, Facebook has revolutionized how we relate to one another. Facebook彻底改变了我们联系彼此的方式,在这一点上它超过了自邮政服务以来的任何发明。
Clearly sleep made a difference, but that difference didn't relate to how much time one spent in each of the various sleep stages. 很显然,睡眠会带来差异,但是这种差异与人们花在每一睡眠阶段的时间长短没有关系。
These searches. . . do not relate to any known immediate threat to the public or active plot against the United States. 这些调查与目前已知的对公众安全的威胁和反美图谋无关。
The padlock in the Keychain Access GUI is just a GUI feature, it does not relate to unlocking smart card items with a PIN code. padlock在密钥链访问图形用户界面中只是一个图形用户界面特征,不涉及到用一个PIN码解锁智能卡条目。
And my childhood is more hick than I could ever possibly relate to you, and also more intellectual than you would ever expect. 我的童年非常的土我都没法让你们了解,同时也远比各位所预期的要充满智慧。
The phrase "survival of the fittest" is often misused as it does not necessarily relate to physical fitness or strength in any sense. “适者生存”这种说法常常被误用,因为生存下来的并不一定是那些身体最棒、力量最强的个体。
it's about how well you relate to those kids and how much background work you put into it. 这和你能跟孩子相处多好,已经你为此做了多少预备工作。