run through

  • na.穿过;匆匆忙忙看一遍;不间断地排练;花光
  • 网络贯穿;浏览;跑着穿过

第三人称单数:runs through 现在分词:running through 过去式:ran through

run throughrun through

run through


高中英语常用词组_百度知道 ... run over (跑)过去、撞倒;溢出 run through 跑着穿过;刺穿;贯穿 see ... off 为某人送行 ...


求介词短语_百度知道 ... pull through 成功;恢复健康 run through 贯穿;浏览 see through 看穿,识破;将…干到底;帮助度 …


英语必备词组 - 豆丁网 ... run over 匆匆浏览 run through 穿过,匆匆看一下,做完 run a fever 发烧 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... run over (跑)过去;溢出;浏览 run through 跑着穿过;刺 run up against 意外地碰到(困难等) ...


高中英语常用词组_百度知道 ... run over (跑)过去、撞倒;溢出 run through 跑着穿过;刺穿;贯穿 see ... off 为某人送行 ...


给run加个词变成、一个词组_百度知道 ... run at… 袭击;冲向 run through花光;用尽;略谈 run upon… 邂逅;偶遇 ...


run全部意思_百度知道 ... run over (车辆)轧过,压过 run through 预演,排练 run to 钱足够支付;有足够的钱购买 ...


英文介词搭配_百度知道 ... look through (从头至尾)浏览,详尽检查 run through 贯穿,普遍存在于, 浏览 see through 看穿, …

In my mind, it had become like the view of Emerald City just before Dorothy and the gang run through the poppies: a faux backdrop. 在我印象中,它曾经如同一座翡翠城,但后来桃乐西一伙就给这里带来了一些人为的背景色彩。
A breath of wind caused the torches to flicker, and Armon felt a chill run through him as the image on the mural began to waver and melt. 一阵风吹来,火把忽明忽暗地闪烁不定。艾蒙感到一丝寒意流遍全身,因为壁画上龙的图象开始摇晃和融化。
If I'm down on the basketball court with a bunch of male classmates, I subconsciously run through a checklist: I'm a guy, so are they. 倘若我同一群男同学在篮球场上,我潜意识地产生这些念头:我是个小伙子,他们也是。
I may say she was a born pickpocket, and, as I understood afterwards, she had run through all the several degrees of that art. 我可以说她是天生的扒手,我后来才知道关于这项生意她是无所不干的。
Two beeps echoed from each raft confirming that they were ready to run through the confluence. 两条木筏各传来一声嘟的信号,确定他们已一切就绪,准备冲过汇流处。
I'm not going to try to cover all that here, but I'll run through a quick introduction to signatures later in this section. 在这里我不打算加以详述,但本节稍后的部分中会简单介绍签名。
Any of the long, thin, microscopic fibrils that run through the body of a neuron and extend into the axon and dendrites. 神经微纤维一个神经元中的长而细的微小纤维,它还伸入轴突和树突
Feelings of gladness and sadness continued to run through me in discrete layers, like currents in a river. 欢喜与哀愁,就像河里的暗流,一层一层地从我身体中流淌过。
Being able to run through the values of an enum is nice, but even more important is the ability to make decisions based on an enum's values. 能够在枚举的值之间移动很好,但是更重要的是根据枚举的值进行决策。
After you get a sense of how the test is organized, run through the computer practice tests a few times. 当你找到了考试是如何组织的感觉之后,多做计算机练习题。
Whatever you do, do not try to run through the pain. You will only make your injury worse and could wind up with a stress fracture. 不过你做什么,都不要在还在疼的时候跑步,这样只会让你更糟,也许会惹上疲劳骨折。
Or, to use a Platonic image, justice and the State are the warp and the woof which run through the whole texture. 还有,利用柏拉图的想象我们可以发现,正义和国家是编织具有某种质地和纹理的织品和织物的经线与纬线。
It can be easy to run through the maze of life without pausing to think of its meaning. 人生是一座迷宫,要时不时停下脚步思索人生的意义。
One robber escaped by jumping over a balcony . The other tried to run through a service entrance, said the club's president, Jester. 酒吧负责人杰斯特表示,其中一名抢匪从阳台跳出逃逸,另一名则试图冲过便门逃跑。
A stream used to run through the village. Today, it has no water. 以前,一条小河流经全村,现在它已经没有水了。
Her voice was so sweet as it broke the hypnotic trance we were all caught in. "Mom, let's run through the rain, " she said. 小女孩甜蜜的声音冲破了这令人昏昏欲睡的空气,“妈妈,我们在雨里跑吧,”她说。
Can see the rising sun lying on sand stalls throughout the city, the sun sets, you can run through the dark wilderness. 可以躺在沙摊上看旭日东升、夕阳西下,可以在漆黑的旷野里狂奔。
You're going to have to run through at least a large sampling of your site's pages to find out if any rules aren't used across your site. 您将必须至少运行站点页面的大量取样来查明是否有一些规则没有在整个站点中使用。
The dead have one single message for you. I hear them say it to me every time I run through a cemetery. 死去的人只有一个消息给你,每次当我跑过墓地时,我都听到他们把它说给我听。
at least fisichella managed to survive an unscheduled run through the gravel trap , rejoining without losing his place after running wide. 不过至少费斯切拉在跑偏冲入缓冲带后还能挽救回来,重新加入比赛,没有损失位置。
Run through the maze, dodge your enemies, collect all of the gold and climb up to the next level. 在迷宫中奔跑避敌,收集齐所有的金块并攀登到下一关。
If that high-pressure waste stream is run through a turbine or rotor, energy can be recovered and used to pressurise the incoming seawater. 如果高压废液贯穿涡轮或转子,能量可以被回收然后用于给进来的海水加压。
But make sure you give your outfit a run-through - remember you could be wearing it for up to 12 hours. 不过要确保你的服装已经试穿过一遍——记住你可能要穿12个小时。
Meanwhile each day on Earth seems a separate experience, although it is all ongoing and continuous and the threads run through many lives. 此时此刻在地球上的每一天好像是一个分裂的体验,其实一切都在前进并且继续着,穿越了许多的人世。
Then you wouldn't be able to see your new look and feel until after you've run through the package process. 直到运行软件包进程,才能够看到新的外观和感受。
The provincial government said the fish died in the Grande, Pirai and Ichilo rivers that run through the tropical region. 省政府称,鱼是在格兰德河、皮拉伊河以及伊奇洛河这些流经热带地区的河流中死亡的。
Well water may be so hard that it cannot run through the system even one time without scaling. 井水可能是如此的难以致于它整系统平坦的时间不计数而不能够跑。
Run through this article and tell me what you think of it. 把这篇文章快速浏览一遍,然后告诉我你的看法。
In promoting innovation in education today, we want to run through the concept of New Curriculum in Composition Teaching. 在提倡创新教育的今天,我们要将新课标的理念贯穿于作文教学中。
Enable the fire power of the hand-pulled noodles bomb to run through barriers, so alright once bombs and wears the multi-layer barrier. 让拉面炸弹的火力可以贯穿障碍物,如此便可一次炸穿多层障碍物。