in memory of

  • na.纪念…
  • 网络为纪念;为了纪念;以纪念

in memory ofin memory of

in memory of


大学英语四级常用词组 ... from memory 凭记忆 in memory of 纪念… make mention of 提及 ...


高考英语作文技巧 ... 举行会议 hold a meeting 为纪念 in memory of 对…一点儿也不怜悯 have no mercy on sb. ...


高考英语复习专题辅导教案 ... in charge of 掌管,负责 in memory of 为了纪念;为追悼…… in honor of 为了纪念 ...


介词的固定搭配_百度文库 ... in line with 跟……一致;符合 in memory of 以纪念…… in no case 决不 ...


拉丁语成语 ... [in memory of] 为了纪念;以为纪念;献给 .... 之灵 * [in delay; in default] 违约;失约;未履行义务 * ...


英语选择题,关于 in honor... ... in celebration of 为。。庆祝 in memory of 作为对某人的纪念(很少用于活人) in praise of 赞 …


在职英语新增词组——欢迎访问免费考研网——推动... ... in line with 与…一致,按照 in memory of 纪念,作为…的纪念 in no c…


英语校本教材_校本课程教材... ... └prominent 最好的,举足轻重的 └in memory of 仅纪念 As long ago as+ 时间=早在…(时 …

But it was until I moved to CTTB, once I happened to open a book in memory of the VM Hua, and then I knew he was such a special person. 但是直到我搬到圣城,在一次无意中打开一本纪念上人的纪念册的时候,我才明白他是一个多麽奇特的人。
At the peak of his powers Rublyov created his most famous icon, that of the Trinity (1422 - 1427) in memory of St Sergius of Radonezh. 在权力高峰,他鲁布廖夫创造了他最有名的图标),该三位一体(1422年至1427年在Radonezh记忆圣谢尔盖。
Only while working on this little image-show did I realize that the song is in memory of a young man "who died in a needless war" . 只有在这个小的图像显示工作,我才意识到这首歌是在内存中的不必要的战争中死亡的一名年轻男子。
Who cherish the memory of her mother in memory of the sailors home, but also a "nostalgia" patients, a desire to return home the streets. 那位怀念着母亲,怀念着家乡的水手,也是一个“怀乡病”患者,一个渴望回家的流浪汉。
I have resolved that the best thing I can do in memory of him is to work. 我下了决心,纪念他的最好方法是努力工作。
Exiled Tibetans called for a boycott of celebrations of the Tibetan new year, in memory of those who died in unrest a year ago. 流亡的西藏人民要求抵制藏历新年的庆祝活动,以纪念对一年前在动乱中丧生的人。
He wrote the poem in memory of his wife who offered her life in defense of the country. 他写这首诗是为了纪念他那为国捐躯的妻子。
"Just myself, " she answered. He felt a qualm in his stomach, and it was more in memory of his own loneliness than anticipation of hers. “就我一个人”,她回答。他感到胃部有一些不适,与其说是因为料到了她的孤独无助,还不如说是想起了自己的形单影只。
In memory of him we planted some trees in front of his house. 我们在他屋前植了几株树以纪念他。
Different things reflect the thoughts by that period. We seal the things we used, in memory of that state of mind. 不同阶段使用过的物品,总会反应了那个时候的思想状态。
Light a candle in memory of your loved one, either before bed, during the evening, or AT mealtime. Use this moment to think of the person. 临睡前、傍晚,或是在用餐时,点燃一支蜡烛怀念故去的亲人,用这一时间怀念逝者。
"I'll smoke the cigar tonight in memory of Red, " Jackson said. "He was a great guy. " “今晚我将要抽一支雪茄来纪念红衣主教,”杰克逊说道,“他是个伟大的家伙。”
He made a gift $1 million to the university in memory of his father. (为了纪念父亲,他捐赠给大学一百万元)。
A reference type variable can be a reference to any object in memory (of the appropriate data type). 引用类型变量可以是对内存中任何对象(具有适当的数据类型)的引用。
The Vesak festival is in memory of the birthday of Buddha, who had found out a way, with perfect wisdom and light, leading to liberation. 卫塞节是纪念佛祖释迦牟尼佛降生人间之日,佛陀在娑婆世界修证出一条智慧圆满光明的解脱之道。
Many visitors to India visit the Taj Mahal to just see what the emperor had to build in memory of his wife. 许多人去参观泰姬陵就是想去看看,皇帝建造了什么样的建造去纪念他的妻子。
The address-of operator. Takes a single argument that must be an lvalue . Yields the address in memory of that object. 取地址操作符需要一个操作数,其唯一的操作数必须是左值对象,该操作返回操作数对象在内存中的存储地址。
I tell you the truth , wherever this gospel is preached throughout the world, what she has done will also be told, in memory of her . 我实在告诉你们,普天之下,无论在什麽地方传这福音,也要述说这女人所行的,作个纪念。
You might not be her fans, but would also feel a sense of lost in memory of her. 你可能未必是她的忠实歌迷,也免不了感到一丝失落,与一丝怀念。
In memory of the poet, the Dragon Boat Festival is still held every year on the anniversary of his death. 为了纪念这位诗人,每年在他的祭日人们都要过龙舟节。二、要点分析
Mrs Parker has put the tortoise in a memorial garden at Carlisle Cemetery in memory of her late husband, Ronnie. 帕克斯夫人把这只陶瓷乌龟放在了卡里索公墓的陵园里,用以纪念他已故去的丈夫罗涅。
The sky tells its beads all night on the countless stars in memory of the sun. 天空整晚对它的露珠说着无数的星星,为了纪念太阳。
She set up an educational fund in memory of her mother. 她为了纪念她母亲而设立了一个教育基金会。
At present, the company mainly engaged in memory of the adapter plate design, production, sales and SMT production services. 目前,公司主要经营内存转接板的设计、生产、销售及SMT生产服务。
A ring is no longer a lifelong commitment, or a lifelong oath, but a scar in memory of our sadness. 戒指,不再是一生一世的承诺,终生相守的誓言,却成了纪念伤感的烙印。
He has a straight front, proudly carried head, eyes gazing into the distance as if in memory of ages past. 它前部挺直,骄傲地昂着头,眼睛凝视着远方好像在回忆着过去的时光。
People in memory of his wife at home section, simply called the broken bridge above the bridge at home. 人们为纪念段家夫妇,便把这断桥称为段家桥。
Kentucky Gov. Ernie Fletcher has ordered flags at all state office buildings to be lowered to half-staff in memory of Frederick. 肯塔基州州长埃米。弗莱彻已经下令所有州政府办公楼下半旗向费雷德里克致哀。
The ball was brought immediately to the nearby Pirckaliashvili home in memory of their son Ako, who died unexpectedly the year before. 球立即被送给附近村民皮尔卡利亚什维利的家中,以纪念他们一年前意外身亡的儿子阿考。
There will be a minute's silence before all Serie A and B games this weekend in memory of the two youngsters. 周末的甲级和乙级的比赛都将在赛前默哀一分钟,以此悼念这两名年轻人。